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Close-combat Weapons


The axe is the traditional weapon of Empire woodsmen, and is also used as a weapon in poorer rural areas. Axes have a heavy blade and, if swung by a strong man, can cause a lot of damage. The blade of an axe can easily cut through armour, though it requires considerable strength from the wielder.

Of all the warriors in the Old World, Dwarfs are the most adept at making axes. Their axes are invaluable to the warriors of the Old World and are some of the most sought after weapons.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Cutting edge

Special Rule

Cutting edge: An axe has an extra save modifier of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using an axe has a -2 save modifier when he hits an opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

Ball and Chain

This is a huge iron ball with a chain attached, used by the dreaded Night Goblin Fanatics to deal out whirling death. Enormously heavy, it can only be used when combined with Mad Cap Mushrooms.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user + 2;
Special Rules: Incredible Force, Random, Two-handed, Cumbersome, Unwieldy.

Special Rules

Incredible Force: Because the Ball and Chain is so heavy, normal armour does very little to protect against it. No armour saves are allowed against wounds caused by a Ball and Chain. In addition, any hit from a Ball and Chain is very likely to take off someone’s head (or at least break some ribs!). Therefore, any hit that successfully wounds will do 1D3 wounds instead of 1.

Random: The only way to wield a Ball and Chain is to swing it around in large circles, using your body as a counter-weight. Unfortunately this is not a very controllable fighting style, and as soon as he starts swinging his Ball and Chain, a warrior starts to lose control. The first turn he starts swinging the Ball and Chain, the model is moved 2D6" in a direction nominated by the controlling player. In his subsequent Movement phases, roll a D6 to determine what the model does:

  D6  Result
1The model trips and strangles himself with the chain. The model is taken out of action. When rolling for Injury after the game, a roll of 1-3 means the model is out permanently, instead of the normal 1-2.
2-5The model moves 2D6" in a direction nominated by the controlling player.
6The model moves 2D6" in a random direction. If the player owns a Scatter dice (available from Games Workshop stores), roll that to determine direction. If not, then roll a D6: 1 – Straight Forward, 2-3 – Right, 4-5 – Left, 6 – Straight Back.

If the Ball and Chain wielding model moves into contact with another model (friend or foe), he counts as charging into close combat, and will engage in close combat until his next Movement phase. Opponents wishing to attack a Ball and Chain wielding model suffer a To Hit penalty of -1, as they must dodge the whirling ball to get close enough to strike. The Ball and Chain wielder cannot be held in close combat and will automatically move even if he starts the Movement phase in base contact with another model. If the model moves into contact with a building, wall, or other obstruction, he is automatically taken out of action. In addition, a ball and chain wielding Goblin is much too busy trying to control the spinning weapon to worry about what others are saying about him behind his back, so ignores the special rules for Animosity.

Cumbersome: Because the Ball and Chain is so heavy, a model equipped with one may carry no other weapons or equipment. In addition, only a model under the influence of Mad Cap Mushrooms has the strength to wield a ball and chain.

Unwieldy: The great weight of the Ball and Chain can easily tear ligaments or pull a wielder’s arms out of their sockets. While someone under the influence of Mad Cap Mushrooms will not notice such effects, when the drug wears off he will be in great pain. To represent this, at the end of the battle the controlling player must roll for Injury for each model that used a Ball and Chain, just as if the model had been taken out of action. If the model was actually taken out of action normally, just roll once for Injury – there is no need to make a second roll.

Barbed Whip

Marauders of Chaos only, Border Town Burning

Originally used for taming the wild Chaos Hounds the barbed whips have proven effective in combat also.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As User;
Special Rules: Cannot be parried, whipcrack, enrage

Special Rules

Whipcrack: When the wielder charges they gain +1A for that turn. This bonus attack is added after any other modifications. When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they may only use against the charger. This additional attack will ‘strike first’. If the wielder is simultaneously charged by two or more opponents they will still only receive a total of +1A. If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they get +1A for the additional hand weapon, but only the first whip gets the whipcrack +1A.

Cannot be parried: A model attacked by a barbed whip may not make parries with a sword or buckler.

Enrage: The Hero may use his whip to make the Warhounds charge wildly. As long as he is not involved in close combat all Warhounds of Chaos within 4” gain +1 attack.


Dark Elves only (Beastmaster), Town Cryer #12

The Beastmaster make good use of their whips to goad their hounds and creatures into combat.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As User -1;
Special Rules: Cannot be parried, whipcrack, Beastbane

Special Rules

Beastbane: The Beastmaster wielding a Beastlash causes Fear in animals, any animal charged or wishing to charge a Beastmaster with one of these weapons must first take a Fear test as mentioned in the psychology section of the Mordheim rules.

Cannot Be Parried: The Beastlash is a flexible weapon and the Beastmaster use it with great expertise. Attempts to parry its strikes are futile. A model attacked by a Beastlash may not make parries with swords or bucklers.

Whipcrack: when the wielder charges they gain +1A for that turn. This bonus attack is added after any other modifications. When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they may only use against the charger. This additional attack will ‘strike first’. If the wielder is simultaneously charged by two or more opponents they will still only receive a total of +1A. If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they get +1A for the additional hand weapon, but only the first whip gets the whipcrack +1A.

Boat Hook

Pirates only, Town Cryer #9

These are normally used to pull in ropes or other objects from the water, but their long reach and wicked metal catches makes them also useful in combat.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As User -1;
Special Rules: Strike First, Two-handed

Special Rules

Strike First: Boat Hooks are used in Close Combat. They allow the user to Strike First in the first round of any close combat, no matter which model charged, but require both hands to use.

Two handed: Models using a Boat Hook in combat cannot use any other weapons, or gain benefit from a shield or buckler, while in close combat.

Brass Knuckles

Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe, Town Cryer 7

Brass knuckles are a weapon commonly used by streets thugs and robbers who are all too common an infestation in the mighty cities of the Empire. Easily secreted, they are used in pairs and while cumbersome to use in a straight fight, can cause crippling blows to an opponent with a single well landed punch.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rules: Pair, Cumbersome

Special Rules

Pair: Brass knuckles are used in pairs and the warrior fighting with them gains an extra Attack. He may not use any other weapons or items in his hands while doing this however. He is free to swap his brass knuckles for other weapons and items during the battle but may not do this if in combat.

Cumbersome: Brass knuckles are difficult to use due to the fact that they offer little in the way of range and a warrior must get close up to his opponent before he can strike. For this reason a warrior using brass knuckles suffers a -2 to Initiative in close combat.

Brazier Iron

Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe, Mordheim Annual 2002

The brazier Iron is a weapon commonly used by witch hunters. It consists of a long heft topped by an iron cup filled with burning hot coals. In combat, the weapon takes on an eldritch quality as the burning embers sear the air as it is swung, opponents sent reeling in flaming agony as they are set on fire.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user + 1;
Special Rule: Two handed, Fire


Two handed: A warrior armed with a brazier staff requires two hands to wield it effectively and so may not use a shield with it or another hand weapon or buckler in close combat. The warrior may still use a shield for the purposes of missile fire though.

Fire: The burning brazier of coals atop the staff is deadly, capable of setting an opponent ablaze with even the slightest glancing blow. Whenever you score a successful hit with the brazier staff roll a D6. If you roll a 5+ the victim is set on fire. If the warrior survives the attack they must score a 4+ in the recovery phase or they will suffer a strength 4 hit each turn they are on fire and will be unable to do anything other than move. Other warriors from the same warband may help to put the warrior out if they wish. They must move into base-to-base contact and score a 4+ in the recovery phase.

Boss Pole

Goblins only, Nemesis Crown Supplement

Some influential Goblins carry badges of office, usually taking the form of long wooden poles with an icon or sharp blade on the end. This allows the hero and any Goblin henchmen within 6" to ignore animosity. Additionally, the Boss Pole acts as a spear in close combat.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Strike First, Cavalry Bonus, Ignore Animosity


Strike First: A warrior with a spear strikes first, even if charged. Note that this only applies in the first turn of hand-to-hand combat.

Cavalry Bonus: If using the optional rules for mounted models, a mounted warrior armed with a spear receives a +1 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.

Ignore Animosity: Heroes and henchmen within 6" ignore Animosity.

Cat O' Nine Tails

Pirates only, Town Cryer #9

Order is often maintained aboard the ship with the threat of the lash. In battle the long barbed whip of the Cat is also seen, but this time dealing out punishment to the enemy!

Range: 4";
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Cannot be parried, Weak, Whipcrack


The range was published as 4". However, the Cat O' Nine Tails is simply a weaker steel whip. As steel whips had their range revised to Close Combat, it's suggested that the range here should be revised as well. It'll also make gameplay much simpler to follow!

- servo_scribe

Special Rules

Cannot be parried: Like the Steel Whips of the Sisterhood, Cats cannot be parried by swords or bucklers.

Weak: Since they are made of rope and not steel, they give the enemy model a +1 to his armour save (6+ for no armour), like a hit from a fist or dagger.

Whipcrack: When the wielder charges they gain +1A for that turn. This bonus attack is added after any other modifications. When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they may only use against the charger. This additional attack will ‘strike first’. If the wielder is simultaneously charged by two or more opponents they will still only receive a total of +1A. If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they get +1A for the additional hand weapon, but only the first whip gets the whipcrack +1A.

Cathayan longsword

1c, Border Town Burning Supplement

Prized indeed are blades of Ithilmar forged by Elves. Even more masterful are the arms crafted by swordsmiths in Cathay. Known as a Jintachi blade among Estalian merchants, the Cathayan longsword is a deadly crown jewel in the hands of a skilled fighter. Gold alone is never enough to acquire such a weapon. Jintachi are heirlooms and highly coveted. The few still smithed are gifted only in reward for some heroic deed that is done in the kingdoms to the east.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Parry, Cutting Edge, Mastercrafted

Special Rules

Mastercrafted: Attacks made with a Cathayan longsword give the bearer +1 Initiative and +1 Weapon Skill.


Skaven of Clan Pestilens only, Town Cryer #29

The censer is a hollow spiked metal ball attached to a long chain and is swung like a flail. A plague infested shard of warpstone burns inside the ball and emits pestilential fumes that nauseate the opponents and may turn the wielder of the censer into a difficult target to shoot at.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user + 2;
Special Rule: Heavy, Two-Handed, Fog of Death

Special Rules

Heavy: The +2 Strength bonus applies only to the first turn of hand to hand combat.

Two-handed: A censer requires two hands to be used and the wielder cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat.

Fog of Death: A model hit by the censer must take a Toughness test. Roll a D6. If the result is higher than the Toughness of the model taking the test, he will suffer an automatic wound in addition to the censer hit. A result of 6 always inflicts a wound. Also the model wielding the censer must take the test and will suffer a wound with a result of 6. Models of undead and possessed are immune to the fog of death and do not take the test. If the model wielding the censer also has the fog-enhancing warpstone shards, he becomes a difficult target to shoot at, and models targeting him with missile weapons suffer a -1 penalty to hit.

Claw of the Old Ones

Amazons (Mordheim) Only

This is a very ancient weapon made from a strange metal that is impervious to age and corrosion. The powers of this artefact can only be unleashed through a ritual known only to a handful of Amazons. The blade of this weapon glows white hot and can cut through armour as if it were paper.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user + 1;
Special Rule: No save, Parry.


No save: The blade of the Claw can literally cut through anything. A warrior wounded by a Claw receives no armour save whatsoever.

Chain Sticks

Battle Monks only, Border Town Burning

Range: Close Combat Strength: As user
Special Rules: Flurry, Two-handed


Flurry: A set of chain sticks allows its wielder to unleash a furious bludgeoning. A warrior armed with chain sticks gets +2 Attacks. This bonus only applies in the first turn of each hand-to-hard combat. Using chain sticks otherwise counts as having two hand weapons.


Mootlanders only, Citadel Journal 36

Cleavers are one of the best kitchen tools for fighting with, it’s fairly light and can cut through things rather like an axe.

Range: Close Combat Strength: As user Special Rules: -1 Save


Daggers and knives are extremely common, and men are allowed to carry them in enclaves where weapons are otherwise forbidden. Many a warrior in Mordheim has died with a dagger in his back.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save

Special Rule

+1 Enemy armour save: Daggers are not the best weapons to use for penetrating an enemy model’s armour. An enemy wounded by a dagger gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he has none normally.

Dark Elf Blade

Dark Elves only, Town Cryer #12

Dark Elf Blades are forged in the city of Hag Graef, the Dark Crag. They are fashioned from Blacksteel, a rare form of steel found deep within the mountains around the city. Dark Elf Blades have wicked protrusions and serrated edges, which inflict serious damage on an opponent.

Any Dark Elf can upgrade a sword or dagger to a Dark Elf Blade by paying an additonal 20 gc at the time of purchase. Weapons upgraded to a Dark Elf Blade retain all of their abilities (i.e. swords can parry, daggers grant an armour save of 6).

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Critical Damage, Wicked Edge

Special Rules

Critical Damage: Dark Elf Blades inflict serious damage on their opponents. When rolling on the critical hit chart a Dark Elf Blade will add +1 to the result.

Wicked Edge: Dark Elf Blades are set with sharp protrusions and serrated edges which inflict serious damage on an opponent. A roll of 2-4 on the injury table is a Stunned result.

Disease Dagger

Skaven of Clan Pestilens only, Town Cryer #29

This dagger is permanently covered with a disgusting and moulderish layer of green ooze that may infect those that are hit with terrible diseases.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save, Infecting

Special Rules

+1 Enemy Armour Save: Daggers are not the best weapons to use for penetrating an enemy model’s armour. An enemy wounded by a dagger gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he has none normally.

Infecting: a natural 6 on an hit roll means that the model hit has been infected with the disease and that he must take a Toughness test. Roll a D6. If the result is higher than the Toughness of the model taking the test, he will suffer an automatic wound in addition to the dagger hit. Models of undead and possessed are immune to this disease and do not take the test. A model wielding two Disease Daggers gains a +1 Attack bonus for wielding two weapons and there is no further effect, except that the chances of rolling an infecting 6 on the hit rolls are higher.

Double-handed sword, hammer, axe, etc

A blow from a double-handed axe or sword can cut a foe in half and break armour apart. It takes a long time to learn how to use these weapons and even then only extremely strong men are able to wield them effectively.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +2;
Special Rules: Two-handed, Strike last

Special Rules

Two-handed: A model armed with a double-handed weapon may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If the model is equipped with a shield he will still get a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.

Strike last: Double-handed weapons are so heavy that the model using them always strikes last, even when charging.

Dwarf Axe

Dwarf axes are smaller-hafted weapons made of lighter (but stronger) materials than normal axes. Dwarf Warriors are specially trained in their use and are able to use them as deftly as a Human warrior might wield a sword.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Cutting Edge, Parry.

Special Rules

Cutting Edge: Dwarf axes have an extra save modifier of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using a Dwarf axe has a -2 save modifier when he hits an opponent with the axe in close combat.

Parry: Dwarf axes offer an excellent balance of defence and offense. A model armed with a Dwarf axe may parry blows. When his opponent rolls to hit, the model armed with a Dwarf axe may roll a D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped. A model may not parry more than one attack in a single Close Combat phase; a model armed with two Dwarf axes (or a Dwarf axe and a sword, etc) does not get to parry two attacks but may instead re-roll a failed parry.

Fighting claws

The martial arts practised by Clan Eshin employ many unusual weapons. The most famous of these are the Eshin Fighting Claws: sharp metal blades attached to the paws of a Skaven warrior. It takes a real expert to use them effectively, but an adept of Clan Eshin is a fearsome opponent when armed this way.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Pair, Climb, Parry, Cumbersome


Pair: Fighting Claws are traditionally used in pairs, one in each hand. A warrior armed with Fighting Claws gets an additional attack.

Climb: A Skaven equipped with Fighting Claws can add +1 to his Initiative when making Climbing tests.

Parry: A Skaven armed with Fighting Claws may parry blows and can re-roll a failed attempt once, in the same way as a model armed with a sword and buckler.

Cumbersome: A model armed with Fighting Claws may not use any other weapons in the entire battle.


The truly desperate, who don’t even own a knife, have to fight with their bare hands. Needless to say, their chances of survival are comparable to Halflings going without food for eight hours!

Note: The following rule only apply to warriors who have lost their weapons. Creatures such as Zombies, animals, etc, ignore these rules. Warriors using their fists can only ever make 1 attack.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user -1;
Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save

Special Rule

+1 Enemy armour save: An enemy wounded by a fist gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he normally has none.


The flail is a heavy weapon wielded with both hands. It normally consists of heavy weights, often spiked, attached to a pole or handle by means of heavy chains. Flails drain the user’s stamina quickly, but are awesomely destructive in the hands of a skilled (or unhinged) warrior.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +2;
Special Rules: Heavy, Two-handed

Special Rules

Heavy: A flail is extremely tiring to use and thus the +2 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of each hand-to-hand combat.

Two-handed: As a flail requires two hands to use, a model using a flail may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If the model has a shield he still gets a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.

Great Axe

Marauders of Chaos only, Border Town Burning

These over-sized Battle Axes can be wielded only by the strongest of warriors.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +2;
Special Rules: Two-handed, Strike last, Cutting edge

Special Rules

Two-handed: As a great axe requires two hands to use, a model using a great axe may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. If the model has a shield he still gets a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.

Strike last: Great Axes are so heavy that the model using them always strikes last, even when charging, unless it has the Strongman skill.

Cutting Edge: A Great Axe has an extra save modifier of –1, so a model with Strength 4 using a Chaos Battle Axe has a –4 save modifier in hand-to-hand combat.

Gromril weapon

Only a Dwarf Runesmith can forge a weapon from gromril, a rare meteoric iron. A blade fashioned from this metal will stay keen for a thousand years.

A gromril weapon has an extra -1 save modifier, and costs four times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose which type of hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you as explained in the Trading section.


The halberd’s heavy blade is mounted upon a sturdy shaft of oak or steel and has a point like a spear and a cutting edge like an axe. Since it can be used to chop as well as thrust, it is an adaptable weapon, but is difficult to use inside buildings.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rule: Two-handed

Special Rule

Two-handed: A model armed with a halberd may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat.

If the model has a shield he still gets a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.

Hammer, staff, mace or club

Perhaps the simplest type of weapon, these brutal, bludgeoning instruments range from primitive wooden clubs to elaborately forged Dwarf hammers made from the finest steel. A blow from a mace can easily crush a skull or knock a man unconscious.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Concussion

Special Rule

Concussion: Hammers and other bludgeoning weapons are excellent to use for striking your enemy senseless. When using a hammer, club or mace, a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling to see the extent of a model’s injuries.

Hobgoblin Poisoined Daggers

Hobgoblins only, GW Troll Magazine

Hobgoblins, also called “slippery fellows”, poison the blades of their daggers. Cunning and crafty, Hobgoblins are often employed by their masters as assassins, although they are rather cullable and unreliable troops.

Range: Close Combat
Strength: As user
Special Rules: Pair, Swift, Poisoned, +1 Enemy Armor Save

Pair: Poisoned Daggers are traditionally used in pairs, one in each hand. A warrior armed with Poisoned Daggers gets an additional attack (for the offhand weapon attack).

Swift: Hobgoblins armed with Poisoned Daggers count as having +1 Initiative when determining combat order.

Poisoned: The venom of Poisoned Daggers will enter the blood of the victim and ravage his organs and muscles. The weapons count as being permanently coated in Black Lotus. No additional poison may be applied to Poisoned Daggers.

+1 Enemy Armor Save: Poisoned Daggers count as daggers, and thus an enemy wounded by a dagger gains a +1 bonus to his armor save, and a 6+ armor save if he has none normally.

Horseman's hammer

Empire in Flames Supplement, Town Crier 24

This is a great hammer similar to the ones used by Knights of the White Wolf. Far too bulky to use in one hand, a Horseman's Hammer is best suited to mounted combat, when the impetus of the horse may be used to add to the power of the weapon.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rules: Two-handed, Cavalry Charge

Special Rules

Two-handed: A model armed with a Horseman's Hammer may not use a shield, buckler, or additional weapon in close combat. If the model is equipped with a shield he will still get a +1 bonus to his armour save against shooting.

Cavalry Charge: A model armed with a Horseman's Hammer may use the speed of his charge to increase the might of his attacks. A model on a steed with a Horseman's Hammer gains a further +1 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.

Iron fist

Maneaters only, Border Town Burning supplement

Ogres often shield their off-hand with some kind of spiked gauntlet. Such a heavy glove can be used to bat aside the strongest of attacks in a similar way to a giant buckler or to smash an enemy's face to a pulp.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength As user;
Special rules Parry, Gloved, Dual-role

Special Rules

Parry: A model with an iron fist may parry enemy blows.

Gloved: A model armed with an iron fist may not hold another weapon in the same hand. This means a double-handed weapon cannot be used. Having two iron fists means the Ogre may not use any other close combat weapons during a battle.

Dual-role: Iron fists operate like a buckler and a bladed hand weapon at the same time. This means that an iron fist allows the wearer to re-roll failed parry attempts if paired with a sword or another iron fist.

Ithilmar weapon

Elven blades are forged from priceless ithilmar, an extremely light but strong metal, found only in the fabled Elven kingdoms. A few of these weapons are occasionally found in the Old World and these are normally spoils of war, taken by the Norse raiders who pillage the coastal settlements of the Elves.

An ithilmar weapon gives its user +1 Initiative in hand-to-hand combat, and costs three times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose which hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you as explained in the Trading section.


Battle Monks and Merchant Caravans only, Border Town Burning Supplement

Katanas are great-swords that are typically used by Cathayan soldiers and ronins, and occasionally lifted by monks.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special rules: Two-handed, Parry

Special Rules

Two-handed: A model armed with a katana may not use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in close combat. It gets an additional +1 armour save bonus against ranged attacks if it carries a shield.

Parry: Katanas, despite their great size, can be used for parrying like a sword. When his opponent rolls to hit, the model armed with it may roll a D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped.


Khemri setting, Town Cryer #18

This is an Arabian-style punch dagger. It has a handle perpendicular to the blade and is used in a punching thrusting manner.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: -1 enemy armour save

Kitchen Knife

Mootlanders only, Citadel Journal 36

The common kitchen knife does not only have to be used for chopping vegetables, in the chubby but expert hands of a Master Chef it can make an awful mess of his enemies!

Range: Close Combat Strength: As user Special Rules: -1 Save


Mootlanders only, Citadel Journal 36

A ladle isn’t very good for killing your foes but if aimed correctly, a crack across the knuckles can seriously reduce even the best warrior’s fighting ability.

Range: Close Combat Strength: As user Special Rules: No save except shields, Knuckle Cracking

Special Rules

Knuckle Cracking: If a Master Chef manages to hit an enemy in close combat (a feat within itself) and scores a ‘6’ in doing so he has rapped his enemy across the knuckles and forced him to drop his weapon.

No Save: A Master Chef knows exactly where to aim his ladle, helmets and breast plates are of little use against a ladle whacked across the hands. The only saving throws allowed are from shields or skills.


Lances are long, heavy spears used by mounted shock troops to rip through armour and fling their foes to the ground. They are the chosen weapons of Knights Templar and other wealthy warriors. To use a lance requires great skill and strength, and only the richest warriors ride the heavy warhorses needed to wield these mighty weapons effectively.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +2;
Special Rules: Cavalry weapon/bonus

Special Rules

Cavalry weapon: A warrior must own a warhorse to use a lance, as it can only be used whilst he is on horseback.

Cavalry bonus: If using optional rules for mounted models, a warrior armed with a lance receives a +2 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.

Strength Bonus

As with the Flail, the +2 Strength only counts on the turn the warrior is charging while mounted as explained in the "Cavalry Bonus" special rule, they are not cumulative.

Main Gauche

Hochland Bandits only, Nemesis Crown Supplement

A main gauche is a dagger with a large hand guard, often used in conjunction with a rapier or other sword. Popular among duellists and petty nobles, the main gauche is sometimes seen as a "foppish" weapon, but in reality it provides the wielder the ability to be strong both in attack and defense.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength As user;
Special rules Parry, +1 Enemy Armour Save


Chaos Dwarfs only, Border Town Burning supplement

Semi-circular prongs mounted on pole-arms are popular among the Gaolers of Zharr-Naggrund. This non-lethal spring loaded device can ensnare the most violent of prisoners.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength As user;
Special rules Capture, Two-handed

Special Rules

Capture: A model taken out of action by a Mancatcher becomes captured. Do not roll for Serious Injuries. The catch is locked up in the Engine of Chaos instead. If the warband does not include an Engine of Chaos, roll for Serious Injuries as normal. Large models, such as Ogres, Trolls and Minotaurs, cannot be captured this way, and neither can animals.

Morning star

A morning star consists of a wooden or steel shaft with heavy chains that have spiked steel balls attached. It is very destructive and requires great skill to wield effectively.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rules: Heavy, Difficult to use

Special Rules

Heavy: The morning star is extremely tiring to use, so its +1 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of each hand-to-hand combat.

Difficult to use: A model with a morning star may not use a second weapon or buckler in his other hand because it requires all his skill to wield it. He may carry a shield as normal though.

Obsidian Weapon

Marauders of Chaos, Norse, Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Possessed and Carnival of Chaos only, Border Town Burning

Obsidian is mined in the Dark Lands by the minions of Chaos. When expertly derived from its ore, the curious volcanic rock becomes ensorcelled by engineers manufacturing artefacts in the furnaces of Zharr-Naggrund. Forging weapons using these vile techniques requires acute diabolic expertise making them extremely rare.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As User +1;
Special Rules: Blemished, Heavy

An obsidian weapon gives its user +1 Strength in hand-to-hand combat, and costs four times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose which type of hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you.

Special Rules

Blemished: Although not strictly tainted by Chaos, all artefacts of Obsidian are considered tinged with evil, by the same darkness associated with their artisans. Obsidian weapons may never be used by Dwarfs,Elves, Sisters of Sigmar, Witch Hunters or Priests.

Heavy: Obsidian weapons are so heavy that the warrior using them always strikes last, even when charging.

Sons of Hashut Obsidian Weapon

Chaos Dwarfs only, GW Troll Magazine

Conflicting Names

Both the Sons of Hashut warband and Border Town Burning contain the Obsidian Weapon. The Sons of Hashut editor recommends your campaign use EITHER the obsidian rules contained, or from Border Town Burning; do not use both, unless you rename one of them for clarity

Obsidian weapons are very rare because it takes a long time to forge the weapon without causing fissures in the stone; however, once forged, they are prepared to withstand heavy impacts during use.

Range: Close Combat
Strength: As user +1
Special Rules: Personal, heavy

Personal: The weapon keeps the bonuses for weapons of this type; only swords, axes, and hammers can be made of obsidian (all three weapons cost the same: 60 crowns).

Heavy: A warrior equipped with an obsidian weapon subtracts 1 from his Initiative attribute in melee combat.

Ogre club

Maneaters only, Border Town Burning supplement

Ogre clubs are crudely fashioned with bindings, spikes, and studs, and the craftsmanship and size of the club an Ogre wields is an indication of his status. An Ogre wielding a simple log is generally seen as desperate or extremely poor while wandering ones are known to wield almost anything of suitable size such as street lamps, salvaged artillery or pieces of architecture. These clubs are normally used for knocking out food so that it can be dragged back to the cave without losing much blood, but are also perfect for breaking enemies defence in a fight. An Ogre trusts his club and will eat it only in the direst of circumstances.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength As user;
Special rules Concussion, Crushing attack

Special Rules

Concussion: Ogre clubs are excellent to use for striking enemies senseless. When using an Ogre club, a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling for Injuries.

Crushing Attack: Ogre clubs may be wielded with impressive strength imposing –1 to enemy armour saves. Also the Strength of the attack is considered one higher for parry attempts by the defender, so a S3 model may not parry attacks by a S5 Ogre wielding the club. Crushing Attack only applies if the Ogre uses the club with both hands.


Setting: Lustria, Cities of Gold

The Pike is a special weapon in Lustria - Cities of Gold. It is somewhat longer than a spear and is weighted so that it can be wielded efficiently between the trees and underbrush and that is so common in the jungle.

Range: Close Combat (3");
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Strike First, Long Polearm, Unwieldy, Large

Special Rules

Strike First: A model wielding a pike can strike first in the first round of combat even when charged by a model wielding a spear. After the initial round of combat resolve strikes in Initiative order. The model can change to normal hand-to-hand weapons after the initial round.

Long Polearm: Due to its considerable length, a model that has a pike can attack another model from up to 3" away without being a part of a hand-to-hand melee.

Unwieldy: Pikes have to be used with both hands therefore only 1 attack is allowed. The model also cannot take advantage of a shield or buckler while using a pike.

Large: Because of its length and weight only man-sized or larger creatures can use pikes. Skaven, Skinks, Halflings, etc cannot.

Poison Daggers

Night Goblins only, Mordheimer Information Centre

A pair of daggers which are coated in Death Cap mushroom juice. The coating is re-applied for free after every game. It is derived from the poisonous Death Cap mushrooms and has the same effect as Black Lotus.


Paired: Poisoned Daggers are traditionally used in pairs, one in each hand. A warrior armed with Poisoned Daggers gets an additional attack.

Poisoned: These blades are coated in Death Cap Mushroom juice. The daggers are re-coated for free after every game, and they have the same effect as Black Lotus. For reference: they will wound the target automatically if you roll a 6 to hit. Note that you can still roll a dice for every wound inflicted in this way. If you roll a 6, you will inflict a critical hit with that roll. If you do not roll a 6, you will cause a normal wound. Take armor saves as normal.

Poisoned Weapon

Forest Goblins only, Nemesis Crown Supplement

Forest Goblins commonly jab their weapon points into the bodies of giant spiders in hopes of coating them with deadly poison. Once this poison is bought, it is applied to one weapon, and may not be traded or sold later on.

The weapon in question, once poisoned, adds +1 to any injury rolls from then on.

Quarter Staff

Battle Monks only, Border Town Burning

Range: Close Combat
Strength: As user
Special Rules: Balanced, Parry, Freestyle


Balanced: A quarter staff is especially light and easy to wield. A model armed with a fighting staff gets +1 Initiative in close combat.

Freestyle: Although a staff does not always require two hands to use, it cannot be combined with another weapon, shield, buckler, etc. However, it can be combined with the Monks bare hand attacks. This means that the Monk is still getting +1 Attack.


Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe, Mordheim Annual 2002

The rapier is a long thing blade commonly used by dualists. It is a deadly, shard weapon capable of delivering a multitude of blows but lacks the power of a broadsword.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Parry, Barrage, Armour Save

Special Rules

Parry: Like all swords, you may use a rapier to parry in hand to hand combat. When your opponent scores a hit you must roll a D6. If you can score greater than the highest 'to hit' roll you have parried the blow and the attack is discarded.

Barrage: A warrior armed with a rapier rolls to hit and wound as normal. However, if you mange to hit your opponent but fail to wound, you may attack again just as if you had another attack but at –1 to hit (down to a maximum to needing a 6 to hit). You may continue attacking as long as you hit and it is possible to strike your opponent many times, particularly if your warrior has more then one attack on his profile.

Armour Save: Because a rapier is a very light sword that lacks the thick armour breaking blade of the broadsword, armour saves are made at +1.

Sigmarite warhammer

One of the traditional weapons of the Sisterhood, the warhammer echoes Ghal-Maraz, the great hammer of Sigmar himself.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rules: Concussion, Holy

Special Rules

Concussion: Warhammers are excellent at striking people senseless. When using a warhammer in close combat a roll of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling on the Injury chart.

Holy Weapon: Each warhammer is blessed by the High Matriarch herself before it is handed to the Sisters. The warhammer has a +1 bonus on all to wound rolls against any Possessed or Undead models. Note that you will still need to score a 6 before any modifiers in order to cause a critical hit. Only Matriarchs and Sister Superiors may carry two Sigmarite warhammers.


Spears range from sharpened sticks used by Goblins to the impressive cavalry spears typical of the Elves.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Strike first, Unwieldy, Cavalry bonus

Special Rules

Strike first: A warrior with a spear 'strikes first' in the first turn of hand-to-hand combat.

Unwieldy: A warrior with a spear may only use a shield or a buckler in his other hand. He may not use a second weapon.

Cavalry bonus: If using the rules for mounted models, a mounted warrior armed with a spear receives a +1 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.

Spiked Gauntlet

The spiked gauntlet counts as an additional hand weapon and a buckler. And no, your Heroes cannot learn to use it!

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Parry

Squig Prodder

Night Goblins only, web

This item is a long pole with a trio of spikes at the end. It is used by Goblin Squig Herders to keep their livestock in line. Cave Squigs and Great Squigs will recognize a Squig Prodder and automatically give the bearer more respect, as they’ve all been on its pointy end more than once!

To represent this, a Goblin with a Squig Prodder can keep all Cave Squigs and Great Squigs within 12" from going wild, instead of the normal 6" (see the Minderz special rule). In addition, a Squig Prodder is treated exactly like a Spear in hand-to-hand combat.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Squig control, Strike first, Unwieldy, Cavalry bonus

Special Rules

Squig control: A Goblin with a Squig Prodder can keep all Cave Squigs and Great Squigs within 12" from going wild, instead of the normal 6" (see the Minderz special rule).

Strike first: A warrior with a spear 'strikes first' in the first turn of hand-to-hand combat.

Unwieldy: A warrior with a spear may only use a shield or a buckler in his other hand. He may not use a second weapon.

Cavalry bonus: If using the rules for mounted models, a mounted warrior armed with a spear receives a +1 Strength bonus when he charges. This bonus only applies for that turn.


Amazons (Lustria) only, Town Cryer #15

Of the many strange weapons the Amazons possess the Starblade is built like an Amazonian dagger. It is usually painted exotic colours and contains magical properties that enhance the fighting prowess of the Amazons.

It is a close combat weapon and attacks like a dagger but can parry the first successful hit of any combat on a 4+.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: +1 Enemy armour save, Potential Parry

Special Rules

Potential Parry: A Starblade can parry the first successful hit of any combat on a 4+.


Amazons (Lustria) only, Town Cryer #15

This is an ancient and legendary sword that can cut through armour as if it were a leaf.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user +1;
Special Rule: Parry, Ignores Armour

Special Rules

Ignores Armour: A Starsword ignores all armour saves except for ward and Dodge saves.

Steel whip

Another weapon unique to the Sisterhood is the steel whip, made from barbed steel chains.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Cannot be parried, Whipcrack


Cannot be parried: The steel whip is a flexible weapon and the Priestesses use it with great expertise. Attempts to parry its strikes are futile. A model attacked by a steel whip may not make parries with swords or bucklers.

Whipcrack: When the wielder charges they gain +1A for that turn. This bonus attack is added after any other modifications. When the wielder is charged they gain +1A that they may only use against the charger. This additional attack will ‘strike first’. If the wielder is simultaneously charged by two or more opponents they will still only receive a total of +1A. If the wielder is using two whips at the same time then they get +1A for the additional hand weapon, but only the first whip gets the whipcrack +1A.


The sword is often referred to as the ‘king of weapons’. The most common sword available, the broadsword of the Empire, is a masterpiece by the standards of any smith: four full feet of gleaming steel, double-edged and razor-sharp.

Swords are much more effective weapons than crude clubs and axes, though learning to use a sword is a long and difficult process. It takes years to truly master this weapon – most warriors in Mordheim die long before they get this far!

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Parry

Special Rule

Parry: Swords offer an excellent balance of defence and offence. A model armed with a sword may parry blows. When his opponent rolls to hit, the model armed with a sword may roll a D6. If the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. A model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own Strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped.

Sword Breaker

Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe, Mordheim Annual 2002

The sword breaker is a specialist weapon wrought by only the most talented swordsmiths. Next to the hilt are two prongs concealed within the blade that can be used to trap an opponent’s blade, twisting and snapping it with a single, well timed movement.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Parry, Trap Blade


Parry: The sword breaker allows the wielder to parry the attacks of his opponents in close combat. When your opponent scores a hit roll a D6. If you can roll greater than the highest 'to hit' roll of your opponent you have parried the attack and the blow is wasted.

Trap Blade: The two prongs used to trap an opponent's weapon are snapped out when the warrior parries. Whenever you make a successful parry attempt roll a D6. If you score a 4+ you break the weapon your opponent was using. The weapon is now useless and they must use another one, or if they have no other weapon, resort to unarmed combat.


Mootlanders only, Citadel Journal 36

Although other warbands scoff at your rolling pins and tenderisers, they are fully capable of crushing a skull or knocking an opponent unconscious.

Range: Close Combat Strength: As user Special Rules: Stuns on 2-4


Pit Fighters only, Town Cryer #21

Cost: 15 gold crowns Availability: Rare 7 (Pit Fighters only)

The Trident as a Pit Fighter weapon originates in Tilea from the ancient days when gladiators, as the Tileans called them, would fight in the massive public arenas. This weapon is similar to a spear and has all of its advantages in length but it has three spear points, allowing an adept user to catch blades between them and turn them aside.

Traditionally, the trident is a weapon that is combined with a net and used by a lightly armoured Pit Fighter against the more heavily armed Swordsmen.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rule: Parry, Strike first

Weeping blades

50 gold crowns (per pair)

Availability: Rare 9, Skaven only

The adepts of Clan Eshin use weapons called Weeping Blades, murderous swords constructed with a small amount of warpstone in their structure. A Weeping Blade constantly sweats a deadly corrosive venom.

Range: Close Combat;
Strength: As user;
Special Rules: Pair, Venomous, Parry

Pair: Weeping Blades are traditionally used in pairs, one in each hand. A warrior armed with Weeping Blades gets an additional attack.

Venomous: The venom of Weeping Blades will enter the blood of the victim and ravage his organs and muscles. These weapons count as being permanently coated in black lotus. No additional poison may be applied to Weeping Blades.

Parry: Weeping Blades are swords and can be used for parrying.