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· One min read
Uncle Mel
Uncle Mel
Lowly servant

Hello? tap, tap, tap, is this thing on?

So uh, I kind of forced myself onto Servo Scribe to help out adding missing and fixing broken stuff while hopefully not breaking more in the process, some of the stuff I've been doing:

  • Added Vehicles of the Empire
  • Cleaned up a whole boatload of warbands, mostly formatting
  • Added a few missing items to the trading post

And just so you know what's in the hopper, this is my personal wishlist:

  • Update layout for remaining warbands from 1b & 1c
  • Update layout for hired swords & dramatis personae
  • Create filter table for hired sword availability
  • Add the Border Town Burning material
  • Add the Empire in Flames material
  • Add the Khemri material
  • Digitize more scenarios
  • Update cross links / page links (special skills, weapons only in warband, psychology, etc)
  • Move all warband specific weapons and items in warband lists to main tables and update links on the warband sheet

If there's anything you'd like to see, whether it's fixes or additions, post them in the discord.