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32. The Hunters Become The Hunted

Source: Town Cryer #13
Setting: Lustria
Author: Lustria Development Team
Broheim notes: Similar to Surprise Attack.

The warbands have heard rumours that Lustria has rare and exotic creatures. There were merchants and wizards willing to pay hefty prices for them. Rumour has it that Cold Ones are in the jungles of Lustria. There is a lot of money to be made from the Cold Ones. They are useful beasts that can help the mobility of caravans due to their strength. battle. Their scaly skin is good material to make 3. The Attacker(s) deploys his whole Warband several items. Races such as the Dark Elves within 8" of a randomly determined table capture them and use them for war.

One warband has been ambushed by a Lizardmen Beastmaster who is accompanied by two Cold Ones. The warband must kill the beast master. If they do so, they can control the Cold Ones by gaining the Beastmaster’s whip. The whip has something mysterious about it that controls the Cold Ones. However, enemy warbands have spotted their camp days ago and are also in search of the Cold Ones. Their scouts stumble upon the attacked warband as well.

For 2-6 warbands and a referee.

set up

  1. The Warband with the highest rating is the Defending Player. The Defending Player sets up in the middle of the board. The Lizardman Beastmaster and Cold Ones must be 4" away from the Defending Player’s Warband and have line of sight to the Defending Warband. The Defending Warband has an 8" by 8" set up area in the middle of the board

  2. The Attacking Warband(s) rolls a D6 for each Hero and Henchman group in his Warband, in any order he chooses. On a 1-3, they are somewhere else in the jungle and turn up later as reinforcements. On a 4-6, they are deployed at the start of the game. Note that at least one Hero or Henchman group will be present at the start. If all roll 1-3, the last Hero or Henchman group will automatically be deployed at the start of the battle.

  3. The Attacker(s) deploys his whole Warband within 8" of a randomly determined table edge (nominate each edge a number 1-4 and roll a D6 re-rolling 5's and 6's).


The Attacking Warband(s) and the Defending Warband set up the terrain pieces starting with the Defending Warband. Do not place any carnivorous plants until all terrain pieces are placed. The Defending Warband rolls 1D6 for every player taking part and places that many carnivorous plants anywhere on the table. The plants must be at least 4" apart from each other. I suggest at least a 4x6 set up area depending one how many warbands are involved.



Fighting against a carnivorous plant is handled much the same way as two warriors would do battle. The plant will attack any model that stops within a 3" radius of it and the attacks are made during the combat phase, as normal. The plant always strikes first in the initial round of combat unless the model it is fighting has been outfitted with a pike. The pikeman will go first. If the plant suffers a Wound in any round, roll against its Leadership. If the check is failed, the plant will attempt to defend itself. If this occurs, its Toughness and Leadership will increase by +1 point and its attacks will decrease by -1 point until it is left alone or wins a round of combat.

If a model is put Out of Action by a plant, the player must roll for casualties as normal, however both Heroes and Henchmen roll a single D6. On a roll of 1, the model is eaten by the plant and is removed from the campaign. Of course, these are only basic rules and stats for any carnivorous vegetation.

We encourage players to create different varieties and interesting rules for these nasties. Any model that kills a carnivorous plant will automatically be awarded 1D6 gc due to finding all the loot from the plant’s past victims.

starting the game

The Attacking Warband(s) starts first — if there are more than one roll 1D6 with the highest scoring player going first and then moving in descending order. The Defender always moves last. The Lizardman Beastmaster goes first and should be controlled by the referee.

special rules

The Attacker(s), at the start of the second and subsequent turns, may roll 1D6 for each Henchmen group or Hero not yet on the table. On a 4+, these reinforcements may deploy during the movement phase from a randomly determined table edge. All reinforcements that arrive may not charge on the turn in which they arrive. The players must defeat the Beastmaster to gain control of the Cold Ones. The unit/Hero which puts the Beastmaster Out of Action, gains control of the Cold Ones by taking the Beastmaster’s whip from his prone form. Other enemy units can gain control of the Cold Ones by similarly taking the whip from whoever has possession. If nobody is in possession of the whip, the Cold Ones will immediately become subject to Stupidity. Also, roll 1D3 to determine how many artifacts the Lizardman Beastmaster carries. The unit/Hero which takes out the Lizardman Beastmaster gets the artifacts but if the unit is stunned or Out of Action, another unit in base-to-base contact may take the artifacts. The Unit with the whip must always be within 4" of the Cold Ones. No warband may voluntarily Rout. The game lasts for 12 turns

ending the game

The player who runs off the board with at least one of the Cold Ones and artifacts wins the game. If both Cold Ones are Out of Action then the last warband not routing wins the game. The last model which has the artifacts in its possession gains them.


  • +1 Survives: all Heroes and henchmen groups who live through the battle gain +1 experience.
  • +2 Winning Leader. The Leader of the winning warband gains +2 experience.
  • +1 enemy out of action. A Hero earns +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
  • +1 per Cold One alive. All units in the winning Warband which survive get +1 exp per Cold One alive.


Lizardman beastmaster: Use a Skink Great Crest from the Lizardman Warband from TC issue 11 for the Beastmaster (page 24) and the rules for Cold Ones can be found on page 17 of the same issue.


If the winning Warband captures the Cold Ones alive, they can either mount a unit on them or sell them for 80gc. If one or both of the Cold Ones are dead then you can sell them for 40gc each. The artifacts are the equivalent of a Wyrdstone shard each and can also be sold.