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Grade: 1c
Source: Border Town Burning (PDF)
Setting: Border Town Burning

In their natural environment Ogres move in herds. They exist in tribes spread across the Mountains of Mourn. Drifting through foreign lands, Ogres take up employment as hired muscle to anyone with enough coin and the nerve to go with it.

The call of the wild is too much for some bands and they prey upon merchants and travellers. The Ivory Road is never easy pickings as land trains are always guarded by heavily armed hirelings. Ogres sometimes end up fighting their own kind before looting the caravans and returning to their tribes with whatever is left of the spoils.

A company of these undisciplined savages who agree to fight under the command of a ballsy merchant will have their witless brawn put to good use in a fight. Spectacular mercenaries known as Maneaters all too often find themselves on the road, escorting a wealthy caravan great distances along dangerous trade routes. A few of these retinues make their way to the ruins of Mordheim.

Special Rules

Fear: Ogres are large, threatening creatures that with the exception of Youngbloods, cause fear.

Large: Except for Youngbloods and Half-growns Ogres are huge, lumbering creatures and therefore make tempting targets for archers. Any model may shoot at them, even if they are not the closest target and gets a +1 bonus on the ‘to hit’ roll.

Gluttony: Because of a voracious appetite, each Ogre model counts as two models when selling wyrdstone or treasure. Any model which is captured due to Serious Injuries or Exploration can be devoured and his possessions retained, reducing the combined model count of your warband by one (or two if the captive ‘shared meal’ is a Large Target). Each Ogre always counts as at least one model towards the total, no matter how much he eats!

An Ogre Hero devouring captured models is granted experience points equal to the number of models that were consumed. Any member or animal (including mounts) from your warband can be eaten in the same way! Remove any consumed comrades from the warband roster immediately.

Slow Witted: Although Ogres are capable of earning experience and bettering themselves they are not the smartest of creatures. Ogres only improve at half the rate of everyone else. They must earn twice the usual number of experience points to gain an advance.

Difficult Customers: Unable to create anything of lasting worth, Ogres tend to rely on more civilised folk for the acquisition of quality goods. Widely regarded by vendors as their least popular and most frightening customers, Ogre Heroes suffer -1 when rolling to find Rare items that are not exclusively available to Ogres.

Cannibals: Most Hired Swords refuse to work for Ogres, as they know for sure they’ll end up being a meal sooner or later. An Ogre warband may never hire any Hired Swords, except for Halflings (Scout, Thief, etc.) and the Ogre Bodyguard, or unless stated otherwise, in which case Ogres can choose to devour him when the contract ends (see Gluttony).

Choice of warriors

An Ogre warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns which you can use to recruit and equip your warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband is 12.

  • Captain: Each Ogre warband must have one Captain – no more, no less!
  • Mountain Guide: Your warband may include one Mountain Guide.
  • Youngbloods: Your warband may include up to three Youngbloods.
  • Half-growns: Your warband may include any number of Half-growns.
  • Bulls: Your warband may include up to two Bulls.
  • Sabretusks: Your warband may include up to two Sabretusks if it includes a Guide.

Starting experience

  • A Captain starts with 20 Experience.
  • A Mountain Guide starts with 8 Experience.
  • Youngbloods start with 0 Experience.
  • Henchmen start with 0 Experience.

Maximum characteristics

Characteristics for warriors may not be increased beyond the maximum limits shown on the following profile.


Maneaters Skill Table

Mountain Guide

Ogres special skills

Ogres may choose to use the following skill list instead of the standard skill lists.

master of arms

The Ogre learns how to use his size. He may now wield a Difficult to Use weapon and a hand weapon at the same time, but not two Difficult to Use weapons.

crude belch

Ogres eat almost anything. Consequences are to be expected from those inconsiderate enough to consume a rich meal before battle. A Hero with this 'condition' may unleash his thunderous fumes on all enemies engaged in close combat. Those that do not pass a Ld test suffer a –1 ‘to hit’ modifier for the turn. The Ogre must wait until a new enemy engages him in combat before he relieves himself again.


Ogres are not civilized of their own accord but it is proven they are prone to absorb foreign customs when travelling the world. Some eventually learn strange new skills before returning home to their tribes. This Ogre may immediately learn one skill from the Shooting or Academic skill lists. This skill may be taken only once and may not be taken by the Guide.

bull charge

Ogres learn to use their vast bulk in a charge, trampling the enemy to the ground. When charging, an Ogre with this skill may attempt a single attack with a +1 ‘to hit’ modifier rather than making his normal attacks. If successful the enemy model is automatically knocked down.

dog of war

When an Ogre travels south he can find employment as a tavern bouncer. Some are enlisted by Paymasters to fight for Tilean City States. Drawing from experience gained during a stint on foreign soil, the band can now hire those Hired Swords available for Mercenaries. This skill may only be taken by the leader and if he dies all Hired Swords are removed from the warband.

bellowing roar

An Ogre leader expects challenges to his authority. One of the best ways to suppress a mutineer in the ranks is to give his ear drums a good pounding. This skill may only be taken by the warband leader, allowing him to re-roll the first failed Rout test.

Ogres equipment lists

The following lists are used by Ogre warbands to pick their equipment:.

Ogre Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Cleaver (counts as axe)5 gc
Ogre club10 gc
Sword10 gc
Spear10 gc
Morning star15 gc
Double-handed weapon15 gc
Iron fist15 gc
Cathayan longsword*75 gc

* Captain only

Missile Weapons

Hand-held mortar70 gc


Helmet10 gc
Light armour20 gc
Heavy armour50 gc

Miscellaneous Equipment

Gnoblar Fighter15 gc
Lookout-Gnoblar20 gc
Luck-Gnoblar25 gc
Sword-Gnoblar30 gc

Mountain Guide Equipment List

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Cleaver (counts as axe)5 gc
Ogre club10 gc
Sword10 gc
Spear10 gc
Double-handed weapon15 gc

Missile Weapons

Harpoon crossbow50 gc


Helmet10 gc
Light armour20 gc

Ogres special equipment

This equipment is only available to the Maneaters, and no other warband may purchase it.

Ogre club10 gcCommon
Iron fist15 gcCommon
Hand-held mortar80 + 2D6 gcRare 12
Harpoon Crossbow50 gcRare 10

Claimed Gnoblars

Ogres find simple pleasure in the bickering of Gnoblars and some claim one as their pet for amusement. An astute Gnoblar puts his malice to good use and places the right action at the perfect moment to gain itself a master.

Treat these Gnoblars in all aspects like miscellaneous equipment (they are not models and do not occupy their own bases!). However, if the Ogre owning them was taken out of action in a game, roll a D6 for each of his Gnoblars: on a 1-2 they are dead and removed from their master’s equipment. Ogres may own up to two different Claimed Gnoblars. These can be represented on the model they accompany.

Gnoblar Fighter

15 + D6 gold crowns
Availability: Rare 9 (Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs only)

Ogres keep Gnoblars as humans keep dogs, except that Ogres don’t keep their Gnoblars well. Each Ogre bites his Gnoblar’s ear as a form of identification. Once an Ogre starts eating, it’s difficult for him to stop. Even if they don’t get eaten, the Chaos Dwarfs are likely to round them up and enslave them.

Gnoblars do not count as animals. In all other respects they are treated like War Dogs with the following additional special rules. Gnoblars count as Greenskins but do not suffer from Animosity.


Weapons/Armour: Dagger and sharp stuff (treat as thrown weapon with S2, range 8” and fire twice)

Special Rules

Largely Insignificant: Gnoblars count towards the number of warriors in a warband but are not considered for Rout tests - neither for determining the initial warband size nor as lost models.

Bicker: Roll a D6 at the beginning of the turn for each Gnoblar within 2" of another Gnoblar and not engaged in close combat. On a result of 1 the Gnoblar starts to bicker, insult and/or bully the other Gnoblar and may do nothing else this turn.


20 gold crowns
Availability: Rare 8 (Ogres only)

An Ogre with a Lookout-Gnoblar gains the skill Dodge from the Speed skill list.


25 gold crowns
Availability: Rare 9 (Ogres only)

An Ogre with a Luck-Gnoblar may re-roll one dice during the battle. Remember you may never re-roll a re-roll.


30 gold crowns
Availability: Rare 10 (Ogres only)

An Ogre with a Sword-Gnoblar gains one extra Strength 2 attack in Close Combat, at the weapon skill of the owning model. This attack is made at the same time as the owning Hero’s attacks and must be directed at a model the Ogre has directed attacks toward. The opponent’s attention is on the Ogre!


1 Captain

145 gold crowns to hire

A retinue of Maneaters is captained by a brutish mercenary driven by his lust to gather wealth, experience and exotic wargear. He maintains order in his company by issuing threats and bribes or using violence.


Weapons/Armour: A Captain may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ogres equipment list. Unlike other models Ogres don't have free daggers, even though they might carry one reserved for eating, the most sacred activity in their life. Ogres never fight with daggers in close combat.

Special Rules

Leader: Any warrior within 6“ of the Captain may use his Leadership when taking Ld tests.

0 – 3 Youngbloods

45 gold crowns to hire

When Ogre calves meet outsiders for the first time, they’re not quite so menacing. Strange encounters in the wilderness pose a great many threats for them to overcome.


Weapons/Armour: A Youngblood may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ogre equipment list. Unlike other models Ogres don't have free daggers, even though they might carry one reserved for eating, the most sacred activity in their life. Ogres never fight with daggers in close combat.

0 – 1 Mountain Guide

145 gold crowns to hire

Youthful hunters leave their tribe to sate wanderlust or a rumbling gut. Isolated in mountainous territories they exist to track challenging prey through hostile conditions. Eventually the tribal ties of scouts are severed. With no loyalty they may choose to follow herds as they wish.


Weapons/Armour: A Mountain Guide may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Guide equipment list. Unlike other models Ogres don't have free daggers, even though they might carry one reserved for eating, the most sacred activity in their life. Ogres never fight with daggers in close combat.

Special Rules

Ranger: A Mountain Guide is a dedicated tracker. If he’s not put out of action in the battle, you may roll two dice for Exploration and pick one as the result. Note that this is not a re-roll.

Loner: Mountain Guides are Ogre Hunters. They become used to the solitude of the highest peaks in the Mountains of Mourn. A Mountain Guide hunts the slopes alone and will never claim a Gnoblar or take one as a pet. They are immune to all alone tests and may never become the warband leader.


(Bought in groups of 1-5)

0 – 2 Bulls

140 gold crowns to hire

Reckless young Bulls are nothing more than wanderers who recognize the strength of the Captain. They care only to fill their stomachs and don’t realize that one day they shall become learned and well travelled Maneaters.


Weapons/Armour: Bulls may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ogre equipment list. Unlike other models Ogres don't have free daggers, even though they might carry one reserved for eating, the most sacred activity in their life. Ogres never fight with daggers in close combat.

Special Rules

Bull Charge: Ogres learn to use their vast bulk in a charge, trampling the enemy to the ground. When charging, Bulls may attempt a single attack with a +1 ‘to hit’ modifier rather than making their normal attacks. If successful the enemy model is automatically knocked down.

0 – 2 Half-growns

85 gold crowns to hire

Any underdeveloped Ogres risk meeting a sticky end. These half-grown brutes are slain at the hands of traditionalist tyrants as runts represent weakness in the tribe. Migrating renegades will seek refuge in a weaker herd or take up arms in their exile for whoever keeps them.


Weapons/Armour: A Half-grown may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ogre equipment list. Unlike other models Ogres don't have free daggers, even though they might carry one reserved for eating, the most sacred activity in their life. Ogres never fight with daggers in close combat.

0 – 2 Sabretusks

125 gold crowns to hire

Sabretusks are agile, giant felines with tusks jutting from their lower jaw. It is common for a young hunter to keep a Sabretusk or two around to help sniff out his next meal.


Weapons/Armour: Tusks and primal ferocity!

Special Rules

Trained: Sabretusks may use the Leadership of the Mountain Guide if within 6” of him. In the event that no Mountain Guide is included in the warband due to a death or an injury, the Sabretusks cannot be used until the Mountain Guide is replaced. They must be caged and left at the camp until a new one is hired.

Feral Instinct: Even a Guide has difficulty controlling such feral beasts. At the beginning of the Ogres turn the Sabretusk must pass a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the opponent may move the Sabretusk this turn. An uncontrolled Sabretusk may charge models from his own warband!

Ignored: Sabretusks that are out of action do not count to the number of out of action models for the purpose of Rout tests.

Fear: Sabretusks are huge feline predators and thus cause fear.