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Lustrian Reavers

Grade: 1c
Source: Facebook (2024) (PDF) Author: Tuomas Pirinen
Setting: Lustria

Countless expeditions of ambitious and greedy invaders from the Old World have been lost in Lustria. Some to diseases, others to Jungle Beasts, and many more to Lizardmen, the stern defenders of their ancient civilization. But despite all these hardships, the tales of the Cities of Gold lure more and more adventurers from beyond the sea.

Against the odds, some survive. The toughest, most skilled and the most resourceful often band together after the crews they arrive with succumb to the endless perils of the New World. These groups are known as Reavers: the most ruthless, skilled and dangerous of the invaders beyond the ocean. They have claimed the jungle their home, and they thrive within it thanks to their savagery. They are armed and equipped with the very best wargear salvaged from their fallen comrades and entire companies lost to the pitiless jungels of Lustria.

They scorn any newcomers as unwelcome competition for the riches the Reavers still feverishly look for, and only accept a few prospective new members into their small bands. These prospects tend to be young survivors of newly-arrived expeditions or settlers whose abodes were attacked by Lizardmen, Amazons or one of the many primordial monsters prowling the jungles of the New World. Most of these fresh recruits die well before they realize their dream of joining the Reavers as full-fledged members.

When one of the Reavers die, the warband spares no effort on recovering the lost equipment, weapons and armour, as a new Reaver is selected by the surviving Heroes. The newcomer is welcomed to the ranks of Reavers, and dons the panoply of the predecessor in a ceremony that often involved copious amounts of Estalian wine.

Special Rules

Rare Heroes

You can only ever buy one of each type of Heroes during the existence of your Warband, representing the extreme rarity of these the toughest of survivors of Lustria.


When you lose one of the Heroes for whatever reason, you cannot buy a new one. However, you retain all the equipment of the fallen Hero, and you may now promote one of the Prospects into the role of the lost hero, as if that Henchman just successfully rolled Lad’s Got Talent on the Henchmen Advancement Table: You may choose two skill lists available to Heroes in your warband. These are the skill types your new Hero can choose from when the model gains new skills. The new Hero can immediately make one roll on the Heroes Advance table.

The new Hero then gains the armour, weapons and equipment of the fallen Hero and assumes their position the Warband. The Prospect’s own equipment may be added to the Warband stash. If you have no Prospect currently in your Warband, you can promote the next one you hire.

Special Equipment

Lustrian Reavers have access to the following specialist weapons, armour and equipment.

Masterwork Heavy Armour

An heirloom brought from Tilea, where the craft of forging highly ornate and almost impenetrable heavy armour is taught. It grants 4+ Armour Save, but suffers from -1M even without a shield.

Bec de Corbin

A Tilean invention, Bec de Corbin is a polearm that combines the best aspects of a Halberd, spear and warhammer. It requires two hands to use. The model armed with Bec de Corbin strikes in initiative order when charged instead of going last. Grants +1 Strength. When rolling for Injuries, 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling on the Injury chart. Dwarfs are immune to this effect.


These long daggers have been specifically designed to kill downed opponents through chinks in armour, and piercing vulnerable spots such as eyes and the throat. Uses same rules as dagger, but when attacking enemies that are down you get to roll 2D6 and pick the highest number on ‘to wound’ roll.


Light throwing spear, produced in the tradition of the ancient legions of Remans, or captured from native Skinks. It has a 8” range, and suffers no penalty for moving and shooting.

Firepots Miragliano

These primitive hand grenades made of clay contain alchemic Tilean Fire which bursts into flames when exposed to air. Range of 8”, and suffer no hit penalties for long range. If the orb hits, the target suffers 1 S2 hit from the bursting flames, and in addition the model needs to roll under the Initiative at the start of its next turn in order to see through the smoke. If the model fails, it cannot charge or shoot until the beginning of its next turn, though can otherwise move or act normally, and fight in hand-to-hand combat.

Choice Of Warriors

A Lustrian Reaver warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns available to spend. The maximum number of warriors is 10, though some items like the Halfling Cookbook may increase this number as normal.


Each Lustrian Reaver warband must have at least one Hero to act as a leader. Choose any of your Heroes as the Leader who benefits from the rules for Leader. You can only ever hire 1 of each type of Hero.


Your warband may include up to five Prospects.

Starting Experience

Conqueror starts with 24 Experience Saurus Slayer starts with 20 Experience Beastmaster starts with 20 Experience Jungle Shadow starts with 20 Experience Trapmaster starts with 17 Experience Henchmen start with 0 Experience

Hired Swords

The Lustrian Reavers are proud and suspicious, and therefore rarely use Hired Swords. They may hire an Ogre Bodyguard, Dwarf Trollslayer, Tilean Marksman or a Big Game Hunter.

Reaver Skill Tables

Saurus Slayer
Jungle Shadow


Hero Equipment List

Note that many of the Reavers already start with special equipment not listed below. This equipment cannot be replaced if lost.

Hand-to-hand combat weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Sword10 gc
Mace3 gc
Misericordia10 gc
Double-handed weapon15 gc
Lance40 gc

Missile Weapons

Javelin10 gc
Throwing Knives15 gc
Blowpipe15 gc
Pistol15 gc


Light armour20 gc
Shield10 gc
Helmet10 gc
Buckler10 gc

Miscellaneous Equipment

Rope & Hook5 gc
Crimson Shade35 gc
Dark Venom30 gc
Net5 gc
Warhorse80 gc
Warhound20 gc


Hand-to-hand combat weapons

Dagger1st free/2 gc
Sword10 gc
Hammer3 gc
Spear10 gc

Missile Weapons

Short bow5 gc


Light armour20 gc
Shield10 gc
Helmet10 gc


0 – 1 Conqueror

150 gold crowns to hire

Conquerors are behemoths of men, unstoppable giants wearing the nigh-impenetrable Estalian Masterwork armour and wielding the dreaded Bec de Corbin. They are incredibly tough to take out in battle, but their dedication to the skills at arms means they are often sullen and morose loners who do not work well with others, and despise newcomers to their warbands.


Starting Equipment: Masterwork Heavy Armor (4+ save, -1 movement), Bec de Corbin, helmet. Further weapons, armour and equipment can be bought from the Reavers Equipment list.

Special Rules

Survivor: Cannot be taken out of Action unless the model is already Knocked Down or Stunned. Treat Out of Action as Stunned if the Conqueror is standing when receiving the Wound.

In addition, the first time a Conqueror suffers a Dead result on the Serious Injury Chart, treat it as Multiple Injuries instead. This ability can save the Conqueror only one time.

0 – 1 Saurus Slayer

135 gold crowns to hire

Saurus-slayers act as the champions of the Reavers, warriors who have survived where hundreds have fallen. They specialize in dueling Saurus warriors. All Lizardmen are deadly and ferocious opponents and only the mightiest of human warriors can best them in a single combat. Saurus-Slayers are men who have become accustomed to taking on and defeating these mighty guardians of Lustria, and adorn themselves with grisly trophies of their victories. These spoils of war often offer additional benefits and mystical protection to these supreme champions of Reaver Warbands.

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Starting Equipment: Heavy Armor, Misericordia, 2 swords, helmet. Further weapons, armour and equipment can be bought from the Reavers Equipment list.


Duellist: If the Saurus Slayer is engaged with only a single opponent in melee, they can re-roll missed hits on the first turn whether they charged the enemy or were charged.

Saurus-Slayers may purchase the following special equipment:

  • Lizardmen Skin Cloak: Grants 6+ Ward save, separate from Armour Save that is not reduced by enemy strength or other modifiers. (10 gc)
  • Skull Mask: Causes Fear. (15 gc)
  • Upgrade any sword into a Lizardman Sword: +1 to wound rolls due to Poison. (30 gc)
  • Trophy Slann Holy Headdress: +2 bonus to armour saves. (35 gc)

0 – 1 Reaver Beastmaster

90 gold crowns to hire

Beastmasters are warriors who train and command fierce attack dogs and other beasts bred for war. Estalians are especially famous for their skills at raising beasts of the forest to serve them on the battlefield. Great slavering Tilean bloodhounds are the most common, but hunting hawks and even trained Barbary monkeys can be made into ferocious beasts of war by these expert animal handlers.


Starting Equipment: Heavy Armor, spear, sword. Further weapons, armour and equipment can be bought from the Reavers Equipment list.


War Beasts: If your Warband includes a Beastmaster, you may include up to 2 War Beasts from the list below. These count towards the maximum size of the Warband. They must be bought when the Warband is created but can be replaced if killed. The War Beasts can use the Ld of the Beastmaster if they are within 6” of the Beastmaster.

0 – 2 Estalian Warhound

25 gold crowns to hire

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5+ armour save: Beastmasters raise savage Estalian warhounds: giant beasts trained to bring down any prey or enemy, and protected by padded armour to ward off arrows and iron collars against blades.

0 – 1 Barbary Monkey

40 gold crowns to hire

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Nimble: Can climb any sheer surfaces without taking Initiative tests. Can re-roll all failed Diving Charge tests. The Monkey can enter buildings unlike other animals. Due to its agility, the Monkey also has a 5+ Ward Armour save which it can take against any and all wounds it suffers in Melee combat or from shooting/magic or even falling damage.

0 – 1 Tilean Hunting Hawk

30 gold crowns to hire

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Part of the Equipment. Acts at the same time as the Beastmaster. Can attack any enemy within 12” as a melee attack, even those out of line of sight (unless Hidden), and return to the Beastmaster immediately. The hawk cannot be targeted separately by any attack or spell. The Hawk does not attack if the Beastmaster is engaged in hand-to-hand combat, being too busy to command the hawk!

All the War Beasts are subject to the rules of Animals and may not gain experience. They suffer injuries exactly as Henchmen (if taken out of action they are dead on a roll of 1-2 on D6).

0 – 1 Jungle Shadow

90 gold crowns to hire

Jungle Shadows are survivors of desperate Jungle Warfare against skinks. Where their comrades died, the Shadows survived through woodcraft, cunning, ruthlessness, and stealth. They are the hunted who have become hunters. Many of them were mystics that escaped the persecution of the religious authorities in the Old World.

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Starting Equipment: Javelins, light armour, two daggers. Further weapons, armour and equipment can be bought from the Reavers Equipment list.

At the cost of +30 Gold Crowns, you can make Jungle Shadow a Wizard. Jungle Shadow uses the Lesser Magic list. Generate a single Spell as standard for a wizard. If you make the Jungle Shadow a Wizard, remove the Light Armour from the equipment list when starting out, and generate 1 Lesser Magic spell they can use.


Silent Hunter: Jungle Shadow is always considered to be Hidden if the model is touching any piece of terrain of 1” high. Shooting does not reveal Jungle Shadow’s position, though spellcasting does.

Surprise attack: If the Shadow attacks an enemy that has its back turned to the Jungle Shadow (i.e. the shot is coming from 180 degree angle from behind its facing), the Shadow can re-roll missed to hit rolls.

Canopy Walker: Jungle Shadow automatically passes all climbing, jumping and falling off ledges tests.

0 – 1 Trapmaster

140 gold crowns to hire

Combining the hunting skills of the Old World trappers with the fiendish skills of their skink enemies, the Trapmasters are essential for the Reaver warbands in controlling the battlefield, sniping at enemies from distance, and laying snares and traps to catch unwary foes.


Starting Equipment: Heavy Armor, sword, Tilean Hunting Rifle (Treat as Hochland Long Rifle), Firepots, Leaf coat (counts as an Elven Cloak). Further weapons, armour and equipment can be bought from the Reavers Equipment list.


Deadeye: Trapmaster suffers no penalties for shooting at long range.

Traps: The Trapmaster starts each game with 1 Trap and can buy up to 5 further of the following Traps before the start of the game at the cost of 5 GC each. Each trap is one use only. Traps are used in the Shooting Phase instead of shooting, 1 trap at a time, and cannot be used in Melee combat. When you use a trap, put 2 1” diameter Trap counters (one false, one real) anywhere within 3” of the Trapmaster, but at least 3” away from any other models. Any model that moves within 2” of the counter must flip it over. If it is a false one, nothing happens. If it is a real one, the model suffers D3 S5 Hits immediately. Traps do not cause Criticals. Remove the counters when the trap is sprung.


0 – 5 Prospects

35 gold crowns to hire

Your warband may include up to 5 Prospects - newly-arrived hopefuls who seek a chance to join the Reavers by serving them as guards, porters and menial labourers, as well as cannon fodder in their savage jungle fights.


Weapons/Armour: Purchased from the Prospects Equipment List.


Promotion Only: Re-roll any Lad’s Got Talent results on Henchmen Advancement table. When promoted, you can then hire a new Prospect as the model no longer counts as one of them.