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40. The Ogham Stones

Source: Town Cryer #15
Setting: Albion
Author: Nicodemus Kyme
Broheim notes: Enhance powers for spell-casters with Truthsayers & Dark Emissaries tagging along for good measure.

Circles of Ogham stones pervade the landscape as often as the rolling fens in Albion. They hold a potent magic which when properly tapped can be devastating. Two warbands must battle for such a stone circle aided by the rivals the Truthsayers and Dark Emissaries whose purposes are as enigmatic as their appearance...


Players take it in turns to place a piece of terrain. A circle of eight Ogham Stones must be arranged in the centre of the table, approximately 12" in diameter with equal gaps between each stone. Place no terrain inside the circle or within 3" of any stone. Terrain should be set up in an area roughly 4’ x 4’.

special rules

Enigmatic Allies: In this battle each warband will be aided by a Dark Emissary or Truthsayer, depending upon their allegiance (see the rules for these characters above) that set up with the warband. If both warbands are ‘evilly’ or ‘good’ aligned then roll off to see whochooses which character is part of their warband.

Ogham Magic: The circle of Ogham Stones generates a powerful magical flux and wizards within its confines rolls 3D6 for casting spells choosing the two highest. In addition the wizard is able to cast D3 spells each turn. Such are the tumultuous forces contained within the Ogham Stones that if a wizard rolls a double ‘1’ for any of his spells (before removing any dice) he loses control of the magics and is ‘knocked down’ and may cast no further spells this turn. Any wizard outside of the circle while another wizard is within it only rolls 1 dice for casting spells as their power is drained.


Each player rolls a dice. Whoever rolls highest chooses who sets up first. The first player then chooses which table edge to set up on, placing all his warriors within 8" of that edge. His opponent then sets up within 8" of the opposite edge.

starting the game

Both players roll a D6. The highest scoring player takes the first turn.

ending the game

The game lasts for eight turns. The player who has the most models standing within the Ogham Stone circle wins. Rules for poutine) do not apply.


  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
  • +2 Slayer. Any hero who slays a Truthsayer or Dark Emissary gains +2 Experience points.


The winning warband is rewarded by ‘the Truthsayer or Dark Emissary they serve They gain 5D6 gold coins worth of gems. jewels.

Editor’s note: Purists amongst you may well realise that the Dark Emissaries only came about in the recent Warhammer timeline and were, no doubt, the cause of the mists of Albion dissapating and revealing the isle. As Mordheim is set approximately five hundred years earlier there would not have been any Dark Emmissaries about but we've included them so that you may have more fun in your games. You could either run a separate campaign set in the Warhammer present day or just ignore this technicality. Of course, you could always not use Dark Emmissaries in your games and maintain the background stringently, the choice is yours.