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Grade: 1b
Source: Town Cryer #8 (PDF)
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Sir Tomaso De Merrigan

This is a time when the Empire is being torn apart from within. A time when there is no Emperor and the lands are increasingly divided, as individual cities look to their own lords and mercantile Burgomeisters gain in power through gold. Where corruption flows like effluent down the River Reik and conspiracy is rife throughout the land. By contrast, happy is the land of Bretonnia where chivalry reigns, honour is upheld and the Lady of the Lake still bestows her favour on those deemed worthy. To the knights of Bretonnia Mordheim is a vile place where virtue and order have been discarded. Where a proud city once stood nightmarish creatures now wander the streets and mix with men in dens of corruption and squalor. It is therefore considered extremely virtuous for a knight to embark on a spiritual quest to Mordheim, seeking to achieve honour in battle and perhaps earn the favour of the Lady of the Lake herself. In Mordheim a knight’s courage and valour will be thoroughly tested, but so much the better, because with hardship come honour.

A Questing Knight will relinquish his castle and domain to set out on such a journey. He becomes free from any obligation to defend a domain and will now seek a road leading to new adventures. A Questing Knight has put all worldly ambitions aside and is accorded a rank far greater then even the most powerful dukes of the land. Such a gesture is considered particularly noble, and it is not uncommon for other knights and common folk to flock to the Questing Knights aid. Knights Errant in particular are eager for adventure and a chance to win honour by a feat of arms, so will often join a Questing Knight on his journey. By the time the Questing Knight leaves the fair lands of Bretonnia he will have a sizable retinue following him, ready to fight for the honour of Bretonnia and the Lady of the Lake.

Once on a quest a Knight will be spurred on by dreams and visions often visited upon him by the Lady of the Lake. This leads him ever onwards and inspires and encourages him on his quest. In time he hopes that through his deeds and valour he will earn the favour of the Lady of the Lake and she will let him drink from the Grail of Life. This is the final reward for a knight, and on finding the Grail he will return to Bretonnia to protect its people. Until that time though, he is bound to fight the enemies of virtue and order and to endure incalculable hardships.

Special rules

Before heading into battle Bretonnian Knights kneel and pray to the Lady of the Lake, avowing to fight to the death for honour and justice.

Before playing a game of Mordheim make a Leadership test against the Leadership characteristic of the warbands leader. If the test is successful the Lady of the Lake has bestowed her blessing on the warband. The blessing takes the form of a powerful curse upon the enemies of chivalry, and in particular upon those that make use of the foul and dishonourable weapons of mass destruction. Any model in the opposing warband who wishes to fire a black powder weapon must roll a D6 and score 4+ to overcome the curse, otherwise they may not fire the weapon. The opposing player must test each time they wish to fire such a weapon.

Models armed with other shooting weapons, such as bows and crossbows, do not have to test unless they dare raise their weapons against the gallant Knights of Bretonnia. If any enemy model wishes to shoot at a Bretonnian Knight (Questing Knights and Errants only), then they must first roll a 4+ on a D6 to overcome the curse.

Choice of warriors

A Questing Knight’s warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12.

  • Questing Knight: Each Questing Knight’s warband must have one Questing Knight: no more, no less!
  • Knight Errant: Your warband may include up to two Knight Errant.
  • Squires: Your warband may include up to three squires. You may not have more squires in the warband then you have Knights.
  • Men-at-arms: Your warband may include any number of Men-at-Arms.
  • Bowmen: Your warband may include any number of Bowmen.

Starting experience

  • The Questing Knight starts with 20 experience.
  • Knights Errant starts with 8 experience.
  • Squires & all Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Bretonnian Skill Table

Questing Knight
Knight Errant

Bretonnian Knight Virtues

Bretonnian Questing Knights may use the following Skill table instead of any of the standard Skill tables available to them.

Virtue of Purity

The Knight's sole purpose is to serve the Lady of the Lake. His purity of heart and discipline endow him with the strength of spirit to resist enemy magic.

Any spell cast against the knight will be dispelled on the D6 roll of a 4+. This is a natural dispel on account of the knights extreme piety.

Virtue of valour

The Knight has vowed to confront the biggest and strongest foes. The more awesome his enemy, the more valourous are his efforts.

If fighting a model with a higher Strength characteristic than himself, the Knight may reroll any failed to hit rolls in hand-to-hand combat.

Virtue of Discipline

The Knight has total faith in his chivalric code: he maintains self-control in the face of adversity, and displays complete confidence whatever the odds.

Once per game, if the knight is not out of action, stunned or knocked down, you may re-roll a failed rout test.

Virtue of Noble Disdain

The Knight has nothing but contempt for enemies who hide behind weapons of dishonour.

The Knight is subject to hatred of all enemies armed with shooting weapons.

Virtue of Impetuous

The Knight is eager to get to grips with the enemy. He charges into combat with reckless enthusiasm.

The Knight may add +D3" to his move when charging. Roll the dice each time you wish to charge and before moving the model.

Bretonnian equipment lists

The following lists are used by Bretonnian warbands to pick their weapons:

Knights Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Mace3 gc
Axe5 gc
Sword10 gc
Double-handed weapon15 gc
Morning Star15 gc
Lance20 gc

Missile Weapons



Light armour20 gc
Heavy armour50 gc
Shield5 gc
Helmet10 gc
Barding30 gc

Miscellaneous Equipment

Warhorse80 gc

Squires Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Hammer3 gc
Axe5 gc
Sword10 gc
Spear10 gc

Missile Weapons

Bow10 gc
Long bow15 gc


Shield5 gc
Buckler5 gc
Helmet10 gc
Light armour20 gc

Miscellaneous Equipment

Horse40 gc

Men-at-Arms Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Hammer3 gc
Axe5 gc
Sword10 gc
Spear10 gc
Halberd10 gc
Double-handed weapon15 gc

Missile Weapons



Shield5 gc
Helmet10 gc
Light armour20 gc

Bowmen Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Axe5 gc
Sword10 gc

Missile Weapons

Bow10 gc
Long bow15 gc


Helmet10 gc
Light armour20 gc


1 Questing Knight

80 gold crowns to hire

A Questing Knight is an extremely tough and virtuous individual, who fights to uphold the traditions of honour and to serve the Lady of the Lake. Injustice and the persecution of the weak are his enemies, whilst courage and valour are his companions. It is no wonder then that many a Questing Knight will journey to Mordheim.


Weapons/Armour: A Questing Knight may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Knights section of the Bretonnian Equipment list.

Special Rules

Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Questing Knight may use his Leadership characteristic when taking Leadership tests.

Knights Virtue: A Questing Knight is a chivalrous warrior who is superior to ordinary warriors. He will never panic and break from combat and so does not have to pass a Leadership test for being all alone .

0 – 2 Knights Errant

50 gold crowns to hire

Knight Errant are the sons of nobles, eager to prove their mettle by feats of arms, and earn their place amongst the Knights of the Realm of Bretonnia. To do this they must perform valorous deed, so they will often accompany a Questing Knight on his spiritual journey in the hope of adventure and honour.


Weapons/Armour: A Knight Errant may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Knights section of the Bretonnian Equipment list. A Knight Errant may not ride a warhorse unless the Questing Knight also rides one.

Special Rules

Knights Virtue: A Knight Errant is a chivalrous warrior who is superior to ordinary warriors. He will never panic and break from combat and so does not have to pass a Leadership test for being all alone .

0 – 3 Squires

15 gold crowns to hire

Knights are served by their Squires, commoners who ride to the hunt with their master, and who accompany him to war. They are chosen from the fittest and youngest of a Knight’s retinue, and they are trained and schooled by the knight himself. If a squire performs some great deed or service to his master he may even be raised to the ranks of knighthood!


Weapons/Armour: Squires may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Squires section of the Bretonnian Equipment list. A Squire may not ride a horse unless the Questing Knight and any Knight Errant in the warband are riding warhorses.


(Bought in groups of 1-5)

0 – 8 Men-at-Arms

25 gold crowns to hire

_Men-at-arms are the soldiery of Bretonnia. Every Knight maintains a retinue when he is a lord of a domain, and upon embarking on a quest, this retinue may join him on his journey. Men-at-arms are determined warriors, ready to fight for honour and justice as much as the Questing Knight they follow. _


Weapons/Armour: Men-at-arms may have weapons and equipment chosen from the Men-at-arms section of the Bretonnian Equipment list.


20 gold crowns to hire

Bowmen are common folk who regularly practice archery at the village butts so as to be ready to repel raiders from their humble cottages, fields and vineyards. When a Knight sets off on a quest it is not uncommon for a handful of bowmen to be inspired to bravery and join the Knight on his journey.


Weapons/Armour: Bowmen may be equipped with weapons chosen from the Bowmen section of the Bretonnian Equipment list.