Optional rules
This section includes a variety of rules that add an extra dimension to your battles in Mordheim. As they are additions to the basic rules they are not an essential part of the game, and you should agree with your opponent beforehand whether you are going to use any of them.
We recommend that new players ignore this section to begin with, at least until you are familiar with the way the game works. If you consider yourself to be an experienced gamer then you’ll have no problem incorporating these elements. Some of these additional rules alter the game quite dramatically, and you are under no obligation to use any of them. They have simply been included for players who want to explore different aspects of the game.
Below is a table of Option rules, their source, and what grade they are considered to be.
Ruleset | Topic | Source | Grade |
Advanced critical hits charts | Alternative Critical hit tables | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a |
At The Mouth Of Madness | Warrior Insanity | Town Cryer #8 | 1b |
Aristocracy Of The Night | Vampire bloodlines + skills | WEB | 1c |
Blackpowder misfires | Critial fail table | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a |
Blazing saddles | Extended mounted rules | Mordheim Annual 2002 | 1b |
Boats | Rules for Boats | Town Cryer #24/Empire in Flames | 1a |
Chaos on the streets | Multiplayer games | Town Cryer #5/Mordheim Annual 2002 | 1a |
Cutthroat's Den & Encampments | Town Cryer #28/29 | 1b | |
Dark Rituals of the Chaos Gods | God-specific daemon summoning and spells | Town Cryer #14 | 1b |
Escaping from combat | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a | |
Fighting individual battles | One-off battles | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a |
For Whom The Bell Tolls... | Encountering the Town Cryer | Town Cryer #22 | 1a |
If You Go Down To The Woods Today... | Random events | Fanatic Online #91/Nemesis Crown | 1b |
Let the damned burn! | Burning buildings | Town Cryer #8 | 1b |
Lords of the Night | Vampire skill list | Town Cryer #11 | 1b |
Mounted warriors | Basic rules for mounts | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a |
Pit Fights | Town Cryer #14 | 1b | |
Power in the Stones | Town Cryer #15 | 1b | |
Random happenings | Random events | Mordheim Annual 2002 | 1a |
Rewards of the Shadowlord | Magister/Mutant advancement/'reward' table | Mordheim Rulebook | 1a |
Sawbones | Healing Serious Injuries | Town Cryer #8 | 1b |
Sewer Rats | Fighting in the sewers | Town Cryer #7 | 1b |
Subplots | Random events | Town Cryer #13 | 1a |
Vehicles of the Empire | Rules for Wagons | Town Cryer #24 | 1a |
Wilderness rules | Terrain rules | Empire in Flames/Nemesis Crown | 1a |