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Lizardman Magic

Lizardmen Spells work like the Prayers of Sigmar and may be used even if the Skink Priest is wearing armour.

1Chotec’s Wrath
2Sotec’s Blessing
3Huanchi’s Stealth
4The Old Ones’ Protection
5Tinci’s Rage
6Itzl’s Speed

Chotec’s Wrath

Difficulty: 8

A lightning bolt shoots from the sky above and strikes the closest enemy model within 10" of the Skink Priest, causing a single Strength 5 hit. However add +1 to the Strength and +1 to the roll on the injury table if the model is wearing armour like light armour, heavy armour, Ithilmar armour or Gromril armour.

Sotec’s Blessing

Difficulty: 7

This spell may be cast on a single model within 6" of the Skink Priest or on himself. Roll a D6 to determine the blessing. The effects remain in play until the Priest or the model is Stunned or taken Out of Action. Only a single model may be affected by the blessing at any given time.

1-2+1 BS or +1 to hit in close combat.
3-4Toughness +1.
5-6Movement and Initiative +1.

Huanchi’s Stealth

Difficulty: 7

The spell affects all Skinks within 6" of the Skink Priest, including himself, and allows any model that is in cover to immediately to go into hiding. A model may go into hiding even if they ran in the movement phase or has already shot with a missile weapon.

The Old Ones’ Protection

Difficulty: 6

The Skink Priest and any Lizardmen within 4" of him gain a save of 4+ against the effects of spells or prayers. This spell remains in play until the Skink Priest is taken Out of Action.

Tinci’s Rage

Difficulty: 8

A single Lizardman within 6" of the Skink Priest or himself, is overtaken by rage and follows the rules for Frenzy, in addition he gains +1 Strength. This spell remains in play until the Skink Priest or the model is Stunned or is taken Out of Action. At the beginning of the turn the Skink priest must pass aLeadership roll in order to keep the spell going. Only a single model may be affected by the blessing at any given time, but the Skink Priest can choose to release the spell at the beginning of his turn if he wish to attempt to recast it on another model later in the shooting phase.

Itzl’s Speed

Difficulty 7

A single Lizardman model within 6" of the Skink Priest or himself, may make an additional sprint of movement and move up to 4". This counts, as running and a model may not move if he has already fired with a missile weapon. He may not charge with this extra move.