Grade 1B Hired Swords
Source: Town Cryer 13
20 gold crowns to hire + 10 gold crowns upkeep
In the dark and depressing streets of Mordheim a rousing tune foretelling the warbands victory can lift even the lowliest of spirits. A Bard may seem out of place in the City of the Damned but there are those who are willing to sing out their battle chorus for the highest bidder. These men are often warriors too, for only the bravest of songsters would consider looking for an audience in Mordheim.
May be Hired: Mercenaries, Sisters of Sigmar and Witch Hunters may hire Bards.
Rating: A Bard increases a warband's rating by 8 points plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Bard | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons/Armour: Sword, dagger and light armour.
Songster: A Bard's rousing war songs steel the hearts of all those around him. Any friendly model within 6” of a Bard may re-roll any failed Leadership test with a +1 to Leadership. This includes rout tests.
Skills: A Bard may choose from Academic and Speed skills when he gains a new skill.
Big Game Hunter
Source: Town Cryer 13, Lustria
40 gold crowns to hire +18 gold crowns upkeep
There are many reasons why adventurers risk life and limb exploring the mysterious continent of Lustria. The lure of riches and arcane knowledge brings a steady flow of greedy individuals but some are drawn in search of legendary creatures rumoured to inhabit the lush jungle. Expert game hunters are paid vast sums of money by flamboyant Old World nobles in order to bring back these exotic creatures. These rare beasts are displayed in the private zoos and gardens of nobles or can be found hanging from the walls of their palaces. Game hunters are skilled trackers and hunters having spent most of their lives hunting game in the forests of the Old World. They are well equipped and not inexpensive to hire.
May be Hired: The Big Game Hunter can be hired by any human Warband.
Rating: A Big Game Hunter increases the warband’s rating by +16 points plus 1 point per Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Big Game Hunter | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Equipment: Sword, Dagger, Net, Light Armour, Hunting Rifle (same as a Hochland Long Rifle).
Skills: The Big Game Hunter can choose from Shooting or Academic skills when he gains a new skill.
Set Traps: The Hunter may place up to six counters to represent these traps on the board immediately after the Hunter model is placed. They must be placed at ground level with at least 6" between them. Any model (except the Hunter) that moves within 3" of a trap counter must roll a D6. On a 1-3, nothing happens. On a 4-6, the model takes a single hit automatically at the strength shown on the dice. The trap counter is then removed. A single model can only set off one trap at a time. If an animal of any sort is put Out of Action by a trap, it is automatically captured after the game to be sent to the Old World.
Black Orc Overseer
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
60 gold crowns to hire + 40 gold crowns upkeep
Hand-picked from a cadre of his finest guards, these elite Orcs have been ordered by none other than Grimgor Ironhide to infiltrate the Great Forest and so keep an eye on the progress of his roving gangs.
May be Hired: Any greenskin warband may hire a Black Orc Bodyguard.
Rating: A Black Orc Bodyguard increases the warband’s rating by +15 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Overseer | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons/Armour: The Black Orc Bodyguard wears heavy armour and a helmet. He may choose between two axes or a double handed weapon.
I said 'shut it': Whilst the Boss has this ferocious warrior in the warband the greenskins are reluctant to make trouble. Any orcs or goblins within 6" of the Black Orc do not suffer from the effects of Animosity. The rest of the warband tests as normal.
Who'se Da Man! If any Goblin leader is taken OOA during the battle, the Black Orc Hired Sword steps up to replace him. For the duration of the battle he gains the "Leader" ability. If the Goblin leader gets the "Killed" result after the battle, then the Black Orc decides to fill the new vacant position permanently. The Black Orc becomes the new warband leader, but he keeps his upkeep cost (hey, a Black Orc can't live on mushrooms and fungus alone). The Black Orc does not count towards the warband size when selling treasure.
Bounty Hunter
Source: Town Cryer 13
40 gold crowns + 15 gold crowns upkeep
Villains and outlaws are rife in the Old World. In Mordheim they are as ubiquitous as the ruins that litter the streets. It is the false perception of some outlaws that the depravity and chaos within the city's walls can offer some anonymity from those men who would seek to bring them to justice and claim the price on their heads. Not so, for Bounty Hunters are determined and resourceful men who will often hire themselves out as mercenaries to roaming warbands in the hope of getting closer to their mark. Their mission is to capture at all costs and a little thing like a cursed city isn't even going to slow their stride...
May be Hired: Any warband except Possessed, Undead, Skaven and Ores may hire the Bounty Hunter.
Rating: A Bounty Hunter increases the warband's rating by +20 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Bounty Hunter | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 |
Weapons/Armour: Sword, dagger, pistol, crossbow, heavy armour, helmet, rope hook and lantern.
Capture: The Bounty Hunter will always be on the lookout for the outlaw he is pursuing. Such contracts are numerous, especially in Mordheim so at the start of each battle nominate one of your opponent's heroes as the Bounty Hunter’s mark. The Bounty Hunter gets a +1 to hit this model and must always move towards them (if he can see them), unless he can shoot (in which case choose). If the Bounty Hunter successfully takes the hero out of action' he gains the hero's gold value as payment (of which he gives the warband half) +D3 experience if he survives the game and the Bounty Hunter's side wins. After the battle do not roll on the serious injury table for the hero, he simply counts as captured.
Skills: A Bounty Hunter may choose from Combat, Shooting, Strength and Speed skills when he gains a new skill.
Chameleon Skink
Source: Town Cryer 12, Lustria
70 gcs to hire 12 gcs upkeep
Chameleon Skinks are an incredibly rare breed of Skink that can change the colour of their skins at will to blend in with their environment. Needless to say Chameleon Skinks are very stealthy and difficult to detect indeed.
May be hired: Lizardmen warbands only.
Rating: The Chameleon Skink raises the rating of the warband by 16 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Chameleon Skink | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 7 |
Equipment: The Chameleon Skink comes equipped with a dagger, blowpipe with poison darts and a buckler.
Skills: The Chameleon Skink may choose from Shooting, Speed and Lizardmen special skills.
All of the Lizardmen special skills for Skinks: Scaly Skin, Cold Blooded, Aquatic and jungle born.
Chameleon Skin: Because of the Chameleon Skink's unique camouflage he is very difficult to detect, therefore foes halve their Initiative when trying to detect him when Hidden. In addition Chameleon Skinks are at -2 to hit with missile fire.
Infiltrator: The Chameleon Skink is a master of disguise and deployment. You may place him anywhere on the board out of line of sight and at least 12" from any enemy model.
Clan Skryre Rat Ogre
Source: Town Cryer 25
100 gold crowns, 1 piece of Wyrdstone upkeep.
The warlock engineers of Clan Skryre are renowned for their fiendish inventions which utilise a blend of foul magic and arcane machinery. The Clan Skrvre Rat Ogre is the pinnacle of their devilish engineering, utilising the corpse of a Rat Ogre combined with a mechanical exoskeleton and powered by refined wyrdstone. The Clan hires out the handful that it has made to further test them in combat. In battle it is a terrifying if somewhat unreliable beast.
May be hired: Only Skaven warbands may hire the Clan Skryre Rat Ogre.
Rating: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre increases the warband’s rating by +25 points.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Rat Ogre | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 10 |
Weapons and Armour: Jaws and claws! In addition the Rat Ogre is armed with a small Warpfire Thrower on its mechanical left arm. The part-mechanical body of the Rat Ogre is very hardy and confers a 4+ armour save.
Skills: The Clan Skrvre Rat Ogre is a nightmarish bio-mechanoid creation that is solely driven by the dark sorcery of the Clan Skryre Warlocks and so gains no experience.
Large: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is a huge creature that towers above the heads of its fellow Skaven and men alike. Any warrior may shoot at a Rat Ogre, even if it is not the closet target.
Fear: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is a fearsome, monstrous beast that causes Fear.
Bio Machinery: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is not alive as such, being a monstrous combination of dead flesh, arcane Skaven technology and dark sorcery. The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is immune to psychology and never leaves combat.
Wyrdstone Powered: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is a mindless automaton and does not require any pay - it does - however, require Wyrdstone shards to power it. It requires a single piece of Wyrdstone before each game to be ‘powered-up’.
May not run: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is a huge lumbering monster-machine that lacks the sheer animal speed of a living Rat Ogre. It may not run.
Immune to Poison: The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre is not affected by any poisons.
Warpfire Thrower
The Clan Skryre Rat Ogre has a smaller version of the dreaded warpfire thrower built into one of its arms.
Range: 6"
Strength: 4
Save Modifier: -1
Jet of Flame: Draw a line 6” long and 2" wide. All models in its path are hit on a 4 + with no modifiers. In addition, the warpfire thrower causes fire damage (see the rules for the Brazier Iron).
Unreliable: The technology of biomechanics is still pretty much in its infancy and as with most Clan Skryre experiments is neither safe nor entirely reliable! At the beginning of each turn, the Skaven player should roll a D6 to activate and work the Rat Ogre. On a roll of 2-6 everything is fine and the Rat Ogre may be moved normally. On the roll of a 1, something has gone drastically wrong - roll again on the Malfunction table below:
D6 | Result |
1 | Explodes: Something has gone horribly wrong with the Rat Ogre's warpstone generator and it has overloaded, exploding in a bright green flash! All models within 6" of the Rat Ogre receive a single Strength 5 hit. The Rat Ogre is completely destroyed. Do not roll for injuries after the game. |
2 | Goes berserk! From now until the end of the game, the Rat Ogre is out of control. At the start of each of the Skaven player's turns, the Rat Ogre will move randomly (use the Artillery Scatter dice from Warhammer to determine the distance and direction moved) - if there are any warriors within charge range (of either side) it will charge them, otherwise it will move at full pace towards the nearest warrior. |
3 | Shuts Down: The warpstone generator tizzies out and the Rat Ogre comes to a halt for the rest of the battle. It is hit automatically if engaged in close combat. |
4 | Temporary Loss of Control: The Rat Ogre moves in a random direction and if it comes into contact with any warriors (of either side) it attacks and counts as charging. If it does not move into contact with any warriors but there are warriors within range of its warpfire thrower, it will fire this at them instead. |
5-6 | Freezes: The Rat Ogre just freezes on the spot for this turn, it is hit automatically if engaged in close combat. |
Dark Elf Assassin
Source: Town Cryer 12, Lustria
70 gs to hire + 25 gs upkeep
Few are better than the silent, black garbed killers of the Dark Elves, even the Skaven Clan Eshin quail at their expertise. It is not unusual for young apprentice assassins, when learning their dark trade, to be sent off to far away places to further hone their skills by selling their unique abilities.
May be hired: Any evil warband may hire a Dark Elf Assassin.
Rating: A Dark Elf Assassin increases the warband's rating by +25 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Dark Elf Assassin | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 8 |
Equipment: Dark Elf Blade, dagger, repeating crossbow, Dark Venom, Light Armour and Dark Cloak (counts as Elven cloak).
Skills: An Assassin may choose from Combat, Shooting, and Speed skills when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Assassin may use any unique Dark Elf skills (see later), which he can choose instead of normal skills.
Perfect Killer: All attacks made by the Assassin, whether in shooting or close combat, have an extra -1 save modifier to represent his skill in striking at unarmoured spots.
Kindred Hatred: All Dark Elves suffer hatred towards their High Elven kin.
Source: Town Cryer 13
35 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep
Duelists are men of the shadows, their reputations dark and bloodthirsty. They> are men of iron nerve who stare unflinchingly into the face of death every time they draw their pistols. As well as expert pisto/iers, duelists are master swordsmen, their close quarter fighting deadly and brief for their opponents. Those who seek the services of a duelist must frequent dark avenues and taverns to locate them, for they are enigmatic and elusive figures. However any warband who secures their skills will reap great benefit.
May be Hired: Any warband except Skaven and Undead may hire a Duelist.
Rating: A Duelist increases the warband’s rating by +18 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Duellist | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 7 |
Weapons/Armour: Duelling pistol, sword, dagger and cloak. The cloak counts as a buckler.
Darting Steel: A Duelist is like a blur in handto-hand combat, turning blades aside with seemingly little effort or concern. The Duelist may parry using his sword and buckler if he can roll under his weapon skill and not more than his opponent's highest hit roll as per the normal rules.
Skills: A Duelist may choose from Combat and Shooting skills when he gains a new skill.
Dwarf Pathfinder
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
35 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep
Not all Dwarfs enjoy being shut up beneath the ground all of their lives; some enjoy an occasional trip into the open air. Usually these Dwarfs are younger, and not quite as set in their ways. After a few trips aboveground, many Dwarfs learn something of the surrounding terrain and the skills required to survive in the open air. Such Dwarfs are called Dwarf Pathfinders, and they fulfill a special role in Dwarf society, as representatives to (and the first line of defense against) the outside world.
May be Hired: Any Dwarf or Human warband (excluding Chaos Dwarfs and Possessed) may hire the Dwarf Pathfinder.
Rating: A Dwarf Pathfinder increases the warband’s rating by +12 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Pathfinder | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Weapons/Armour: The Dwarf Pathfinder carries an Axe, Dagger, and Crossbow. He wears Light Armour.
Explorer: Dwarf Pathfinders are experts at foraging and living off whatever they can find in the wild. A warband with a Dwarf Pathfinder may roll one more dice than normal in the Exploration Phase, and discard one die of the player’s choice.
Skills: A Dwarf Pathfinder may choose from Combat, Shooting, or Dwarf (see ‘Dwarf Special Skills’ in the rules for the Dwarf Runic Ranger Warband) skill lists when he gains a new skill. Alternatively, he may choose the new Dwarf Pathfinder skill, below.
Dwarf Pathfinder Skills
Pathfinder: Dwarf Pathfinders also learn how to find hidden paths in the forest. A Dwarf Pathfinder is able to Infiltrate (as the Skaven skill of the same name —see the Skaven warband rules in the Mordheim rulebook).
Dwarf Treasure Hunter
Source: Fanatic Magazine 8, by Jake Thornton
55 gold crowns to hire +30 gold crowns upkeep
Dwarfs are famed for their love of gold, ale, and adventure, not necessarily in that order. Since the disaster at Mordheim they have come to the ruins in ever-increasing numbers, some seeking riches, but many just after a good fight. They’re well known as tough warriors and are very much sought after as hired muscle by other warbands, but the Treasure Hunters have other benefits too. Dwarf Treasure Hunters are specialists in finding riches that other people have tried to hide and, as such, can add considerably to a warband’s purse.
May be Hired: Mercenaries and Witch Hunters may hire a Dwarf Treasure Hunter. Warbands of Dwarf Treasure Hunters are considered rivals to these individual prospectors and so may not hire them. Warbands that include Elves may hire Dwarf Treasure Hunters, but must pay double the normal upkeep after each battle. Dwarfs won’t put up with pointy-eared folk unless they have to, or are adequately compensated for their sufferance.
Rating: A Dwarf Treasure Hunter increases the warband’s rating by +24 points plus one point for each Experience Point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Dwarf Treasure Hunter | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Weapons/Armour: Gromril armour, helmet, mining pick, dagger, hammer, treasure maps and lantern rig (see below).
Skills: A Dwarf Treasure Hunter may choose from Combat or Strength skills when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken out of action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as knocked down, 3-5 as stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.
Mining Pick: This is a two-handed weapon and uses the same rules as a double-handed axe, hammer, etc.
Lantern Rig: The lantern rig allows the Treasure Hunter to use the lantern and still keep both hands free for weapons. Otherwise it follows the normal rules for lanterns.
Treasure Maps: Over his time in the ruins, the Treasure Hunter has acquired a number of treasure maps. Call it greed if you must, professional interest if you're more polite. Some of these are obvious fakes, but there are many that seem promising. At least, on first glance. Each battle the Dwarf Treasure Hunter will choose one map and see where it leads.
Roll a D6 at the end of each battle which the Dwarf Treasure Hunter survives without going out of action.
D6 | Result |
1 | Ambush!: The Dwarf Treasure Hunter is ambushed by D3 brigands who planted the fake map to lure the unwary to their doom. Immediately fight a close combat between the brigands and the Treasure Hunter with the brigands going first and counting as charging. The Brigands have the stats of a Human Mercenary Warrior and are armed with a club and dagger. |
2 | Poor Fake: It quickly becomes obvious that this is a feeble forgery and is utterly worthless. The Treasure Hunter uses it to light his pipe. |
3 | Looted Hoard: It was a good map, but someone beat you to it! Mind you, there's enough left to add +1 to the number of shards collected by your warband this game. |
4 | Cellar: When Dwarfs say “treasure”, they don't always mean gold. This map leads to a forgotten cellar of a ruined pub and contains a small barrel of Bugman's finest ale – treasure indeed! This works like the one in the rules, but there's only enough to give to D6 warriors. Decide when you want them to drink it and roll to see how many it'll go round. The first warrior to drink from the barrel must be the Dwarf Treasure Hunter himself. The barrel cannot be sold, and if the Treasure Hunter is not retained he'll manage to take this with him when he goes. |
5 | Real Treasure Map: Roll one extra Exploration dice. |
6 | Jackpot!: You get one extra Exploration dice. However, do not roll this along with the rest of them. Instead, roll the Exploration dice you'd normally be entitled to first. Then choose the result of the extra dice instead of rolling it (potentially making doubles into triples, etc). Once you've done this, resolve the results of the exploration as normal. Note that these results are not cumulative. The Treasure Hunter consults a different map each battle, and so the results only apply to that battle (or, more accurately, to the actions between that battle and the next). |
Note that none of these are cumulative. The Treasure Hunter consults a different map each battle, and so the results only apply to that battle (or, more accurately, to the actions between that battle and the next).
Elf Mage
Source: Fanatic Magazine 5, by Jake Thornton
45 gold crowns to hire
Unlike the staid and traditionally insular archmages of the Tower of Saphery, devotees of the smaller Djed’hi temple are wanderers. After a brief few decades study at the temple on Ulthuan, they leave to seek enlightenment in the true ways of magic by studying the ways of the world. There is no single path to this enlightenment, indeed there are said to be more paths than there are those that tread them.
The Djed’hi are not merely students of the academic arts. Their wanderings are perilous and inevitably lead them into dangerous lands where they must defend themselves. Thus, most of their magics are means to enable them to survive to explore the world another day.
Few of the Djed’hi own much in the way of possessions, and this saves them from some of the less savoury folk they encounter. However, although robbing them is generally not worth the effort, the mere fact that they are Elves is enough to attract bigots and small-minded fools to attack them. All this just underlines the natural feelings of superiority of the wanderers, which in turn makes their enlightenment all the more distant.
May be Hired: Human Mercenaries may hire Elf Mages.
Rating: An Elf Mage increases a warband's rating by 23 points.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Elf Mage | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 8 |
Weapons/Armour: Staff, Elven cloak.
Skills: An Elf Mage is a wanderer and will not stay long enough with a warband to learn new skills.
Special Rules
Fey: Hostile magic spells will not affect the Elf on a D6 roll of a 4+.
Sorcery: The Elf Mage Counts as having the skill Sorcery.
Wanderer: An Elf Mage is a wanderer, and will only stay with a warband for the duration of a single battle. A warband who used an Elf Mage in their last battle may not seek out another until they have fought at least one battle without one.
Wizard: Elf Mages are magicians and have three spells generated at random from the Spells of the Djed’hi list.
Source: Mordheim Facebook Group, by Tuomas Pirinen (PDF)
30 Gold Crowns to Hire +15 Gold Crowns upkeep
_Servants of the Church, the Gaolers have the duty of extracting confessions from witches, heretics, soothsayers, Chaos worshippers, idolators, fornicators and blasphemous poets in the cells under the great temples of Sigmar. Forbidden by the scriptures to spill blood, the gaoler instead is a master of inflicting terrible pain with fire, iron rods, and ingenious devices of persuasion that break bones and internal organs of those put to question. They are taught how to inflict excruciating pain with just their own massive bodies. Gaolers are recruited as children and brought up with absolute loyalty to the Church and firm faith that their terrible methods of interrogation are for the greater good. Massive men (and it is rumoured, even a few women) are selected for their size and strength in youth, and they are an imposing, forbidding sight. By decree of the Grand Theogonist, they are fed from the kitchens of the church and encouraged to gain massive bulk and strength, which is useful for their grim work. Gaolers’ faces are hidden by hoods or bay forbidding masks, as the Holy Law decrees that the justice facing the heretics must be faceless and impartial. _
In Mordheim, the services of Gaolers are much in demand by the grim order of the Witch Hunters, who have many heretics to try and interrogate. Few have survived the terrible embrace of the Gaoler and lived to tell the tale.
May be Hired: The Witch Hunters can hire a Gaoler.
Rating: Gaoler increases the warband’s rating by 18 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Gaoler | 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons/Armor: Gaoler can be armed with a heavy chain of keys and locks (counts as a flail) or with two hammers/clubs. Gaoler wears no armor.
Skills: A Gaoler may choose from the Combat and Strength skills when he gains an advancement.
Special Rules
Torturer’s grapple: Gaolers are experts at inflicting pain and restraining heretics. Instead of using his normal attacks the Gaoler can make one grapple attack that deals no direct damage in melee. Instead, if the attack hits, the target must roll under his or her strength (with -1 penalty) or become immobile and writhing in indescribable agony, unable to do anything at all (fight in melee, use items, cast spells or shoot) until in the beginning of the next melee phase provided he rolls under his strength with -1 penalty again to see if escape is possible. If successful, the model can act as normal (though it still counts as being in melee with the Gaoler).
Other models in Gaoler’s warband can attack the grappled enemy as normal, but the Gaoler cannot do anything else except hold the target. Enemies not alive and/or immune to pain (such as Undead or Daemons) are not affected by this attack, and neither are any Large models who are too big to grapple.
Devout: As long as there is a Sigmarite Priest in a warband, the Gaoler will not leave it even if he is not paid his upkeep cost, though he will not fight in the next battle until he is paid, as he has to pass on a tithe to the Church of Sigmar.
Inured to pain: The infernal heat of the torture chamber, devout self-mutilation and the massive bulk of the Gaolers give them a degree of resistance to pain. All Injury rolls against the Gaoler suffer -1 penalty. Ignore Injury results of 0 as if no damage was done at all.
Hatred: fired by the sermons of the senior priests of the Cult of Sigmar, the Gaolers hate all the members of Skaven, Possessed, Beastsman, Carnival of Chaos and Undead war bands.
Halfling Thief
Source: Fanatic Magazine 7
25gc to hire/Special Upkeep (see below)
Halflings are well known for their nimble feet and even nimbler fingers. While many follow their fathers and turn their dextrous skills to works of craft such as basket making, cobbling and cookery (in fact a lot of cookery) many also find themselves drawn towards the danger and excitement of stealing. Of course, Halflings never take anything too valuable (except by accident) as that would not be nice to the person who previously owned the item. Nonetheless, it is surprising the number of things that go ‘missing’ when a Halfling is about. The poor little chaps don’t know the re doing it half the time, they just seem to acquire rings, boxes of matches and small pets as they go about their normal business.
In fact, Halflings have a very relaxed attitude towards property in general, and casually swap items with one another all of the time (mostly without realising they’re actually swapping). Halfling birthdays are a celebration of this attitude and many gifts are freely given away by the Halfling whose birthday it is (usually, as a consequence of inviting another twelve Halflings to your house and then falling asleep after dinner).
Many Halflings find that the skills which were taught to them as part of their natural childhood and adolescence are frowned upon by people outside of the Moot. They also find themselves very popular with certain organisations,such as the Thieves Guild and the local watch patrol.
As can be expected, the speed and agility of Halfling Thieves has been noted by many of those who seek their fortune delving into the ruins of Mordheim, Halflings make excellent bait for monster traps and are usually quick and lucky enough to escape once the monster has fallen for the trap. Their diminutive size allows them to be pushed through sewers, under badly fitting gates and into rat-infested nooks and crannies. As you might tell, a Halfling is considered by some to be the most essential piece of adventuring equipment you could get.
Despite this rough treatment, most Halfling “Treasure and Property Removal Kxperts" don’t mind the odd trek into the ruins. With a few of big, burly trained bullies and perhaps a sneaky looking wizard to back you up, your enemies don't come calling at your doorso often! Besides, where else can you find so many gifts, pretty gems, silver plates, swords of Mystical and Magical Significance. Not only all that, someone actually listens to what you’re saying, even if they do decide to ignore you completely when you finished giving your advice.
Famous Halfling Thieves from the history books include: Nikkit Kwik (also known as the Burglar of Brionne), Bumblebean Lightfoot, Niftlet ‘Statue Stealer’ Stumbly, and the Halfling who once managed to steal the Great bell out of the Temple of Sigmar in Nuln, ‘Two-feet-tall’ Telworth Buttercup. The ‘King of Thieves’ the renowned Ned Neddley, responsible for stealing almost anything that wasn’t nailed down (and if he had a claw hammer with him, he'd steal the nails too).
Halflings excel at making themselves inconspicuous. This probably has something to do with their small stature, unassuming manner and predilection for walking around barefooted. Whatever the reason, there are still differences in individual Halfling abilities in this area. The Halfling Thief is a master at sneakiness, sticky-fingers, and feigned innocence. Adding one to your warband is always a dicey situation at best, as you’re always certain that the other warriors are going to come up a few crowns light by the end of the adventure.
May be Hired: The Halfling Thief may be hired by the following warbands: Human Mercenaries, Kislevites, and any Wood Elf, or Dwarf warband.
Rating: A Halfling Thief increases the warband s rating by +14 points, plus 1 point for each Experience Point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Halfling | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Equipment: A Halfling Thief is equipped with a sword, dagger, and throwing daggers. He carries a rope and grapple as well.
Skills: A Halfling Thief may choose from Speed and Shooting skills. He may also choose from the special Halfling Thief skills below.
Halfling Thief Stills
If the Halfling Thief rolls a skill as an advance, he may choose to take one of the following skills instead of his normal skill selections:
wily thief
The Thief is an expert at quickly finding the valuables on a victim before moving on. To reflect this, if the Thief takes out any members of the enemy warband during a game (and he was not taken Out of Action himself), the Halfling Thief’s warband receives one additional Treasure (this does not affect the opposing warband’s number of Treasures... just assume this is one they WOULD have found and leave it at that). This is, of course, in addition to the normal +1 Treasure he already adds through his ‘Cutpurse’ special rule.
The Halfling Thief can hide even after running, and can run while within 8" of enemy models if he starts and ends his move hidden.
Special Rules
Infiltrator: The Thief is an expert at sneaking close to the enemy without being detected. He may always be placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband(s), and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate in this way, roll off to see which player places his infiltrators first.
Pick Locks: A Thief knows how to open doors that others find impossible, using special tools of the trade and heavily guarded techniques, a good Thief can pretty much go anywhere he pleases. When testing to open a locked door, the Thief just needs to make an Initiative test in order to be successful.
Cutpurse: A Thief makes his profession by finding’ things others have ‘lost’. To represent this, at the end of the game when the warband rolls to find Treasures, they receive one additional Treasure as long as the Thief took part in the game (ie, he was actually in the battle), and wasn’t taken Out of Action.
Uneasy Ally: At the end of each game (whether or not the Halfling Thief actually took part), roll a D6 and consult the chart following:
D6 | Result |
1 | Stop Thief!: Obviously unimpressed with his employment, the Halfling Thief has absconded with all the warband’s valuables! Remove the Halfling Thief from your roster, along with all Treasures and valuables remaining in your stash from previous games. Do not add any additional Treasures for having the Thief in your warband this game. |
2-5 | Tax Time: The Halfling Thief seems satisfied with his time with the warband thus far, and just charges “his normal fee” of a 15gc upkeep. |
6 | Ignorance is Bliss: The Halfling Thief seems very satisfied with the take so far (in fact maybe TOO satisfied, as he keeps rubbing his hands together and muttering to himself... ), and forgoes any upkeep charges on your warband this time. On the bright side, whatever it is he's filched you never knew you had... |
Human Scout
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
10 gold crowns to hire + 5 gold crowns upkeep
Not all men are comfortable living in cities among their peers. Some prefer a solitary life in the wilderness, only returning to civilization to trade for things they cannot make themselves. Such men are naturally hard for most others to understand and get along with, but their skills in the wild can prove invaluable to a band of warriors seeking adventure in unfamiliar territory. A warband traveling through the Great Forest will often hire such an individual to guide them to the remote parts of the forest and back.
May be Hired: Any warband except Orcs, Goblins, Beastmen or Possessed may hire the Human Scout.
Rating: A Human Scout increases the warband’s rating by +9 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Human Scout | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 |
Weapons/Armour: The Human Scout carries a Bow, Sword and Dagger.
Skills: A Human Scout may choose from Combat Skills, Speed skills or Quick Shot, Eagle Eyes, or Trick Shooter from the Shooting skills list when he gains a new skill. Alternatively, he may choose one of the new Human Scout skills, below.
Not a Fighter: If a Human Scout is taken Out of Action during a game, he decides to leave on a 1-3, instead of the normal 1-2 when rolling for injury at the end of the game.
Expert Hunter: A Human Scout that has been declared as Hidden may only be detected by models within half their Initiative value in inches, not their Initiative value as normal. In addition, a Human Scout may fire his Bow without giving away his position (he may fire and remain Hidden).
Sit in Wait: A Human Scout is able to Infiltrate (as the Skaven skill of the same name—see the Skaven warband rules in the Mordheim rulebook).
Kislev Ranger
Source: Fanatic Magazine 6, by Nick Kyme
30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
Kislev is a wild and untamed land; a place of endless horizons, rocky steppes, and icy tundra, its plains stretch as far as the eye can see. It is here that the rangers are in their element. Capable of great endurance, traveling on foot for days at a time, they negotiate this hostile land, patrolling its borders, ever watchful for dark forces.
As Mordheim, the City of the Damned, draws sell-swords and fortune-hunters from across the Old World it is no surprise to find Kislevite Rangers there too. Adept at exploring through the ruins, finding forgotten loot or lending their deadly aim to a captain’s ambition, warbands frequently hire these wild warriors.
Perhaps most peculiar of all is that most of the rangers are women. The men folk of the northern lands are committed to its protection from the ravaging armies of the Kurgan marauder hordes and the other servants of Chaos. It is the women then, often those shunned by their families or banished for some misdeed, that range out from their homes, perhaps hoping to redeem themselves or even make their own fortunes in the perilous lands beyond.
May be Hired: Mercenaries, Witch Hunters and Dwarfs may hire Kislev Rangers.
Rating: The Kislev Ranger increases a warband's rating by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Kislev Ranger has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Kislev Ranger | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons/Armour: The Kislev Ranger is armed with a bow, a sword, and a Hunter’s cloak.
Skills: The Kislev Ranger may choose from Combat, Shooting, Academic, Strength, and Speed when she gains a new skill. In addition, the Kislev Ranger may choose from the Kislev Ranger Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Heart Strike: Kislev Rangers often battle against large monsters that roam their native borders. They have grown particularly adept at felling such beasts with a single, deadly arrow strike. When shooting at a large monster (this includes large animals such as bears too), if the Kislev Ranger rolls a 6 to hit, followed by a wound roll of 5+, the beast is shot in some vital spot and is killed instantly, regardless of wounds, with no save whatsoever.
Hunter’s Cloak: This cloak is fashioned by Kislevites and is only worn by their rangers. A hidden ranger will not reveal her position by shooting. The target model can take an initiative test in order to try and spot the firing ranger. If the test is successful, the ranger is no longer hidden.
Loner: Ranger’s are immune to all alone tests.
Seeker: If the Ranger did not go out of action, she may modify one Exploration die by +/-1.
Kislev Ranger Skills
Animal Call: If hidden, the Ranger may use animal calls to confound the enemies. Any enemy model that is within 18” of the Ranger and does not declare a charge in its movement phase must take a Leadership test (determine which models these are after charges are declared but before they are moved). Those that fail the Ranger may move in any direction she wishes instead of their normal move.
Herb Lore: The Ranger has learned basic herb lore to cure injuries. Any friendly model in base-to-base contact with her may have 1 wound restored on a roll of 4+ in the recovery phase. The ranger may also heal herself. If any healing is successful, the ranger may not move this turn, but may shoot as normal. The ranger may not heal if she is in close combat.
Mule Skinner
Source: Town Cryer 14
35 gold crowns to hire + 15 gc upkeep
Mule Skinners are quite common wherever teams of animal are used. They are experienced warriors, accustomed to handling teams of draft and pack animals such as horses and (strangely enough) mules as well as more exotic animals such as Cold Ones. Most are freelance, offering their services in the marketplace alongside traditional traders. They are widely travelled and have contacts in most major cities, especially among the animal merchants.
May be hired: Any warband, except Possessed Skaven, or any Undead warband, may hire a mule skinner.
Rating: A Mule Skinner increases the warband's rating by 20 points, plus 1 point foe each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Mule Skinner | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons/Armour: The Mule Skinner starts with a whip and a dagger.
Skills: A Mule Skinner may choose from Combat and Strength skills. In addition he may learn Streetwise and Haggle (both academic skills).
Animal Handler: A Mule Skinner starts with one Animal Handling skill (player's choice of which animal).
The following are based on the Adventurer's Whip Rules by Jo-Herman Haugholt from the Mordheim Khemri Discussion Group (used with permission).
Whip Master: The hero is so skilled with his whip that he may re-coll all to-hit rolls when using the whip. Only one re-roll is allowed per attempt and you must accept the second roll, even if it is worse.
Cost: 15 Gold Crowns
Weapon: Whip
Range: 4"
Strength: As user -1
Special Rules: Cannot be parried, reach, disarm, + 1 armour save.
Disarm: Instead of striking to injure, a warrior with a Whip may try to strike his opponent's weapon making him drop it. Roll to hit as normal, but instead of rolling to wound, the opponent gets a single Parry attempt; if the Parry attempt is failed, he has dropped his weapon. He must now fight with whatever back-up weapon he has in his equipment for the rest of this combat (or fight unarmed if he has no other weapons). At the end of the combat, the model is assumed to retrieve the dropped weapon, as long as he is not put out of action. Disarmed opponents put out of action lose the weapon permanently.
Note: The Parry attempt represents the model trying to hold on to the weapon; he is always allowed one (and only one) Parry, irrespective of the equipment he is carrying.
Nomad Scout
Source: Town Cryer 19
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep.
The guides of the nomad tribes are at best uncouth and uncivilised. However they are good warriors, living a life of almost constant battle within the deserts they call their home. An Old World warband is well advised to hire a guide if they are to survive the ravages of the desert.
May be hired: The Nomad Guide may be hired by any warband that can afford him.
Rating: A Nomad Guide increases the warband's rating by +12 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Nomad Scout | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons and Armour: The Nomad Guide is armed with a Scimitar and a bow.
Son of the Desert: The Nomad Guide is adept at finding sources of water. The warband can modify the result on the Supply Source table by + /-1.
Skills: The Nomad Guide may choose from Shooting and Speed skill when he gains a new skill.
Norse Shaman
Source: Town Cryer 12, Lustria; Border Town Burning Supplement
45 gcs to hire +25 gcs upkeep
Even mighty warriors fear the seers of the great Norse tribes. It is said that these seers are mighty soothsayers and can tell when a warrior will meet his death in combat, a knowledge that any warrior dreads to know.
There is a tradition amongst the tribes of the north, where a man who possesses the sight of the crow can hold back the power of death or unleash it in ways undreamt of. Unlike the swifter prowess of sorcerers who are blessed by a union with the Ruinous Powers, these seers find their powers in the dark places, where death, murder and war have cursed the lands. For here the winds of Dhar congeal, contaminating everything around and here dwell those among the Norse with the witch sight.
May be hired:
- Norse and human warbands in Lustria may hire The Norse Shaman (TC12).
- Human, Norse and Marauders of Chaos warbands may hire the Norse Shaman (BTB).
Rating: The Norse Shaman increases the warband's rating by +25 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Norse Shaman | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 |
Skills: The Shaman may choose from the Combat and Academic skill charts, in lieu of a skill, they may roll for an additional Rune (see below). Rolling a duplicate lowers the difficulty as normal for magic spells.
Equipment: The Shaman carries a rune staff and either a sword or an axe.
Special Rules
The Norse Shaman starts with two 'Runes' from the Norse Runes chart. These are treated in the same way as Sigmarite Prayers and can be cast whilst wearing armour. Abilities that give saves against spells, give saves against runes.
Old Prospector
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
2 treasure to hire, +1 treasure upkeep
The Great Forest is full of old mines, long since exhausted and abandoned by the Dwarfs. Despite this, there are grizzled old men who still spend their lives surveying the land, looking for the big payoff.
Hire fee: A Prospector may be hired for two Treasures (most likely a gemstone or a nugget of precious metal). His upkeep fee is a single Treasure (he figures he can resale it better than some fresh-faced youngster).
May be Hired: Any warband may hire a Prospector ("I duzzent care if'n ye looks a mite strange... as long as yer pay in stone") except Dwarfs, who regard him as an amateur.
Rating: A Prospector increases the warband's rating by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Prospector | 4 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3/4* | 1 | 3 | 1 | 9 |
Weapons/Armour: Blunderbuss, pick (two-handed weapon).
Skills: An Old Prospector has the Wyrdstone Hunter and *Resilient skills. He may choose from Strength and Speed skill lists when he gains a new skill.
Hardened: Prospectors have seen many strange things in their battered lives and are immune to the effects of Fear.
Finders Keepers: In any scenario where extra Treasures/Wyrdstone are involved, the Prospector will keep any that he somehow gets his hands on. This will not count as his upkeep, as he will deny that he found any ("You 'cusin me of claim-jumpin' sonny?"). For the purpose of Chance Encounter he will keep the Wyrdstone of any enemy heroes that he takes out action - neither warband will gain that shard. He has no effect on Defend the Find as the claim has already been staked.
Old Coot: Prospectors are prone to wander off, either because they've heard of a better strike or because they have fallen out with their fellows. At the end of each game roll a D6. On a result of "1" the Prospector has pulled up his pegs and left the warband.
Source: Town Cryer 12, Lustria
60 gs to hire, + 15 gs upkeep
As treacherous as the Lustrian wilderness can be, it is very often a wise choice to hire an experienced guide for a warband's expeditionary trek into the teeming jungles. Pathfinders, as they are called, are the very experts one would seek. They are well adapted to the unique landscape and hazards of the Lustrian continent; and more often than not, adventurous enough to live up to the challenge of the greatest fortunes and glory!
May be hired: Any warband.
Rating: A Pathfinder increases the warband's rating + 25 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Pathfinder | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 |
Equipment: Sword, dagger, longbow, rope & hook, and Healing Herbs.
Skills: A Pathfinder may choose from Combat, Shooting, and Speed skills when he gains a new skill. In addition, there are a few skills unique to Pathfinders as detailed below, which he can choose instead of normal skills.
Lay of the Land: Even the densely packed growth of the primordial Lustrian jungles cannot bar the Pathfinder from his goal. The Pathfinder is unaffected by terrain modifiers and is able to circumvent even impassable obstacles.
Knowledge of Myths and Legends: Pathfinder has spent most of their lives tracking down numerous rumours and cryptic clues in search of the ultimate prize. During the exploration phase, if the Pathfinder was not taken out-of-action, you may re-roll one die, keeping the second result even if it is worse.
Pathfinder Special Skills
Lookout!: Having traversed much of the land himself the Pathfinder is quick to recognise traps laid by enemies or natural hazards of the terrain. Once per game a Pathfinder may cancel the effects of one trap or hazard on a roll of 4+.
This Way!: Surviving years in the deadly wilds of Lustria has prepared the Pathfinder for nearly any circumstance. Any model in base contact with the Pathfinder at the start of his turn may traverse impassable terrain just as if possessing the same skill. If, however, contact is lost before reaching safety, the other model is considered out-of-action for the remainder of the game.
Priest Of Morr
Source: Town Cryer 12, by Todd Estabrook
"Although we offer blessings upon a departing soul, that Morr may allow it passage through the realm of death, the soul is not our concern. The soul belongs to Morr. Our concern is the body. Our rituals insure that the body remains just as it is; that it is properly sealed and sanctified, lest something enter into the cadaver's shell and corrupt it... or worse."
There are many religions in the Old World and many gods worshiped. Morr, the god of Death, is no exception. Most people within the Empire fear a priest of Morr - for most people fear the unknown. Death, no matter how religious the individual, is an unknown fate that none can escape and the priests of Morr remind everyone of their own mortality. A reminder that most would sooner not have. However, despite this prejudice, the priests of Morr are indispensable in the services they render. Loved ones must be cared for properly when they die and even those who are unloved are still properly taken care of. Everyone acknowledges the importance of funeral rituals. For, more times than anyone cares to remember the dead, the uncared for dead, risen have up to terrorise the living. And, though sword and hammer will curtail them, Undead only a priest of Morr can put them to rest for good.
So, it is no wonder that the Temple of Morr has sent missionaries to the City of the Damned. Accompanied with both mercenary parties or armed guards and nobles, the priests of Morr come. The Judgement of Sigmar has taken many, many lives and, so the stories go, many more are being lost each day. For the priest of Morr this means their presence is urgently needed.
Mercenary Hero
The priest of Morr is a new Hero that can be used by mercenary warbands and in doing so he replaces one of that warband's heroes. It is unlikely that Witch Hunters and Sisters of Sigmar will have a priest of Morr accompanying them, so neither of these two warbands may take one.
Skills And Experience
Priests of Morr start with 8 Experience
Priests of Morr use Academic and Speed skills.
Priest of Morr, Hero
35 gold crowns to hire
Dressed in the plain black robes of their faith, the priests of Morr have come to Mordheim to insure the souls of those who have died safe passage and, more importantly, that the dead remain as such.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Priest of Morr | 4 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 |
Weapons and Armour: As priests of Morr seldom engage in martial activities, they may only be armed with a Dagger and a Scythe as a weapon. Priests of Morr may never wear armour.
Loner: Few people care to spend any length of time in the company of a priest of Morr - even when it is their duty to do so. As such, a priest of Morr is used to being alone and probably prefers it that way. Priests of Morr do not suffer from the all alone rules.
Funerary Rites: Priests of Morr are not wizards by any means, however, they do have numerous Funerary Rites, which they may perform. As such, priests of Morr may choose a Funerary Rite, using the rules for Magic.
New Weapon: Scythe
Range: Close Combat
Strength: As user +1
Special Rules: Difficult to use, Two Handed
Scythes are normally implements used in the fields by farmers. It is rare to see them wielded as weapons of warfare. However, the scythe also carries with it an image of death. It is the symbol of the Grim Reaper, the representation of famine and starvation and disease through the lack of harvested food. Priests of Morr, when they need to, may carry a Scythe as a weapon. This is of heavier manufacture, and designed to reap warriors rather than wheat. Because the Scythe is unwieldy, it must be used with two-hands and cannot be used with another weapon, shield or buckler.
Runesmith Journeyman
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
Having finished his apprenticeship it is usual for a Runesmith to spend several years seeking to increase his knowledge of the art. For some this may mean moving to another forge or hold and working with a different master. Some however are fired to discover things lost in the past and travel to old holds, looking for secrets that have passed out of knowledge. Recovery of ancient Runes is seen by most as a worthy exercise, unlike the pursuit of new knowledge. For this reason a journeyman will accompany parties seeking to right grudges and maintain their equipment in return for protection on his expedition.
May be Hired: Mercenaries and Witch Hunters may hire a Journeyman. Warbands that include Elves may hire them, but must pay 30 gold crowns after each battle instead of 15 gold crowns. Dwarfs won’t put up with weak pointy-eared folk unless they have to, or are adequately compensated for their sufferance.
Rating: A Runesmith increases the warband’s rating by +15 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Runesmith | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Weapons/Armour: A Runesmith is equipped with a gromril hammer and heavy armour.
Skills: A Runesmith may choose from Combat and Strength skills when he gains a new skill. In addition, there is a unique Rune use skill, which he can have instead of a normal skill when he gains a new skill.
Runesmith: A Runesmith may inscribe runes as detailed below.
Armourer: A Runesmith can repair and make weapons and armour. The warband may purchase one item per post game trading session from the following: axes, hammers, swords, two handed weapons, helmets, shields, light and heavy armour at a 2d6GC discount to a minimum price of 1GC. This applies only if the Runesmith did not go OOA.
Armour: Dwarfs never suffer movement penalties for wearing armour.
Hate Orcs and Goblins: All Dwarfs hate Orcs and Goblins. See the psychology section of the Mordheim rules for details on the effects of hatred.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who can only be taken out of action on a D6 roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 5 as stunned.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs etc. They are not very easy individuals to knock out.
Rune Use
A Runesmith may inscribe Runes before a battle; they start knowing one Rune but may learn more as spellcasters learn spells. These Runes are only temporary due to the haste of the Runesmith but may not be dispelled during the game. Runes may be inscribed on axes, hammers, swords, two handed weapons, helmets, shields, light and heavy armour.
The runes are:
Rune | Effect | Effective on | Difficulty |
Iron | 6+ ward | Armour | 6 |
Stone | +1 armour save | Armour | 6 |
Fury | +1 A | Weapon | 7 |
Striking | +1 WS | Weapon | 6 |
Speed | +1 I | Weapon | 5 |
Cleaving | +1 S | Weapon | 8 |
Before the battle the Runesmith may attempt to inscribe every Rune he knows, but once only. No Rune may be inscribed on an item with a Rune already on it. If he passes the difficulty roll he has succeeded and the Rune will affect the weapon/armour for the coming battle.
If he rolls a natural 2 the process has highlighted shoddy (and hence nondwarf) manufacturing and the item being inscribed on is broken, remove it from your roster.
A gromril item (including dwarf axes) may reroll a result of 2 but a second 2 stands. If he rolls a natural 12 the rune is “durable” and will last beyond one battle else it fades after the game.
Durable: If a Rune becomes durable roll a d6 after each battle, but not the first, on a roll of 1 or 2 it fades and ceases to be effective, otherwise it will be effective in the next battle.
Shadow Warrior
Source: Town Cryer 13, Lustria
35 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
Shadow Warriors are High Elves from the desolate war-ravaged land of Nagarythe, where the Witch King once held court. This leadstheir kin to mistrust and ostracise them. These angry lost souls are often used as scouts and skirmishers for High Elfforces, as well as wandering sell-swords looking to quench their bitter hatred of the Dark Elves. Though not as skilled a scout as the Ranger, the Shadow Warrior is as deadly with his bow and sword as any Elf.
May be Hired: The Shadow Warrior may be hired by High Elf and all Human warbands, but may not be hired by a warband that is evil (eg Possessed) or one that includes an evil Hired Sword (eg Dark Elf Assassin).
Rating: A Shadow Warrior increases the warband’s rating by +12 points plus 1 point per Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Shadow Warrior | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 8 |
Equipment: A Shadow Warrior carries a sword, longbow, dagger, shield and wears Light Armour.
Skills: A Shadow Warrior may choose from Combat or Shooting skills when he gains a new skill, In addition he may choose his skill from the Shadow Warriors Special Skill list in Town Cryer 10.
Hates Dark Elves: Shadow Warriors seethe with bitterness when facing Dark Elves and follow the rules for hatred in the Mordheim rulebook.
Excellent Sight: Elves have eyesight unmatched by mere humans. The Shadow Warrior spots Hidden enemies from twice his Initiative value in inches away.
Bitter Enemies: If the last fight was against Dark Elves or a warband containing a Dark Elf Hired Sword, the upkeep cost is waived for that game.
Infiltration: A Shadow Warrior can infiltrate. See the Skaven skill of the same name.
Snake Charmer
Source: Town Cryer 19
40 gold crowns to hire + 10 gold crowns (+5 gold crowns per snake) upkeep.
In the bazaars and markets of Araby crowds often gather around a mystic Arabian sitting playing a flute. Mesmerised by the music or some say by his rhythmic swaying is a deadly venomous snake. Snake charmers generally survive on the money they can make as entertainers but often some offer their services and that of their snakes as warriors.
May be Hired: Any good warband (human, Elf, Dwarf, etc.) may hire a Snake Charmer.
Rating: A Snake Charmer increases the warband rating by 5 points, + 1 point for each Experience point he has and + 5 points for each snake.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Snake Charmer | 4 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Snake | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1* | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
Equipment: The Snake Charmer is equipped with a dagger and a scimitar. The Snake Charmer starts with three snakes.
Snake Charmer: The Snake Charmer can control up to five snakes provided that they remain within 6" of him. If a snake is not within 6" of the Snake Charmer in the Movement phase, they will move 1D6" in a random direction. If that takes them into contact with a model, either friend or foe, it will attack as if charging.
Immune to poison: The Snake Charmer has been bitten so many times that he is immune to poisons.
Venomous: The snakes are venomous and count as attacking using Black Lotus.
Animals: Snakes are animals and do not gain Experience.
Snake hunter: After each game the Snake Charmer may attempt to catch another snake, provided that he did not go out of action. The Snake Charmer makes this roll in the Recruitment and Trading phase and must roll under his initiative to successfully catch a snake. The Snake Charmer may only attempt to catch one snake after each game. If he fails to catch the snake there is a chance that he is attacked. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the Snake Charmer suffers a S3 hit.
Skills: A Snake Charmer may choose from Academic and Speed when he gains a new skill.
Source: Town Cryer 19, Khemri
30 gc to hire, +15gc upkeep
The Thieves guilds of the Old World aren't a patch on the brutally efficient and highly organised guilds of Araby. So skilled are the thieves of Araby it is said that they can steal the treasures of the gods themselves.
May be Hired: Any warband except Undead may hire a Thief.
Rating: An Araby Thief increases the warband's rating by +22 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Thief | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Equipment: Two daggers, Thief's cloak.
Skills: A Thief may choose from Combat & Speed skills.
Special Rules
Thief's Cloak: Thieves wear cloaks that help them blend in with their surroundings and can disguise them very well in both the desert and the towns. A warrior firing a missile weapon at a warrior wearing a Thief's cloak suffers -1 on his roll to hit. Also the distance required to spot a thief when Hidden is doubled.
Tea-Leaf!: Naturally thieves are most adept at stealing items! A Thief may attempt to steal one item during the Trading phase. Choose any item, if it is a common item the Thief successfully steals it on a 2+ on a D6. A Rare item is successfully stolen by rolling higher than the availability number on 2D6. Any items stolen may be used exactly the same way as one that was bought. If the Thief fails to steal the item roll a D6. On a score of 1-5 the thief is chased out of the trading post and escapes. On a score of a 6 the Thief is captured by whatever authorities there may be and is hung (remove him from the warband roster).
Tomb Robber
Source: Town Cryer 19
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep.
While the sinister ruined tombs of Nehekhara have claimed the lives of many would-be robbers, a few have survived using their wit and lightning reflexes. Many of these expert robbers are drawn from the nomadic tribesmen of the vast desert and knowledge of the necropolises is second nature to them. Some, though, are Old Worlders lured by the temptation of riches who have amassed a wealth of knowledge in archaeology and ancient traps.
May be hired: The Tomb Robber may be hired by any good warband (human, Elf, Dwarf, etc.) that can afford him.
Rating: A Tomb Robber increases the warband's rating by +20 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Tomb Robber | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons and Armour: The Tomb Robber is armed with a sword and crossbow pistol. In addition he carries a rope and hook.
Explorer: The Tomb Robber allows your warband to modify a single dice roll on the Exploration chart by -1/+ 1.
Traps: The Tomb Robber has the Trap Expert skill, for more details see the TC17.
Excellent Reflexes: The Tomb Robber has a special save of 5+ against any attack made against him, be it shooting, close combat, traps or spells. If the Tomb Robber gains the Dodge skill this save increases to a 4+ special save.
Skills: The Tomb Robber may choose from Combat, Shooting or Speed skills when be gains a new skill.
Warrior Priest Of Sigmar
Source: Town Cryer 28
40 gc to hire, 20 gc upkeep
In the centre of Sigmarhaven is a wooden Temple of Sigmar and this attracts many fledgling warrior priests. To test their mettle against the horrors of the Cursed City, the priesthood hire out their acolytes and make careful observance of their faith, resilience and fervour.
May be Hired: Any warband may hire a Warrior Priest of Sigmar except Witch Hunters (they already have the warband choice!), Middenheim mercenaries, Possessed, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven and any other suitably ‘evil' warbands.
Rating: A Warrior Priest of Sigmar increases the warband rating by + 16 points plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Priest | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 |
Equipment: Hammer of Sigmar, light armour and shield.
Prayers: A Warrior-Priest is a servant of Sigmar and may use the Prayers of Sigmar as detailed in the Magic section.
Skills: Warrior-Priests may choose skills from the Academic skills list, or they may randomly determine a new Prayer from the Prayers of Sigmar list.
Source: Town Cryer 13
30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep
There are those practitioners of magic that dwell permanently within the depraved ruins of Mordheim. They are unable to find a place in society and live as hermits, conjuring their magicks in utter solitude. These creatures are witches and are often seen in the broken down houses and ruined shacks that litter the City of the Damned, stooped over bubbling cauldrons, sheltering from the rain. They are ancient and individual practitioners of magic, using many old spells, and methods that are older still. It is a lucky warband that can find and employ the services of a witch for they are reclusive and solitary individuals but can be swayed when the price or purpose suits them.
May be Hired: Any warband except Witch Hunters and Sisters of Sigmar.
Rating: A Witch increases the warband's rating by +14 points, plus 1 point for each experience point she has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Witch | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Weapons and Armour: Staff.
Special Rules
Wizard: The Witch has the ability to use magic and casts spells like any other wizard. She has two spells generated at random from the Charms & Hexes list.
Recluse: Witches are very reclusive individuals and therefore difficult to employ Even when they are found they may be reluctant to aid the warband no matter how much gold they offer. When attempting to hire a Witch the warband leader must roll a D6. If he or she can score a 4+ the Witch can be hired, otherwise the Witch shuns them and they will have to try again after their next battle.
Potions: The Witch is an expert as brewing all manner of curious concoctions. A single hero in the warband who have hired the Witch may partake of such a potion before the battle. Roll a D6 to discover the draught’s effect.
D6 | Result |
1 | Debilitating: The potion is simply too potent for the hero and weakens them. They are at -1 Toughness for the whole of the next battle until they can roll a 6 on a D6 in the recovery phase to shrug off the ill effects. |
2-3 | Strength: The hero is infused with strength as he quaffs the potion. He is at +1 Strength until he rolls a 1 on a D6 in the recovery phase. |
4-5 | Resilience: An inner resilience passes through the hero. He is at +1 to Toughness until he rolls a 1 on a D6 in the recovery phase. |
6 | Fortitude: The hero's constitution is increased and he feels ready to take anyone on. He gains an extra wound for the whole battle. However, once lost the wound cannot be restored. |
Reluctant: Whilst she is happy to use her magic to aid the warband, the Witch is reluctant to enter the fray herself. As such the Witch will never charge (although if charged she will defend herself) and will always try to stay at least 8" away from enemy models and must move away if she finds herself within this distance.
Witch Hunter
Source: Nemesis Crown Supplement
30 gold crowns to hire + 15 gold crowns upkeep
Witch Hunters are driven men who make it their job to free the Empire of the taint of chaos. Although these troubled times have often meant witch hunters operating in small groups or by requisitioning support from local authorities many still prefer to work alone. Some of course have other reasons, their excessive zeal can lead to other hunters shunning them or even their expulsion from the order, in a few cases they themselves have darker secrets they don’t want their brothers in arms investigating. These solitary witch hunters are not above joining roving bands if it suits their aims, providing they are reimbursed for the skills they bring. They care little for the morals of such groups providing that they are a human band and not tainted in any way by chaos. The threat of chaos is so great that they have even put aside their prejudices against followers of Ulric to better fight chaos.
May be Hired: Any non-chaos human warband may hire a Witch Hunter, he has his own reasons, but will not stay with a Witch Hunter band for more than one battle. See also the Burn the witch rule below.
Rating: A Witch Hunter increases the warband's rating by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point he has.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Witch Hunter | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 |
Weapons/Armour: Dueling or Crossbow Pistol, sword and dagger. He starts every game with a vial of Holy water and a garlic.
Skills: A Witch Hunter may choose from Combat, Speed, Shooting, Academic and Strength skills when he gains a new skill.
Burn the Witch: The Witch hunter hates all enemy spellcasters. He will not work for a band with a spellcaster, unless it is a priest of Sigmar, Ulric, Taal or Morr.
In Sigmar’s name: The Witch hunter can call on his faith in Sigmar, he is allowed to reroll all failed fear tests.
Sigmar’s reward: Doing Sigmar’s work is reward enough at times. If the band take the leader of a chaos or undead band out of action the Witch Hunter waives part of his fee, at the end of the battle he only charges 5gc upkeep. Chaotic bands only includes bands truly chaotic, not merely nonhuman, eg not skaven, dark elves etc.
Wolf Priest of Ulric
Source: Town Cryer 8
The Wolf Priests of Ulric hail from Middenheim, the city of the White Wolf, built on a plateau that according to legend was created by a mighty blow from Ulric's fist. Ulric, the White Wolf, is the god of winter and a violent god, and his priests see the hammer-like blow of the comet on Mordheim as Ulric’s judgment on the decadent Sigmarites.
Wolf Priests may only join a Middenheim Mercenary warband and will replace one of the Champions. They see Witch Hunters and Sisters of Sigmar as heretics and worse due to the intense rivalry between the cults of Ulric and Sigmar.
Wolf Priest, Hero
60 gold crowns to hire
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Wolf Priests | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Weapons and Armour: Wolf Priests may not use any armour, trusting only in Ulric's protection. The only exception is that every Wolf Priest is garbed in a cloak made from the pelt of a white wolf: 6+ save. The cost of the cloak is included in the cost of the priest.
Wolf Priests prefer the use of blunt weapons to those with edges, and thus may only use hammers, maces, clubs, flails, morning stars, and the two-handed version of any of these. The exception to this is the ubiquitous dagger that most models carry.
Skills: Wolf Priests may chose from the Combat, Academic, Strength and Speed lists.
Prayers: A Wolf Priest is a servant of Ulric and may use the Prayers of Ulric as detailed in the Magic section.
Special Rules
Hatred: Wolf Priests see Witch Hunters (Templars of Sigmar), Warrior-Priests, Sigmarite Matriarchs and Sisters Superior as agents of an opposing cult, and thus they hate these models. That atred does not extend to other models in those warbands, as the Wolf Priests see them simply as misguided followers of an errant cult.
Wolf Companion: Wolf Priests may be accompanied by a huge wolf. (See Wolf Companion entry following Wolf Priest rules.)
Wolf Companion
Henchman, 25 gc to hire
Warbands may only purchase a wolf companion if they have a Wolf Priest of Ulric in their midst. The priest may choose to be accompanied by a huge wild wolf, which often scouts ahead to warn the priest of danger.
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Wolf | 6 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 5 |
Weapons and Armour: The wolf uses its fangs to attack its prey and cannot use any other weapon. Their thick coat of fur counts as a wolf cloak for protection: 6+ save.
Special Rules
Animals: Wolf companions are animals and thus do not gain any experience.