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Leadership & Psychology

the rout test

A player must make a Rout test at the start of his turn if a quarter (25%) or more of his warband is out of action. For example, in a warband that has twelve warriors a test is needed if three or more are out of action. Even warbands who are normally immune to psychology (such as Undead) must make Rout tests.

If the Rout test is failed, the warband automatically loses the fight. The game ends immediately and surviving warriors retreat from the area. A failed Rout test is the most common way in which a fight ends.

To take a Rout test roll 2D6. If the score is equal to or less than the warband leader’s Leadership, the player has passed the test and may continue to fight.

If the warband’s leader is out of action or stunned, then the player may not use his Leadership to take the test. Instead, use the highest Leadership characteristic amongst any remaining fighters who are not stunned or out of action.

voluntary rout

A player may choose to voluntarily Rout at the start of any of his own turns if he wishes, but only if he was already required to take a Rout test or if a quarter (25%) or more of his warband are out of action.


A warrior within 6" of his leader may use his leader’s Leadership value when taking Leadership tests. This represents the leader’s ability to encourage his warriors and push them beyond normal limits.

A leader cannot confer this bonus if he is knocked down, stunned or fleeing himself. The sight of your leader running for cover is obviously far from encouraging!

all alone

Being outnumbered and alone is a nerve-racking situation for any warrior.

If your warrior is fighting alone against two or more opponents, and there are no friendly models within 6" (knocked down, stunned or fleeing friends do not count), he must make a test at the end of his combat phase. The test is taken against the model’s Leadership on 2D6. If the warrior scores equal to or under his Leadership his nerve holds. If the score is greater than his Leadership, the warrior breaks from combat and runs. Each one of his opponents may make one automatic hit against him as he turns to run. If the model survives, he runs 2D6" directly away from his enemies.

At the start of each of his turns, the warrior must take another Leadership test. If he passes, he stops but can do nothing else during his own turn except cast spells. If he fails or is charged, he runs 2D6" towards the nearest table edge, avoiding any enemy models. If he reaches the table edge before he has managed to recover his nerves, he is removed from combat.

If a warrior is charged while he is fleeing, the charger is moved into base contact as normal, but the fleeing warrior will then run a further 2D6" towards the table edge, before any blows can be struck.


Fear is a natural reaction to huge or unnerving creatures. A model must take a fear test (ie, test against his Leadership) in the following situations. Note that creatures that cause fear can ignore these tests.

a) If the model is charged by a warrior or a creature which causes fear.

If a warrior is charged by an enemy that he fears then he must take a test to overcome that fear. Test when the charge is declared and is determined to be within range. If the test is passed the model may fight as normal. If it is failed, the model must roll 6s to score hits in that round of combat.

b) If the model wishes to charge a fear-causing enemy.

If a warrior wishes to charge an enemy that it fears then it must take a test to overcome this. If it fails the model may not charge and must remain stationary for the turn. Treat this as a failed charge.


Some warriors can work themselves into a berserk state of fury, a whirlwind of destruction in which all concern for their own personal safety is ignored in favour of mindless violence. These warriors are described as being frenzied.

Frenzied models must always charge if there are any enemy models within charge range (check after charges have been declared). The player has no choice in this matter – the warrior will automatically declare a charge.

Frenzied warriors fight with double their Attacks characteristic in hand-to-hand combat. Warriors with 1 Attack therefore have 2 Attacks, warriors with 2 Attacks have 4, etc. If a warrior is carrying a weapon in each hand, he receives +1 Attack for this as normal. This extra Attack is not doubled.

Once they are within charge range, frenzied warriors are immune to all other psychology, such as fear and don’t have to take these tests as long as they remain within charge range.

If a frenzied model is knocked down or stunned, he is no longer frenzied. He continues to fight as normal for the rest of the battle.


Hatred is a very powerful emotion, and during this era of strife and war, bitter rivalry is commonplace.

Warriors who fight enemies they hate in hand-to-hand combat may re-roll any misses when they attack in the first turn of each hand-to-hand combat. This bonus applies only in the first turn of each combat and represents the warrior venting his pent-up hatred on his foe. After the initial round of hand-to-hand combat he loses some impetus and subsequently fights as normal for the rest of the combat.


Many large and powerful creatures, as well as some of the more unhinged individuals in Mordheim, are unfortunately rather stupid.

Models that are stupid test at the start of their turn to see if they overcome their stupidity. Make a test for each model affected by stupidity. If you pass the test by rolling their Leadership value or less on 2D6 then all is well – the creatures behave reasonably intelligently and the player may move and fight with them as normal.

If the test is failed all is not well. Until the start of his next turn (when it takes a new Stupidity test) the model will not cast spells or fight in hand-to-hand combat (though his opponent will still have to roll to hit him as normal).

If a model who fails a Stupidity test is not in hand-to-hand combat, roll a D6.

1-3The warrior moves directly forward at half speed in a shambling manner. He will not charge an enemy (stop his movement 1" away from any enemy he would have come into contact with). He can fall down from the edge of a sheer drop (see the Falling rules) or hit an obstacle, in which case he stops. The model will not shoot this turn.
4-6The warrior stands inactive and drools a bit during this turn. He may do nothing else, as drooling is so demanding.

Regardless of whether the test is passed or failed, the result applies until the start of the model’s following turn (when it takes a new Stupidity test).