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Trading Post

The following chart indicates the cost of items available for sale at trading posts. The cost of rare items is included, but such items cannot be bought unless they are available, as already described. In some cases the price is variable, and includes a basic cost plus a variable extra amount, for example 20+3D6 gold crowns. For these items the extra variable cost reflects the rarity of the item – the premium which must be paid to buy it.

How trading works

For rules on when and how to trade, including availability and selling, see the Trading page. Remember that just because you can buy an item doesn't mean you can use it!

A note on warband restrictions

Items that were included in any rules that are deemed official (Grade 1a) replicate the availability they were printed with.

Items from Grade 1b and below have been listed as restricted to their associated warband. It's up to you and your campaign if you want to allow these items in your trading post, as they may not have been balanced with other warbands or may have been written for different settings (eg Lustria).

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

5 gcCommon1a
Ball and Chain
Goblins only
15 gcCommon1a
Barbed Whip
Marauders of Chaos, one hero only
15 gcRare 91c
Dark Elves only
10 + D6 gcRare 81b
Boat Hook
Pirates only
8 gcCommon1b
Boss Pole
Forest Goblins only
20 gcCommon1b
Brass Knuckles
Always bought in pairs
20 gcRare 61b
Brazier Iron
Witch Hunters only
35gcRare 71a
Cat O' Nine Tails
Pirate Heroes only
8 gcCommon1b
Cathayan Longsword
75+2D6 gcRare 121c
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
40 gcRare 91b
Claw of the Old Ones
Amazons (Mordheim) only
30 gcRare 121b
Club, Mace or Hammer
3 gcCommon1a
1st free/2 gcCommon1a
Dark Elf Blade
Dark Elves only
+20 gcRare 91b
Double-handed weapon
15 gcCommon1a
Disease Dagger
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
15 gcRare 81b
Dwarf Axe
Dwarfs only
15 gcRare 81a
Fighting Claws
Skaven only
35 gc per pairRare 71a
15 gcCommon1a
Great Axe
Marauders of Chaos, Heroes with the Chosen of Chaos skill only
25 gcRare 81c
Gromril Weapon
4 x PriceRare 111a
10 gcCommon1a
Horseman's Hammer
12gcRare 101a
Ithilmar Weapon
3 x PriceRare 91a
20 gcRare 101c
40 gcRare 81a
Main Gauche
Hochland Bandits only
7 gcRare 71b
Chaos Dwarfs only
25 gcRare 101c
Morning Star
15 gcCommon1a
Obsidian Weapon
Chaos only
4 x PriceRare 121c
Tileans only
12 gcRare 71b
Poison Daggers
Night Goblins only
25 gcCommon1c
Poisoned Weapon
Forest Goblins only
25 gcCommon1b
Reiklanders, Marienburgers or Tileans only
15 gcRare 51a
Sigmarite Warhammer
Sisters of Sigmar only
15 gcCommon1a
10 gcCommon1a
Squig Prodder
Night Goblins only
15 gcCommon1c
Amazons (Lustria) only
15 gcRare 71b
Amazons (Lustria) only
30 gcRare 101b
Steel Whip
Sisters of Sigmar only
10 gcCommon1a
10 gcCommon1a
Sword Breaker
30 gcRare 81a
Pit Fighters only
15 gcRare 71b
Weeping Blades
Skaven only
50 gc per pairRare 91a

Missile Weapons

Belaying Pin
Pirates only
3 gcCommon1b
Skaven and Forest Goblins only. Common for Forest Goblins.
25 gcRare 71a
Lizardmen and Amazons (Lustria) only
5 gcCommon1b
10 gcCommon1a
Cathayan Candles
25 + D6 gcRare 91c
25 gcCommon1a
Crossbow pistol
35 gcRare 91a
Elf Bow
35 + 3D6 gcRare 121a
Amazons (Mordheim), Pit Fighters, Norse Explorers only
5 gcCommon1b
Long bow
15 gcCommon1a
Repeater Crossbow
40 gcRare 81a
2 gcCommon1a
Short Bow
5 gcCommon1a
Sun Gauntlet
Amazons (Mordheim) only
40 gcRare 121b
Amazons (Mordheim) only
50 gcRare 121b
Sunstaff (Lustria)
Amazons (Lustria) only
35 gcRare 101b
Throwing Knives/Stars
15 gcRare 51a

Blackpowder Weapons

Swivel Gun
Pirate Gunners only
65 gcRare 81b
30 gcRare 91a
Double barrelled Duelling Pistols
Gunnery School of Nuln only
45 + 2D6 gc (80 + 4D6 gc for a brace)Rare 11 (Rare 12 for a brace)1b
Double barrelled Handgun
Gunnery School of Nuln only
60 + 2D6 gcRare 101b
Double barrelled Pistols
Gunnery School of Nuln only
25 + D6 gc (46 + 2D6 gc for a brace)Rare 9 (Rare 10 for a brace)1b
Double-barrelled Hunting Rifle
300 gcRare 121a
Double-barrelled Pistol
30 gc (60 gc for a brace)Rare 101a
Duelling Pistol / brace
30 gc / 60 gcRare 101a
35 gcRare 81a
Hand-held Mortar
Gunnery School of Nuln only
80 + 2D6 gcRare 121b
Hersten-Wenkler Pigeon Bombs
Gunnery School of Nuln only
30 + 2D6 gcRare 81b
Hunting Rifle
200 gcRare 111a
Pistol / brace
15 gc / 30 gcRare 81a
Repeater Handgun
Gunnery School of Nuln only
60 + 2D6 gcRare 111b
Repeater Pistol
Gunnery School of Nuln only
30 + 2D6 gcRare 91b
Warplock pistol / brace
Skaven only
35 gc / 70 gcRare 111a


Note that some items in the Miscellaneous section imbue armour-type effects.

80 gcRare 81a
5 gcCommon1a
Chaos Armour
Chaos only
185 gcRare 131c
Gromril Armour
150 gcRare 111a
Heavy armour
50 gcCommon1a
10 gcCommon1a
Ithilmar Armour
90 gcRare 111a
Lamellar Armour
120 gcRare 91c
Light armour
20 gcCommon1a
Mechanical Suit
Chaos Dwarfs only
225 gcRare 141c
25gcRare 81a
5 gcCommon1a
Toughened Leathers
5 gcCommon1a


Amulet of the Moon
Amazons only
50 gcRare 121b
Bear-Claw Necklace
75+3D6 gcRare 91b
10 gcRare 51a
Black Lotus
Not available to Witch Hunters, Warrior-Priests or Sisters of Sigmar. Rare 7 for Skaven
10+D6 gcRare 91a
Blessed Stag Hide
Horned Hunters only
40 gcRare 101b
Blessed Water
Common for Warrior-Priests and Sisters of Sigmar; May not be bought by Undead
10+3D6 gcRare 61a
Book of the Dead
Undead only
200+D6x25 gcRare 121b
Bugman's Ale
50+3D6 gcRare 91a
15+2D6 gcRare 61a
Cathayan Silk Clothes
50+2D6 gcRare 91a
Clan Pestilens Banner
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
10 gcRare 51b
Pirates only
45+2D6 gcRare 91b
Conch Shell Horn
Amazons (Lustria) only
25 gcRare 81b
Crimson Shade
35+D6 gcRare 81a
Dark Venom
Not available to Witch Hunters, Warrior-Priests, or Sisters of Sigmar
30+2D6 gcRare 81a
Elven Boots
75+D6x10 gcRare 121b
Elven Cloak
100+D6x10 gcRare 121a
Elven Runestones
Shadow Warrior Weavers only
50+2D6 gcRare 111b
Elven Wine
Shadow Warriors only
50+3D6 gcRare 101b
Enchanted Skins
Amazons (Lustria) only
20 gcRare 61b
Engine of Chaos
Chaos Dwarfs only
195 gcRare 101c
20+1D6 gcRare 81b
Fire Arrows
30+D6 gcRare 91a
Fire Bomb
35+2D6 gcRare 91a
Flash Powder
25+2D6 gcRare 81a
Fog-enhancing Warpstone Shards
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
100+D6x10 gcRare 91b
Forest Cloak
Outlaw Heroes only
50 gcRare 101b
May not be bought by Undead
1 gcCommon1a
Halfling Cookbook
30+3D6 gcRare 71a
Hardtack Biscuits
Pirates only
5 gcCommon1b
Hammer of Witches
Witch Hunters only
100 gcRare 101a
Healing Herbs
Common for Amazons (Lustria)
20+2D6 gcRare 81a
Holy (Unholy) Relic
Rare 6 for Warrior-Priests and Sisters of Sigmar
15+3D6 gcRare 81a
Holy Tome
Warrior-Priests and Sisters of Sigmar only
100+D6x10 gcRare 81a
Hook Hand
Pirates only
4 gcCommon1b
Humans only
40 gcRare 81a
Hunting Arrows
25+D6 gcRare 81a
Iron Shod Boots
20+3D6 gcRare 81b
Jolly Roger
Pirates only
40+2D6 gcRare 91b
10 gcCommon1a
Liber Bubonicus
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
200+D6x25 gcRare 121b
Liturgicus Infecticus
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
30+2D6 gcRare 81b
Lock Picks
15 gcRare 81a
Lucky Charm
10 gcRare 61a
Mad Cap Mushrooms
Common if warband includes Goblins
30+3D6 gc (25 gc for Orc Mob) Rare 91a
Magic Gubbinz
Forest Goblins only
50 gcRare 91b
Mandrake Root
25+D6 gcRare 81a
Mordheim Map
20+4D6 gcRare 91a
5 gcCommon1a
Opulent Coach
250 gcRare 101a
Pirates only
15 gcRare 81b
Peg Leg
Pirates only
8 gcCommon1b
Rabbit's Foot
10 gcRare 51a
Red Toof Tribal Jewellery
Forest Goblins only
40 gcRare 91b
Rope & Hook
Scroll of Rat Familiar
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
25+1D6 gcRare 81b
Sea Dragon Clock
Dark Elves only
50+2D6 gcRare 101b
Spy Glass
Pirates only
20 gcRare 81b
Squig Prodder
Goblins only
15 gcCommon1a
Standard of Nagarythe
Shadow Warriors only
75 + 3D6 gcRare 91b
Superior Blackpowder
30 gcRare 111a
Tarot Cards
Not available to Witch Hunters or Sisters of Sigmar
50 gcRare 71a
Tears of Shallaya
Not available to Possessed or Undead
10+2D6 gcRare 71a
75+3D6 gcRare 101a
Tome of Magic
Not available to Witch Hunters or Sisters of Sigmar
200+D6x25 gcRare 121a
2 gcCommon1a
Treasure Map
Pirates only
75+4D6 gcRare 101b
Trip Wire
Horned Hunters only
15 gcCommon1b
Vial of Pestilens
Skaven only
25+2D6 gcRare 91b
35+2D6 gcRare 81b
War Horn
30+2D6 gcRare 81a
War Horn of Nagarythe
Shadow Warriors only
25+1D6 gcRare 61b
Warpstone Amulet
Skaven of Clan Pestilens only
10 gcRare 51b
Middenheimers, Norse Explorers and Marauders of Chaos only
10 gcSpecial1b
Wyrdstone Pendulum
25+3D6 gcRare 91a

Animal Bestiary

Chaos Steed
Chaos only
90 gcRare 111b
Cold One
Dark Elves and Skinks only
100 gcRare 111b
Elven Steed
Elves only
90 gcRare 101b
Giant Spider
Goblins only. 45gc/Rare 5 for Forest Goblins.
100 gcRare 111b
Giant Wolf
Goblins only
85 gcRare 101b
30 gcRare 71b
Vampires and Necromancers only
95 gcRare 111b
Riding Horse
Humans only
40 gcRare 81b
War Boar
Orcs only
90 gcRare 111b
Humans only
80 gcRare 111a
Not available to Skaven
25+2D6 gcRare 101a