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Tools & Reference Tables


This is a collection of utility tools and tables for easy mobile reference.


Hit Roll


Wound Roll


D6 Roll


D66 Roll


common close combat weapons

Close Combat Weapons
Fistuser -1+1 armour save
6+ armour save if none normally. Fist only applies to models without weapons, and they can only ever make one attack.
Daggeruser+1 armour save
6+ armour save if none normally.
Hammer, Staff, Mace or ClubuserA roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling for injuries.
AxeuserExtra save modifier of -1
SworduserMay parry.
Flailuser +2+2 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of each H-to-H combat. Cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in H-to-H combat (still gets a +1 armour save from shooting if he has a shield).
Morning Staruser +1+1 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of each H-to-H combat. Cannot use a buckler or additional weapon but may carry a shield.
Halberduser +1Cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in H-to-H combat (still gets a +1 armour save from shooting if he has a shield).
SpearuserStrikes first even if charged (first round of H-to-H combat only). Mounted warriors receive a +1 Strength bonus for the turn they charge.
Lanceuser +2Can only be used from horseback; +2 Strength bonus for the turn the mounted warrior charges.
Double-Handed Sword, Hammer, Axe etcuser +2Cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in H-to-H combat (still gets a +1 armour save from shooting if he has a shield). Always strikes last, even if charging.
Gromril WeaponExtra save modifier of -1.
Ithilmar Weapon+1 Initiative in H-to-H combat.

common ranged weapons

Ranged Weapons
Short Bow16"3
Long Bow30"3
Elf Bow36"3Extra save modifier of -1.
Crossbow30"4May not move and fire on the same turn other than to pivot or stand up.
Sling18"3May fire twice at a maximum range of 9" if no move in the movement phase. Each shot -1 to hit if firing twice.
Throwing Star/Knife6"userNo penalties for range; cannot be used in close combat.
Repeater Crossbow24"3May fire twice per turn at -1 to hit per shot.
Crossbow Pistol10"4May shoot in the first round of H-to-H combat. The shot is always resolved first and has a -2 to hit (use BS).
Pistol6"4-2 armour save
Can only fire every other turn unless model has 2 pistols.
Can be used in H-to-H once per combat. If firing with 2 pistols fire with 2 Attacks in the first round.
Duelling Pistol10"4-2 armour save
+1 to hit.
Can only fire every other turn unless model has two pistols. Can be used in H-to-H once per combat. If firing with 2 pistols fire with 2 Attacks in the first round.
BlunderbussSpecial3Can only fire once per battle. Draw a straight line 16" long and 1" wide. Any models in the path are automatically hit.
Handgun24"4-2 armour save
Can only fire every other turn. May not move and fire on the same turn other than to pivot or stand up.
Hochland Long Rifle48"4-2 armour save
Can only fire every other turn. May not move and fire on the same turn other than to pivot or stand up. Can target any enemy in sight, not just the closest.

advanced critial hits

Missile Weapons
1-2Hits a Weak Spot. The missile penetrates its target’s armour. Ignore all armour saves.
3-4Ricochet. If there are any other models within 6", the closest enemy model is also hit. Roll to wound and take any saves as normal for both targets.
5-6Master Shot. The missile hits an eye, the throat, or some other vulnerable part. The target suffers 2 wounds instead of 1. There is no armour save.
Bludgeoning Weapons
1-2Hammered. The target is knocked off balance. Your opponent may not fight this turn if he hasn’t already fought.
3-4Clubbed. The hit ignores armour saves and saves from helmets.
5Wild Sweep. Your opponent’s weapon is knocked from his hand. If he is carrying two weapons, roll to see which one he loses. He must fight with whatever back-up weapon he has in his equipment for the rest of this combat (or fight unarmed if he has no other weapons). Roll to wound and take armour saves as normal.
6Bludgeoned. The victim automatically goes out of action if he fails his armour save. Even if he has several wounds remaining, he will be taken out of action by this attack.
Bladed Weapons
1-2Flesh Wound. This attack hits an unprotected area, so there is no armour save.
3-4Bladestorm. The warrior unleashes a virtual hail of blows. The attack causes 2 wounds instead of 1. Take armour saves separately for each wound. Remember that, as with other critical hits, if an attack causes multiple wounds for other reasons as well, you choose the highest number of wounds.
5-6Sliced! The strike ignores armour saves, causes 2 wounds, and your warrior gains +2 to any Injury rolls.
Unarmed Combat
1-2Body Blow. Your opponent staggers, allowing you to seize the initiative and make an additional attack. Immediately roll to hit and to wound. Any saves are taken as normal.
3-4Crushing Blow. The blow lands with tremendous force. You gain +1 to the Injury roll if your opponent fails his save.
5-6Mighty Blow. With a mighty punch or flying kick, you send your opponent sprawling to the ground. The attack ignores armour saves and you gain +2 to any Injury rolls.
Thrusting Weapons
1-2Stab. With a quick strike, you penetrate your opponent’s defences. You gain +1 to any Injury rolls. Armour saves are taken as normal.
3-4Thrust. The thrust lands with great force and the target is knocked down. Take armour saves as normal and see whether the model suffers a wound.
5-6Kebab! The thrust knocks the target back with titanic force, ripping apart armour and puncturing flesh. The attack ignores armour saves and you gain +2 to any Injury rolls. The victim is knocked backwards D6" and the attacker follows, staying in base contact. Any other models involved in the combat are separated and only the model which struck the blow and his target are still considered to be in combat. If the target collides with another model, the other model is hit once at S3.

Blackpowder Weapon Misfires

Each time you roll a 1 when rolling to hit with a blackpowder weapon (handgun, pistol, blunderbuss,warplock pistol, etc), roll a D6:

Blackpowder Misfire Table
1BOOM! The weapon explodes with a deafening roar! The shooter suffers an S4 hit (this does not cause critical hits) and the weapon is destroyed.
2Jammed. The weapon is jammed and useless for the remainder of the battle. You may use it as normal in the next battle.
3Phut. The weapon fails to fire and you must remove the shot. This means that the shooter must wait one extra turn before he can fire this weapon again.
4-5Click. The weapon fails to fire, but there is no additional effect.
6KA-BOOM! The weapon roars and spits a cloud of black smoke and flame! The shot hits the intended target and counts as having +1 Strength.


No. of WarriorsOOAs
1 - 41
5 - 82
9 - 123
13 - 164
17 - 205
21 - 246


  1. The player with the lowest warband rating rolls on the Scenario table to determine which scenario is played. In the scenarios where there is an attacker and a defender, the same player may choose which he is.
  2. Roll for warriors with old battle wounds to see whether they can take part or not.
  3. Set up the terrain and warbands according to the rules for the scenario you are playing. The more buildings the better, so you should place all the terrain you have.


1 Injuries.

Henchmen (D6): 1-2 Dead, 3-6 Okay.

Heroes (D66)
16-21Multiple Injuries. Roll D6 times again on this table, re-roll dead/captured/multiple injuries.
22Leg Wound. -1 Movement.
23Arm Wound. D6: 1 = amputated; 2-6 = miss next game.
24Madness. D6: 1-3 = stupidity; 4-6 = frenzy.
25Smashed Leg. D6: 1 = can't run; 2-6 = miss next game
26Chest Wound. -1 Toughness.
31Blinded In One Eye -1 Balistic Skill. If twice, retire.
32Old Battle Wound. D6 starting each battle. 1 = can't play.
33Nervous Condition. -1 Initiative.
34Hand Injury. -1 Weapon Skill.
35Deep Wound. Miss D3 games.
36Robbed. Loses all gear.
41-55Full Recovery.
56Bitter Enmity. Hates D6: 1-3 = individual (enemy leader if it was a henchmen); 4 = leader; 5 = warband; 6= warband type.
61Captured. Click link for details.
62-63Hardened. Immune to fear.
64Horrible Scars. Causes Fear.
65Sold To The Pits. Click link for details.
66Survives Against The Odds. +1 XP.

2 Allocate experience.

Heroes and Henchmen groups gain experience for surviving battles. Normally these are:

  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 extra Experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

However, these can vary per scenario.

Underdog Experience Bonus (per participating fighter)
Difference in
Warband Rating
Experience Bonus
0 - 50None
51 - 75+1
76 - 100+2
101 - 150+3
151 - 300+4

Make any advance rolls.

Advance Roll Tables


  2D6  Result
2 - 5New Skill or random Spell.
6Roll D6: 1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attack.
7Choose either +1 WS or +1 BS.
8Roll D6: 1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership.
9Roll D6: 1-3 = +1 Wound; 4-6 = +1 Toughness.
10 - 12New Skill or random Spell.


Henchmen never add more than +1 point to any of their initial characteristics (reroll if requried).

  2D6  Result
2 - 4+1 Initiative.
5+1 Strength.
6 - 7Choose either +1 BS or +1WS.
8+1 Attack.
9+1 Leadership.
10 - 12The lad’s got talent.

See the Experience and Scenarios sections for more details.

3 Roll on the Exploration chart.

  1. 1D6 per hero not OOA, plus any modifiers.
  2. Doubles, triples etc are an unusual location: see the Income section
  3. The dice scores totalled are additional shards found:
Dice Result (Total)Shards Found

4 Sell Wyrdstone.

This can only be done once per post battle sequence.

Wyrdstone Pricing Table
1-3 warriors4-6 warriors7-9 warriors10-12 warriors13-15 warriors16+ warriors
1 shard454035303025
2 shards60 (30ea)55 (~28ea)50 (25ea)45 (~23ea)40 (20ea)35 (~18ea)
3 shards75 (25ea)70 (~23ea)65 (~21ea)60 (20ea)55 (~18ea)50 (~17ea)
4 shards90 (~23ea)80 (20ea)70 (~18ea)65 (~16ea)60 (15ea)55 (~14ea)
5 shards110 (22ea)100 (20ea)90 (18ea)80 (16ea)70 (14ea)65 (13ea)
6 shards120 (20ea)110 (~18ea)100 (~17ea)90 (15ea)80 (~13ea)70 (~12ea)
7 shards145 (~21ea)130 (~19ea)120 (~17ea)110 (~16ea)100 (~14ea)90 (~13ea)
8+ shards155 (<19ea)140 (<18ea)130 (<17ea)120 (<15ea)110 (<14ea)100 (<13ea)

5 Check available veterans.

Roll 2D6 to see how much Experience worth of veterans is available for hire (your experience pool). You don’t have to commit to hiring any at this point. More info

6 Make rarity rolls and buy rare items.

A hero (not taken out of action in the last battle) decides to look for a specific item, then rolls 2D6 for it to see if they find it or not. They can only find one of that item (per search). If successful, they can buy it and the item goes into the warband’s stash.

7 Look for Dramatis Personae.

If you want to hire any.

8 Hire new recruits & buy common items.

Come with a free dagger + paid common items. Cost is +2gc per XP if adding to existing henchmen groups that have acquired experience. This comes out of your experience pool.

9 Reallocate equipment.

Swap equipment between models as desired (provided they are eligible to use it).

10 Update your warband rating.

You are now ready to fight again.