48. One Man's Rescue is Another Man's Kidnap
Source: Town Cryer #20
Setting: Khemri
Author: Khemri Development Team
Description: A prisoner is being guarded within one of several tents. The attacker must find the prisoner by entering the correct tent and then escort him from the table. The defender must stop him.
Throughout history, intelligent beings havealways coveted one another’s possessions whether that’s his gold, weapons or slaves; so it is in Khémri too. Kidnapping is not uncommon in the land of dunes and palms whether for ransom, political advantage or use as raw materials! Many of these victims are subject to a ‘rescue’ attempt, either by the victim’s family, hired mercenaries or by another group who also wants to ransom the victim. This scenario is classically played out between Nomad warbands, but can be played by any warband.
The defender first sets up a camp at least 18" from any table edge. The camp consists of at least one tent for every three members of the warband, excluding animals and Undead henchmen (who don’t need tents). In any case the camp must have at least two tents. Also see Tents hereafter. Each player then takes it in turn to place other pieces of terrain — an oasis, sand dunes, ruins, etc, at least 4" away from any other piece of scenery.
The objective of the game is for the attacking warband to free the kidnap victim and escort him/her (preferably alive) from the table. The defenders must try to keep the victim on the table (and alive). If the victim dies, the game is considered a draw — neither side gets the win bonus — additional Experience points and gold.
The defender sets up the warband’s models anywhere within the camp, including inside the tents. The kidnap victim model must be set up inside a tent — profile as a Young Blood. Models should be set up inside tents in secret — ask your opponent to look away as you place any of your models inside the tents The attacker sets up on any side no more than 8" onto the table. Tha attacker goes first.
special rules
The victim is considered free if‘at the end of any turn there is an attacking warrior model within 2" and he is closer than a defender. The victim model may then move as normal.
ending the game
The game ends when the victim has been rescued, or when one warband fails a Rout test. The winning warband gains 5D6+ 10 GC as a ransom/reward.
- +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
- +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
- +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
- +1 Rescuer. The warrior who rescues the victim gains +1 Experience.*
*Note: The last two are not awarded if the kidnap victim dies.
Special Rules -— Tents
Cost: 20+2D6GC Those that travel the deserts require shelter from the freezing nights and often-fierce sandstorms. The inhabitants of Khemri have developed light, robust tents to protect them from the extremes of the desert. These are frequently quite lavish and opulent — displaying the owner’s wealth with items such as embroidered wall hangings, silk pillows and rare rugs.
Tents normally have only one entrance and only one model may shoot from a tent each turn. If an attacking model is within 2" of the entrance to a tent he can see inside — remove the canopy, revealing the models within.
Because of the tent’s narrow entrance, it is unusual for more than one model to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat (depending on your model tent). If a model in the entrance to the tent (either immediately inside or outside) is stunned, then any standing model in base contact may move it outside. Either player may move the model, but the player controlling the model has the final decision if there is any dispute. Place the stunned model to one side of the tent entrance, but move it no more than 2". This will allow attackers to gain entrance by dragging enemies out or pushing injured warband members out of the way. A model may not be moved and then attacked in the same turn (although he may be attacked then moved). Assume that the stunned model is moved at the end of the current player’s turn. Because of the cramped conditions, weapons that require two hands to use (including halberds and most missile weapons) cannot be used inside a tent.
optional rules
This adds a level of complexity, slowing down the game; it also allows for greater tactical flexibility and realism.
Damaging Tents Tents are made of a Sieh, hard wearing material but can be slashed and cut open using natural claws, a dagger or other bladed weapon (but not a hammer, dogs’ paws, camel hooves, etc). In game terms they have a Toughness of 2, 4 Wounds and count as flammable.
If a sharp weapon causes a ‘wound’, a hole has been opened. Place a marker to indicate where this improvised opening is. However, a — successful Initiative test must be made to enter, otherwise the warrior has become tangled in the tent's fabrican can do nothing else this turn. A warrior thus entangled may be attacked from inside or outside the tent, and the entangled warrior is at half WS when defending himself.
If reduced to 0 wounds, the tent collapss. All inside must make a successful initiative test to free themselves. They may do nothing else until freed, nor may they be attacked. The kidnap victim must be freed from a collapsed tent by a warrior - she is tied up and cannot free herself.
tent models
The tent models should be made with one entrance and so that no more than six models (20mm bases) can fit inside. They can be round or rectangular (rectangular is easier for game play) - both are appropriate for the setting. Make the tents such as that the canvas can be lifted off to leave a floor area with some wall (about an inch or so) so that the entrance is clearly marked.