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64. Encampment Raid

Source: Town Cryer #28
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Anonymous
Broheim notes: Attackers attempt to take the defenders’ camp. Plays as Defend The Find except the defenders have a number of advantages due to being on home turf. Defenders may also purchase further fortifications (e.g. heads on spikes, barricades, etc) to further hamper the attackers. The local watch may turn up to assist the defenders.

Often warbands are jealous of the accomplishments of their rivals, and the more opulent a warband’s camp is, the more successful they have been in scouring the ruins. Also, this is where they stash their loot. Other players may challenge your warband and attack your camp in an attempt to take it over for themselves. Play a ‘Defend the Find scenario’ with the following exceptions:

  • Set-up the camp in the centre of the battlefield.
  • The defender cannot be routed except voluntarily and only if at least 50% of the warband are taken out of action.
  • No member of the defender’s warband need take an All Alone test.
  • As long as a model stays within the encampment’s boundaries, they may use the Leader’s Leadership value to roll for tests — regardless of how far away from their leader they are.
  • One Henchmen group may be set-up Hidden at the beginning of the game.

If the attacker succeeds in capturing the camp he may either destroy it or occupy it (provided he is allowed within Sigmarhaven). In addition, the attacker claims the defender’s stash for his own. The defender must then roll for a new camp.

The defender may purchase any of the following items to fortify his encampment. Each of these must be represented by applicable models when using them while defending your camp.

additional equipment

Banner: See Mordheim 2002 annual.

Ladders: These are useful for assaulting another warband’s encampment and negate the effects of barricades and palisades — 5gcs Common.


Barricade: These cost 10 gcs for a strip that is 6" long by 1" high. A warrior defending a barricade can only be hit by his opponent on an unmodified D6 score of 6 - Common.

Palisade: These cost 15gcs for a strip that is 6" long by 2" high. A warrior defending a palisade can only be hit by his opponent on an unmodified D6 score of 6 - Common.

Watchtower: This gives the defender a high platform to shoot from (this may be as tall as 8") — 20 gcs common. The following may be combined with the above defences or as stand alone.

Heads on spikes: These cause Fear and may be attached to barricades or palisades (the enemy must pass a Leadership test if they wish to assault them) — 5 gcs Common.

Ditch: These cost 5 gcs for a strip that is 6" long by 1" deep. It counts as difficult terrain, reducing movement by half.

Stakes: These cost 10 gcs for a strip that is 6" long. It counts as difficult terrain, reducing movement by half. In addition, those attempting to cross must roll a D6 — on a 5+ the warrior takes a Strength 3 hit with no armour saves allowed — Common.

Tunnels: These allow one Henchmen group to be held in reserve at the start of the game and may be placed anywhere on the battlefield at the start of the defender’s turn but no closer than within 8" of an enemy model, however — 15 gcs Common.

Traps: The defender may place up to three trap markers (per trap if you have more than one) anywhere within their encampment. Each marker is marked with either ‘Trap’ or ‘Decoy’ on the underside. When a model touches the marker, flip it over. If it says ‘Decoy’, nothing happens. If it says ‘Trap’ then that model takes a Strength 4 hit with no armour save — 30 gc Rare 6.

sigmarhaven watch

If a resident of Sigmarhaven’s camp comes under attack, the watch may turn up and assist them against their aggressors. Roll a D6 each turn and on the score of 5+ the watch have arrived and will immediately do battle with the attackers.

The watch consists of a Captain, four Swordsmen, and two Marksmen (use standard Reikland mercenaries). They are all armed with swords, wear light armour and carry shields. The Marksmen are also armed with bows.