Q. Can a model run past an enemy model without engaging in HTH? (presuming of course that the enemy model was more than 8" away at the start of the turn). I would presume not for the same reasons as the intercept rule but unless I am blind the rule book does not specify and I was wondering how you played it?
A. No, it's quite legal to do so, But since the moving model has to start more than 8" away from all enemy models (even ones he can't see) chances are he will be setting himself up to be charged by the enemy. He can't run so close to the enemy that he would be in base-to-base, though, as that would be a charge.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If you can see an enemy through the windows of a house, can you then charge him by:
a) going through the windows?
b) going around the house?
a) Yes, if the window is big enough. (things like Rat Ogres won't fit through most!);
b) If the window is too small, yes. Remember you charge via the MOST DIRECT ROUTE.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If a warrior declares a charge and an opposing model can intercept him, does the model that can intercept actually move or does the fact that my charge could be intercepted simply prevent me from charging?
A. In bare essence it means that you cannot charge THAT model (ie, check before moving the charger whether he can charge or not). However, many players move the intercepting model and let the charge be targeted against that model.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can you really climb up a wall and then charge someone? We made a house rule that said you can't, but is there something official?
A. You can, as otherwise buildings would be too good positions.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can a model climb up a wall and slip into a window or hole in the wall rather than continue onto the next floor/roof?
A. Yes.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can I charge a model I cannot see by Climbing and then Diving over a wall? A. RAW: You have to be within 4" to charge an opponent you cannot see. You have to be next to a wall at the start of your move if you want to climb it if the wall is more than ...was it 2" high.
So yes, you can do this charge IF you start your turn close enough to wall,
IF you have enough M to do it and IF you succeed on your climb test and your diving charge test. Really difficult to pull off, but could be quite heroic.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. The interception of the charge is not very clear for us. If we have two warriors aligned, the opponent can't charge one of them because the other intercepts the charging path?
A. By RAW, if neither target model was not even 0.001mm in front of the other, neither could intercept.
Almost impossible to happen in a real game (remember the charger would have to come on a flat angle in regards to both models.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If your warlock hired sword has the Flight of Zimmerman spell (Move 12 inches immediately), can you use it to leave combat?
A. Yes, you absolutely can. It is not "Movement" as defined by Movement rules, but a magical effect.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Are charges declared all at the same time, before moving any model, or are they executed one by one with all steps taken (meassure, fear, intercept, terrain rolls etc) for each model before moving on to declare another charge?
A. Declare charges and move models one by one (due the interception rule) is how I play. Stops you for measuring anything before rest of the charges are resolved, and still allows the other player to do interceptions. But if my opponent declared charges and did charge the moves one by one, I would not lose any sleep over it.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Can a horse jump over models the same way Leap can?
A. No, due to the interception rule.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Does a warrior with Sprint and a Horse move 24"?
A. The warrior has the Sprint skill, not the Horse.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If an enemy model moves so that he can see a hidden warrior, the model is no longer hidden and the counter is removed. How much must he see to end the other model hiding? In Necromunda he had to see the whole model. In Mordheim it is not specified. Does he need to see all of the model, or is any part of the model (even a finger) enough?
A. If the players don't agree on a reasonable result, he must see the whole model.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Should hidden models and models out of sight of the firer be able to be hit by a blunderbuss?
A. No.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
A. No, you cannot fire through buildings. No line of sight needed as such, yes you can shoot at hidden targets since the rule is you can point it at ANY direction and let loose. source: Tuomas Pirinen, Facebook
Q: Can a model that is behind a low wall or adjacent to a corner charge even while declared as Hidden?
A: Yes. In the description of Hidden, he is “just peeking out of cover”. In other words, we can assume that he can indeed see his intended target.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: How do the rules for Hiding and Out of Sight interact?
A: They don’t. Treat each of them as a separate issue even when they both apply.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: If I fail a Fear test and need to roll 6s to hit, does that only apply against the model that caused the Fear test, or against anyone I attack that turn?
A: Against anyone.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. Is it possible to automatically pass a rout test with the leadership of fighters such as flagellants who has the special rule that he will automatically pass any LD-test he has to take?
A. No, a Flagellant will automatically pass their own personal Leadership Tests, a rout test is taken by the Warband as a whole, not by an individual whose Ld is being used. So the rout test will use the Flagellants Ld10 but will not be automatic.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Reikland Leadership range increase, does this bonus apply to any model in a Reikland warbands that get the leadership skill after the captain is killed? Also, does the "battle tongue" academic skill apply to this special leadership skill variant?
A. RAW: Ld of Reikland war bands not led by Captains: No, the rules specifically say it only applies to the Captain, not any leader.
Battle Tongue does combine with Reiklander ability: Again RAW it is not specified as 12" but +6" to your current Ld range. So Reikland captain with Battle Tongue would have Ld range go 18”.
Better keep that Captain alive!
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Given the dramatic, yet unfortunately static, poses of the models, what is the rule regarding moving through doors and windows? Can it be assumed:
a) Any model may pass through any portal (door, window, hole, etc)?
b) The model must be able to reasonably fit through the portal?
c) It's really up to those playing to agree on how that is to be handled.
A. c) is the only sensible answer, it's not possible to foresee every single conversion done by players. b) is also a good guideline.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. In regards to ladders (and other small terrain, actually), is it within reason to assume that they can be knocked down or pulled up or even carried around by models?
A. Strictly speaking by rules no, but what a great article that would make! I have to scribble something down...
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q: If I attack with a pistol in hand-to-hand combat, do I use my WS or BS?
A: WS for all except the crossbow pistol (which uses BS).
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: If a model is already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with an enemy and a second enemy charges in on a subsequent turn, does this count as the ‘first turn of combat’ again for rules such as ‘strike first’?
A: No. ‘Strike first’ (and other similar rules that use this term) assume that the special feature of the first turn of a combat is that a warrior has had a degree of freedom to get himself ready for the fight, and once it’s started, he’s too busy fighting for his life to gain the benefit. That being the case, although it may be the first turn of combat against a particular foe, it doesn’t count for purposes of rules such as ‘strike first’.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. Can you use Gromril and Ithilmar for any weapon or does it have to be a common item like a sword?
A. Any melee weapon normally available to you.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. I have a question about Lance. Bonus to Strength:
1) +2 - once during the charge, or
2) +2 permanent, and does +4 work on a charge?
A. Only first turn, only when you charge. Remember, this was during 5th ed so the rules for lances were already widely familiar to the player base.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. How do Crossbow Pistols work in melee.
A. So, conceptually, I wanted the crossbow pistols to be like in the movies: dropping an incoming enemy at the last minute before they have a chance to make any attacks. The idea was that it would work just like Stand and Shoot in WFB -but WFB has no knocked over/stunned results.
The rule for not being able to use multiple attacks to first stun and then auto-kill a target was put in place due lots of play testing, but I intended to put in a rule that the Crossbow Pistol is an exception to this rule -but I never did it. My bad. I also wrote an errata that Crossbow Pistols are pistols.
So how should you play it?
I suggest treating it as an additional close combat attack, and if it knocks down/stuns the enemy that is it - close combat round over for that enemy.
Taking out the enemy obviously ends it as well. If the enemy survives the CP, then the player may fight with any melee weapons.
Note that he may drop CP (due melee starting after the shot), but can use it in melee as well as it is a pistol and therefore can be used in Melee), but his other hand is free for any other melee attacks.
And if I could, I would re-write the CP rules to follow my original intent and clarify it all. In a hindsight not my cleanest set of rules.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Is Cloud of flies cumulative. What happen when two Nurglings fight against a single enemy? Does he gets -1 or -2?
A. No stacking, same as WFB.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. During the Shooting phase you have several models armed with missile weapons and all targeting the same enemy model. The first shot knocks the enemy model out of line of sight to your other missile weapon-armed troops. Can you still fire on them with other models?
A. Yes, but you don't have to.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. It doesn't state whether a Troll (Ork warband, Town Cryer 6) or Minotaur (Beastmen warband) are large targets. Are they? Also, is a rider on a horse a large target?
A. The rules say: Any model higher than 2" or longer than 2" is a large target, so yes, all of
them, Troll, Minotaur and rider mounted on horse are large targets.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does the Eagle Eye skill increase the range of a blunderbuss? This seems silly, since the weapon is not affected by Ballistic Skill.
A. No.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. On the other hand, does the Dwarf Engineer increase the range of any blunderbusses in his warband? This makes more sense, since it is the weapon being improved.
A. Yes.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q: Does a model with more than one shooting attack need to declare all of his target(s) before rolling any dice, or can he decide before each shot?
A: He may decide before each shot.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. For a Blunderbuss, does terrain block you 16" line, or can you fire through buildings? Do you need line of sight to fire it? A. No, you cannot fire through buildings. I did not write that down separately as I thought it was self-evident. 😃 No line of sight needed as such, yes you can shoot at hidden targets since the rule is you can point it at ANY direction and let loose.
Q2. Tuomas Pirinen you say ANY direction but I thought you had to target the closest enemy model with missiles
A2. No, the Blunderbuss has Special rules and I quote "draw a line...in ANY direction. You don't strictly speaking aim Blunderbuss ever at anything or anybody.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Can a Dueling Pistol automatically hit on a Diving Charge?
A. Dueling pistols: Sure, Mordheim allows auto-hits.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Can a warrior with a dueling pistol suffering from Fear, hit on a natural 5 on the die?
A. The exact wording of the RAW is pretty clear AFAICS:
"the model must roll 6s to score hits in that round of combat."
So this ignores all other hitting rules and modifiers. 6s hit, nothing else does.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Is there any ruling about using the Silver Arrows of Ahra after running?
A. Not being able to shoot is one of the Movement penalties. My intention was that you can shoot with this spell even after running, but I fully admit I should have made my intention clearer in the text.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Does a Pistoleer with a brace of pistols shoot twice every turn, or (two - one - two), or (two - zero - two)?
A. Honestly, I was just thinking of allowing you to shoot twice every shooting phase with pistols if you have a brace. But I really should have written that section clearer.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Which models count as Large Targets, should the Centigor count as a Large Target?
A. Large Targets are specified under the rules for each model separately.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Weapons & Armour
Q. Can captured race specific weapons be used by models not of that race? If so, do they gain any of the special rules of said weapons?
A. Yes, but obviously you need a suitable skill to use the weapon.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does the 'free dagger' count as a close combat weapon against the 'No more than two Close Combat Weapons' limit?
A. We play that it doesn't. Models are supposed to have the dagger no matter what.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If a warrior armed with a spear and a sword (or any other one-handed weapon) gets charged by an enemy model, does the spearwielder get both of his attacks to strike first or does he get an attack with the spear, the enemy strikes and then an attack with his sword?
A. Refer to page 35 of the rulebook.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can a model armed with two spears 'strike first' twice (get 2 attacks) against a charging enemy?
A. Technically yes. I'd punch anyone who tried to pull that one, though — Tuomas.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Is it legal to arm warriors with a longbow and a crossbow, so they can fire the heavy crossbow when they didn't move and fire the longbow whenever they did move... is that legal?
A. Yes, it is legal, but it is expensive. If you lose a Marksman and he leaves the warband after the battle, it will cost you the cost of the Marksman (25gc) plus the cost of the Longbow and the Crossbow (15gc + 25 gc). This is 65 gc plus twice the Henchmen group's experience to replace that Marksman. You'd be better off just buying extra Marksman, equipping all of them with crossbows, moving them into position and pounding your enemy.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. How do you define a brace of pistols? Must I purchase a brace or can I buy one pistol and later buy a second one and use them as brace?
A. You can buy one now and the second one later and use them as brace.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does the crossbow pistol count as a pistol in the case of the Pistolier skill?
A. Yes. All weapons with the name pistol (Warplock, duelling, Crossbow) are pistols.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. The rulebook states that you can arm a warrior 'with up to two close combat weapons, up to two different missile weapons and any armour chosen from the appropriate list.' How do pistols count?
A. Pistols are listed under blackpowder weapons (which is a special kind of shooting weapon), in the price list they are listed under missile weapons. According to rules, a pistol is a missile weapon, the brace of pistols counts as two missile weapons (although some clubs play it that a brace counts as one missile weapon only). It doesn't take 'slots' for your hand-to-hand weapons.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can a pistol be parried in hand-to-hand combat?
A. Yes. Do not imagine it as stopping the bullet, but as pushing the pistol out of direction at the last moment.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can I reload a pistol (or handgun or whatever else) while running? Is it possible to fire from it one turn, next to run, and the third turn to fire it again?
A. Yes, this is permitted. You reload it no matter what else you do that second turn.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does a helmet count as armour for preventing spell casting? Shields and bucklers are listed separately as doing so, but not helmets.
A. Yes, they are armour.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can a free dagger be given to another member of the warband or sold?
A. No. A warrior will always keep his dagger as a last line of defence. It cannot be given away or sold.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Should Dwarfs be banned from taking spears in line with 6th edition Warhammer?
A: No. Mordheim is set 500 years earlier and on a completely different scale. The lack of spear-wielding regiments in the Dwarf army should not be taken to mean that Dwarfs never use them.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: What is a ‘brace’ of pistols?
A: A brace of pistols is two pistols of the same type, e.g., two dueling pistols, two crossbow pistols, etc.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: If I buy two of the same type of pistol at different times, are they counted as a brace?
A: Yes, as long as they’re exactly the same type.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Can weapons be swapped during a combat?
A: No, with the exceptions of pistols and lances which may be exchanged for a different weapon after their first turn special attack.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: In the pistol rules, it says they give me +1A. Does that mean that a model with an additional hand weapon and a pistol gets +2A?
A: No. Even if you’re carrying two hand weapons and a pistol, you’ve still (barring mutations, etc.) only got the ability to wield two of them at a time. So, you can either get the +1A from the additional hand weapon or the +1A from the pistol, but not both.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. 4+ Pavise combined with 4+ Gromnil armor would provide immunity to missile fire from bows wielding opponents and a 2+ save against crossbows. It's understandable why you left this out. This is a question I've never been clear on, is 1 always a fail in Mordheim?
A. Heavy armour and pavise would be immune to S3 missiles. 1 is not always a fail unless spelled out clearly.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. 1 is definitely always a fail. That's how fantasy worked at the time. It was just a extra 1 for modifiers.
A.I wrote Mordheim based on 5th ed Warhammer rules, I only put the 1 always fail rule into the 6th, IIRC.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If I use two single handed weapons, can I still use the shield for +1 Armour Save while in melee?
A. Using shield requires the use of one hand. Source: Me. I wrote the book.
If anything I STRONGLY encourage house rules to limit the effectiveness of dual-wielding.
I had to go with the standard Warhammer rules at the time.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Does a buckler "fill" a hand slot or is treated as a small (often wrist-mounted) shield that frees up a hand?
A. Look at the description of the Pit Fighter in the Hired Swords section.
I explicitly made spiked gauntlet rules different on a purpose where it counts as an additional weapon with a parry where buckler does not.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Can Flagellants use daggers, do they start with a free dagger?
A. RAW, no. This has more to do with their mentality than "inability" to use daggers: using flails/morning stars to scourge themselves and the enemies is their way of serving Sigmar, and doing it with another weapon would require some serious mental training.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Miscellaneous Equipment
Q. With regards to blessed weapons which wound Undead and Possessed on a 2+. Do the list members here think that this would refer to all members of an Undead or Possessed warband (excluding Hired Swords) or just Undead like Vampires, Zombies, Dire Wolves, and maybe Ghouls but not Necromancers and Dregs? And with Possessed, just Possessed models, not Beastmen, Mutants, or Magisters etc, (which would seem odd)?
A. Blessed water and weapons only affect Undead that are dead! Since Dregs and Necromancers are human, they are not affected. The manual actually states that Zombies and Dire Wolves are undead, and therefore can be wounded. However it doesn't say in the book that Vampires are Undead but naturally they are. As for Possessed — Magister, The Possessed, Dark Souls and Mutants are all affected.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. When you buy Hunting Arrows, are they for one battle, for a campaign or are there a number of arrows (like say 20).
A. They last for the whole campaign.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If I buy a Tome of Magic and my Wizard learns a spell from it, can I give it then to another model so he can learn magic later using the Arcane Lore skill? I mean will my wizard forget the spell he learned from Tome of Magic or not?
A. The Tome of Magic gives a one-off effect when it is found — you may transfer it to another character but it will have no added effect.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Who can wear the Toughened Leathers from the Opulent Goods chart in White Dwarf #239?
A. Since they are purchased as equipment, all Heroes can wear them. Henchmen cannot wear Toughened Leathers.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can each Hero have a Halfling Cookbook and thus have six more Henchmen?
A. No, you can only get a single extra member, multiple cookbooks are not cumulative. However, it does prevent you from losing that extra member when the Hero carrying a cookbook dies.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Did you mean for nets to be one-time use items? Or are you assumed to recover thrown nets between battles?
A. All one use only items are clearly identified as such. Net is not, so it can be recovered between battles. As indicated in the colour text, it can indeed be torn, cut etc. during battle, but the warrior will simply repair it. I mean swords get bent, shields splintered, armour battered, spear points get blunted during a typical Mordheim battle, and we simply consider the warriors have the basic skills to repair such damage. Same goes for the nets.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Is Healing Herbs single use like Nets, Bugman's ale or Garlic?
A. Healing Herbs were meant to be under poisons and drugs. This is an oversight. Should be one and done. But RAW, unlimited use, and therefore OP. Luckily this is Mordheim, and all the players should agree that this was an oversight.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Regarding spells which have a range, is the 'area of effect' a plane or a sphere? (eg, does Soulfire affect enemy models above the caster (or below) if they fall within the spell's radius).
A. It affects models above and below. (The wording is WITHIN the range).
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can spells be cast on a model out of line of sight to the caster or which are hidden? What about spells which simply affect all models within a certain radius of the caster?
A. Spells cannot be targeted at models which are out of sight. However, models which are out of sight may still be affected by spells with an area effect provided another model is targeted and they fall within the spell's radius.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If in the spell description there is written nothing about how long the spell lasts, well, how long does it last? To the end of the game?
A. The spell lasts until the model that cast it is taken out of action. Taking him out of action removes all effects of all spells he cast in the game.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Is it possible to cast Hearts of Steel several times to add several +1s to a Rout test? If yes, what's the maximum for the Rout test.
A. No, even when cast several times, the bonus for the Rout test is only +1. Rulebook errata: Hearts of Steel, remove reference to Terror tests.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Spells do not cause critical hits, but what about spells that simply boost the target such as 'Hammer of Sigmar', 'Black Fury', 'Eye of God' and 'Sword of Rezhebel'?
A. No, they do not.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Do spells (and prayers) that create a magical weapon allow the use of an additional hand weapon, buckler or shield in the other hand? Is it possible to cast such a spell twice to get an additional magical weapon?
A. Yes an additional weapon may be used. No, the spell may not be cast and maintained twice.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q: If a model casts the Lure of Chaos spell, can either the caster or the target use their leader’s Leadership if he’s within 6" (because of the Leader special rule)?
A: No. The Leader special rule will only help with Leadership tests, and this isn’t one.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Can spells cause critical hits?
A: Directly, no. Indirectly, yes. The reference on page 56 to spells not causing critical hits specifically refers to spells that cause direct damage, such as Word of Pain. These spells never cause critical hits. However, if a warrior is benefiting from a spell that enhances his ability to fight, such as The Hammer of Sigmar, he will be able to cause critical hits with these attacks.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. How does casting and maintaining the Hammer of Sigmar work, why is the spell duration and maintaining different from other Prayers?
A. The 'Hammer of Sigmar' can be maintained for many turns while still casting other Prayers. If you fail to maintain the Prayer 'Hammer of Sigmar' than you cannot try to cast it again in the same shooting phase.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Each time a magic user gains a skill, instead they may roll for a new spell from their list. If they get a spell they already had, then the roll to use that spell becomes easier by 1. Is there a limit to this?
A. There is no limit to the number of times you can reduce the difficulty of the spell. Of course after 2+ there would be no point. Luckily, you can choose to roll again instead.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Lure of Chaos: Does the controlled model move in it's original turn sequence, or does it now move in the controlling player's sequence?
A. Controlling players. So immediate use of shooting is possible if the target has a missile weapon. Target those Blunderbusses!
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. There’s nothing is the spell description that says Lure of Chaos ever ends, nor does it say the Magister has to cast it each round. Is that correct? If so, could the Magister cast it again on a different model? Could he cast a different spell?
A. RAW, you can indeed cast it multiple times and control multiple models at once.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. The Wolf Priest for Middenheimers from Town Cryer #8 — is he an additional Hero to your warband, is he Hired Sword or what?
A. On page 10 of TC 8 it states that the Wolf Priest replaces one of the Champions.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can you take a multiple of the same mutation so that each one gives you a benefit? For example: Tentacle twice for -1 Attack per tentacle.
A. Yes.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can the Steel Whip be used to attack an enemy model in close combat from a distance?
A. Yes, Also, there is no need to randomise the hit, only the enemy model is attacked.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If a model has Righteous Fury, does he have a hatred of Orcs? The skill was made before Orcs were added — I just figured I'd run it by you guys.
A. The fluff says that the fury is toward 'evil that pollutes the soil of the holy Empire', so l agree yes as well. You can add Beastmen, Dark Elves and any other 'evil' race as well. Non-Chaos humans who just like to kill, loot, etc, should not be included.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If a model has steel whips and is Frenzied does she have to charge into base-to-base contact, or can she stop within 4" and whip to her crazy heart's content?
A. Yes, she has to charge, as per the Frenzy rules (Give the crazy bitch some hammers).
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Under the Henchmen listing for Ghouls, it says that they can never carry equipment. However, if your Ghoul gets the 'That Lad's Got Talent' advancement and you make him a Ghoul Hero, he can get Combat Skills for one of his choices. If he gets the chance to learn a new skill, can you give him Weapons Training to allow him to use weapons or is the listing about Ghoul Henchmen never using weapons final?
A. The letter of the rule is that Ghouls can have NO equipment. However, so many people enjoy equipping their Ghouls that I (Tuomas) rarely point this out. I hate seeing all of those Ghoul conversions going to waste!
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. The Blowpipe is 30 gc in the Skaven equipment list and 25gc in its description on the next page. Which one is it?
A. 25gc.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Under Giant Rats (p.95) 'Pack Size; You can recruit as many Giant Rats as you wish.' What does this mean? Can I have more than 20? No other answer seems to make sense. Since rats cannot get experience, there is no special benefit to having large groups of them. If it really just means that the Henchmen group does not have to be 1-5 models, then why make this a special rule at all? Is there a benefit, beyond experience, to having large Henchmen groups?
A. It takes up less room on the warband roster sheet. Pragmatic and simple!
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. The Master Map result of the Mordheim map item gives a permanent re-roll in exploration, but unlike the other results does not say, "the re-roll may not be re-rolled". Is this a deliberate exception to the normal convention that a re-roll may not be re-rolled, or an omission?
A. You may never re-roll a re-roll under any circumstances.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Should Possessed warriors count as large creatures for the purpose of warband rating? We have noticed that Possessed warbands can end up with quite low warband ratings for their power level.
A. No.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. I have noticed in the Town Cryers that you haven't printed any maximum racial characteristics for Shadow Elves or Lizardmen, what should we use?
A. Shadow Elves is simple — just use the Elven racial characteristic from page 121 of the rule book. Lizardmen, now that was an oversight so here you go:
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Skinks | 6 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 4 | 8 |
Saurus | 4 | 6 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4+1 | 10 |
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Which equipment lists do Skaven Nightrunners use? Heroes or Henchmen? The problem is that the White Dwarf battle report clearly has both Night Runners armed with throwing stars - weapons only available on the Heroes list. Also the article by Gareth Hamilton also has a Night Runner armed with fighting claws - also only available on the Heroes list. So is it a misprint or is the Henchmen list wrong?
A. Misprint. Gareth was using playtest rules, and Mark Bedford only plays occasionally and sometimes makes little mistakes - don't be too hard on them! Therefore Nightrunners should use the Henchmen list.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Do the Hand-to-Hand rules for Black Powder pistols apply to Warplock pistols?
A. Yes. A pistol is a pistol.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can Skaven use equipment normally forbidden to them if they find it through Exploration?
A. Yes, they can.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. My friend and I had a discussion about the skill 'Art of silent death'. It concerned the ability to make a critical on 5+ instead of a 6. On high T creatures he meant that it should be raised to a 6, as you cannot make a critical hit on a creature that you need a 6 to wound in normal cases. Hence you shouldn't be able to make a critical hit on a 5 if you needed a 5 to wound it. I meant the rule was quite clear and it only mattered vs. high T creatures, which probably would be a pain in the ass anyway. And this one skill might actually prove much more dangerous to this particular type of creatures. What do you think?
A. As you can't make a critical hit on a 6 if you require a 6 to wound, play it the way that if a model with Art of Silent Death skill requires 3+ to wound, then the critical hit can be scored only when dice rolls 6. If you required 6+ to hit and score 5 you cause neither bit nor critical bit.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does a Tilean Marksman gain the benefit of the extra 6" range in a Dwarf Warband if the warband has an Engineer?
A. No, only Dwarfs in the warband will benefit and not Hired Swords or Dramatis Personae.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. As Squigs do not have to declare charge (they move 2D6" each turn and if they come into base-to-base contact they automatically charge) do they have to roll for the fear test when charging a fear-causing enemy?
A. A Squig's movement is not voluntary. A Squig who ends up in base to base with a fearsome opponent must make a test and hits on 6s if it fails as all charging rules apply.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can an Orc warband purchase another Big 'Un if his first Big 'Un becomes the leader and he has one other Big 'Un?
A. No The new Leader is still a Big 'Un, albeit with the Leader ability. You can fill the empty Hero spot with promoted Orcs, but you may never have more than 2 Big 'Uns.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Skill Massive Strength. A Beastman Hero is titanic in size and may use a double-handed weapon in one hand. Now, read literally, the means ONLY double-handed weapons (+2 Str, Strike Last) can be used one-handed. But, is it intended that other two-handed weapons (Halberd, Flail, etc) can be used one-handed with this skill?
A. No, those weapons rely more on skill. This skill simply represents the brutish strength of the aforesaid Beastman.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. I have a henchman group with 3 members. One dies after the battle. Does the rest of the group gain +1 experience for surviving (ie, does the whole group have to survive to gain + 1 Experience point for surviving the battle)?
A. Yes, if at least one member from the Henchman group survived, the group gets +1 experience for surviving.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Can a Sister of Sigmar use a sling in the shooting phase and then attack with a Steel Whip in the Close Combat phase?
A. No! Just because you can attack from a range of 4' with a Steel Whip you must still declare a charge in order to attack with it during the Close Combat phase. Therefore all charging rules apply and you may not attack in the Shooting phase as well as fight in close combat.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. When the Undead gain an enemy Hero as a Zombie (I can't recall the spell name) it says they get no other skills or equipment. Do they get to keep the skills they already have?
A. No, Zombies have no skills.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. When choosing the Third Arm mutation on my mutant it says that, using this arm I can choose any One-arm weapon... Does that include the Sisters of Sigmar Steel Whip? I know it is only available to the Sisters of Sigmar but does the mutation void this rule?
A. As long as the Mutant in question has Weapons Training, he can use a Steel Whip, Dwarf Axe, or other one handed close combat weapon in the arm. Of course, the only possibility to get this weapon is if an enemy Hero is captured by you at the end of a battle and you sell him into slavery (some warbands get other options too). In this case you get their equipment, to dispose of as you see fit, including giving it to Weapons Trainees to use.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. A Mutant has Str 3/ A 1, an extra arm (+1 A), a great claw (+1 A at +1 Str), and a double handed weapon (+2 Str). He gets 1 attack at Str 4, 2 at Str 5, or 1 Str5 and 2 Str 4. Is this correct? Does it matter if the claw is on an original, or a third arm (especially a gift of the Shadowlord arm)?
A. This is not correct. The Great Claw replaces an arm. The text reads "One of the mutant's arms ends in a great, crab-like claw".
The extra attack represents the ability to attack once with the claw and once with a hand weapon in the non-mutated arm.
On your mutant above you start out with two arms. You get the extra arm mutation so you have three arms.
One of those arms mutates into a claw, so now you have one claw and two arms.
The extra arm may be used to wield an additional hand weapon or a shield or a buckler but not a two-handed weapon (this arm may be growing out of his head!).
This gives you 1 Str 4 attack with the claw and two at Str 3 attacks with the arms.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does a model that is missing a game (for any reason) count towards the warband's rating?
A. Yes. The opposing warband doesn't know exactly which warrioer they're fighting today, but they do know it's the infamously bloodthirsty Black Spiders they've bumbed into and they've heard all the rumours about the last lot that crossed them...
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. Does a model that is missing a game (for any reason) count towards the number of models in a warband for the purposes of Rout tests?
A. No. His mates know he's lying in his sickbed at home and know he's not going to help them today.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: The Beastmen in the Possessed warband and the Beastmen warband have different profiles. Is this a mistake?
A: No. You'll note that the warriors are actually called something different too: ‘Beastmen’ in the Possessed warband and ‘Ungors’, ‘Gors’, and ‘Bestigors’ in the Beastmen warband. These are creatures of Chaos, after all, and there are many types of them in the Old World. Those that have been tainted by the proximity of so much warpstone in the city are a bit harder to kill, but that’s only to be expected.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: If a warband has both a Halfling Scout and a Halfling Cookbook, does it add +2 to its maximum size or just +1?
A: +2.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: What happens to the extra member of a warband if a Halfling Scout leaves or is killed (so the warband no longer gets the +1 to its maximum size)?
A: If the warband doesn’t acquire a new Halfling Scout, the warband must reduce its size to its current legal maximum at the end of stage 8 of the Post Battle sequence (as the extra warriors wander off in search of better rations).
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: What happens if a Merchant’s bodyguard dies?
A: The bodyguard is defined as a skill, so the Merchant will be without one until he can take the skill again as the result of gaining Experience. On the other hand, if the Merchant dies then the bodyguard leaves the warband after that battle.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Is a Merchant’s bodyguard a Hero or a Henchman for purposes of rolling for serious injuries?
A: A Henchman.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Is it possible to split a Henchmen group?
A: No. It can increase by hiring veteran warriors or decrease through losses, but it may not be split.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q: Does a promoted Henchman gain his warband’s specialist skill list AND two other lists, or does the specialist skill list take up a slot?
A: The Lad’s Got Talent result says, “You may choose two skill lists available to Heroes in your warband”, and as your warband’s specialist skills ARE available to your Heroes, that list does indeed take up one of those two if it is one of those chosen.
Source: 2005 Rules Review
Q. Can a tentacle mutation arm still hold a weapon as well as reducing the opponents attacks by 1?
A. Not with the tentacle, no. Normal arm, yes. So 1 normal attack and the other arm -1 enemy attack. My idea was that if you are grappling with the opponent, you are not hitting him/her. I admit I should have worded it clearer.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. My two mutants each have an extra arm and 2 swords with a shield. Do they have 3A and a 6+save (right hand, left hand and Shield??) or 2A and a 6+ save (seems to be this answer).
A. 2 Attacks (1 base attack, 1 extra from extra sword) and 6+ save for the shield.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. A possessed gets an extra attack with claw, but in the case of dual claw is that 2 s4 and 2 s5 attacks? RAW seems to say it, but logic does not.
A. Base attacks +1 S5 Attack per Great Claw, unless I completely misread my own writing.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook, 2
Q. What triggers Blackblood to activate? A. When your warrior suffers an unsaved wound, Blackblood will trigger, regardless of how many wounds you have left, even if that number is 0.
Q2. Does this also mean that if a model with 1 wound remaining, suffers three wounds from a single attacker in the same turn, it causes Blackblood to trigger three times?
A2. Each injury causes Blackblood to trigger until the model is Out Of Action. Roll each injury roll separately. If the first injury takes your Warrior out of action, then only one Blackblood will trigger.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. How does daemon soul interact with beneficial spells?
(1) Would daemon soul force a save against the Eye of God spell?
(2) Would daemon soul grant a save if you rolled a 1 on the Eye of God results table?
Furthermore, if a Magister had the daemon soul mutation;
(3) Would it force a save against his own Wings of Darkness spell?
(4) Would it grant a save against the injury roll from Dark Blood?
A. 'No' to all the questions. I really should have specified "spells cast against this model by enemies".
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Does the blind in one eye (or two) on the injury table affect Augers?
A. No. I forgot to put this in the Rulebook. Augurs are already blind. Rules As Written, yes, but you can tell people that Rules as Intended was that Augurs ignore eye wounds.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. What units are affected by Soul Fire, Blessed Water, Blessed Weapons and Holy Weapons? A. I actually originally wrote the word "warband" into the description. It was lost somewhere amongst the revisions. Don't recall if I ever Q&A.ed that.
It seems that this has been well-covered by the answers.
Ghouls are not Undead, and therefore not affected.
Wish I would have come up with Keywords when I wrote Mordheim…
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook, 2
Q. Can a Lizardman Bite Attack take a model out of action if it was knocked down or stunned by the normal attacks?
A. No, you always have to roll if it is attacks coming from the same model during the same round of melee.
Also, Lizardmen are already too good in Mordheim. I really don't think they need more help.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. Lizardnan warband have 1 + 1 attack. The extra attack is a bite attack and goes after great weapons. If they have frenzy, does the bite attack get doubled?
A. No, from the Rulebook "Frenzied warriors fight with double their Attacks characteristic in hand-to-hand combat". This is the ONLY doubling the Frenzy rules allow, ie. the Attack Characteristic. RAW.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If a Henchmen group limits the maximum number allowed, and one of them becomes a Hero, do they still count towards the maximum allowed even though they became a Hero?
A. Halfling is still a Halfling. Marksmen is still a Marksman. Even if he or she becomes a hero, the limit applies.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. For Hired Swords, do you add the "5 points per warrior" in, when calculating the warband rating?
A. I just did the math, it is included in the Ratings increase.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. How do you guys handle racial maximum limits when you level up your henchmen?
A. I meant it that you can choose WS and roll again, as I try to err on the side of the players having meaningful stat increases.
This was mainly due Warbands like Beastmen whose henchmen mainly have no use for stat like BS.
Fully admit I should have written it more clearly.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
General questions
Q. Can I take a Lucky Charm or another item before my first battle in a campaign, when I'm starting a new band?
A. No, you can't take Lucky Charms from the start. You can't take anything that isn't in your equipment list from the start.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Rulebook, page 144 says: As with other new Henchmen, you must pay for all their weapons and armour... OK, I just found a Fletcher with two bows. Does it mean that I can hire a new Marksman and give him one of the bows I have found?
A. Yes.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. If I recruit a new warrior in the middle of the campaign, what price of equipment do I pay for him? The price that is listed at my gang rules (he brought the equipment with him from his homeland)? Or the price in the Trading section of the rulebook (he came without equipment, I hired him, and bought equipment in the local trading post and gave it to him)? Or can I freely choose?
A. You must always equip any newly hired warriors using the equipment list from your warband.
Source: Annual 2002 FAQ
Q. Does a henchmen that survives a battle and gets promoted to hero get to roll for exploration?
A. The promotion happens before exploration, so RAW yes they would take part in exploration. Though in here whatever way the gaming group plays is fine -this hardly is a game-changer.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q1. Does a heroes equipment stay with the Warband or with the Hero when you dismiss the Hero?
A1. Just follow the rules as you can see under the header "Disbanding a Warband" in the rulebook. You are allowed to dismiss any warrior at any time during the post-battle sequence. As you are allowed to swap and stash equipment during post-battle sequence, you can first transfer the wounded warrior's weapons and gear to your stash and then dismiss him/her.
Q2. Does what you wrote above mean that you could dismiss a hero to make room for a Lad's Got Talent, directly after the LGT advancement roll, and also keep that hero's equipment?
A2. You want to dismiss the hero before you roll on the Henchmen advancement chart if you want to stick to the rules, as if the hero is on your roster at the exact moment you roll "Lad's Got a Talent!” you have a full roster and the rules state clearly you have to re-roll.
So dismiss BEFORE rolling on the Henchmen advancement chart.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If a model with more than one wound is attacked with a Thrusting Weapon (Spears, Halberds, Lances, etc) and suffers the Critical Hit 3-4 Thrust, the model is Knocked Down, if it was wounded again as a Knocked Down model and still has Wounds left over, can he be taken OOA even though he still have Wounds?
A. If the model is Knocked Down but still has Wounds remaining, he will be taken Out of Action if another models causes a Wound and the Armour Save roll fails.
In the models next Recovery Phase, he will stand back up with all remaining Wounds still available.
If a Critical Hit explicitly says it causes an effect (Like Knocked Down) it does it regardless of the Wounds. See Club Weapons Critical 6, which takes you Out Of Action regardless of Wounds.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. If my hero leaves the board because of a failed all alone test, do I still get the exploration roll for him? The rulebook does not state that leaving the Battlefield means "out of action"
A. RAW, hero can explore. The only condition mentioned in the rules is that they A)had to survive and B) did not go out of action.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Q. How do Warhounds count towards Warband size for Rout Tests, Selling Wyrdstone, etc?
A. In combat it behaves just like every other warrior, including counting towards rout tests. In Warband campaign part (shopping, upkeep, exploration), it counts as equipment. That was my intent.
Source: Tuomas Pirinin on Facebook
Can be used every game forever:
- Rope and Hook
- Lucky Charm (Once per game)
- Elven Cloak
- Hunting Arrows
- Holy Tome
- Holy Relic
- Unholy Relic
- Halfling Cookbook
- Animals
- Lantern
- Cathayan Silk Cloak
- Net (Once per game)
One use item:
- Black Lotus
- Dark Venom
- Mad Cap Mushrooms
- Crimson Shade
- Mandrake Root
- Blessed Water (One use only)
- Garlic (Lasts for one game)
- Bugman's Ale
- Tome of Magic
- Superior Blackpowder
- Mordheim Map
- Tears of Shallaya
- Healing Herbs (One use only)