49. The Gauntlet
Source: Town Cryer #21
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Erik Johnson
Description: Classic Indiana Jones stuff. Warbands race along trap-laden corridors towards a great treasure. For 2+ warbands.
Deep in the Catacombs, under the dark city of Mordheim, buried under the pyramids of Khemri, and lost in caverns deep in the Lustrian jungles are hidden great treasures of a time more ancient than any can remember. However, the ancients were not fools. A surprise awaits those foolish enough to seek them...
With all those great adventure films like ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ and ‘The Mummy’ for inspiration, I’ve always wanted to do a scenario that incorporates a race to steal the precious treasure. And what game is more perfect for this than Mordheim? The following scenario is a great multi-player one, although you can certainly play with only two players if you want. You can even play with only one player! Of course, it would take a little tweaking to make it more fun for solitary gaming.
Set up dungeon tiles as shown on the map on p21 (you can either use Warhammer Quest room and corridor tiles if you have them or make your own out of stiff card). Each side should have a ‘corridor’ leading to the central circle/hexagon room. There should be 4" between the edge of the board and the beginning of the “Trap Zone’ (more on that later) and it should be 8" wide. The “Trap Zone’ should then extend to the end of the corridor, preferably 15"-20" long. The central circle should not be too wide, between 10"-20" in diameter. In the middle of the circle, there should be the ‘Great Treasure’ that all the warbands are striving to get. Set up as many corridors as there are players. Place some small rubble pieces in the central circle, as well as D3 Wyrdstone or Treasure counters. Each player must deploy their warband in the 4" area between the board edge and the “Trap Zone’ (Note: Although this scenario takes place in an underground environment, use the standard Mordheim rules. It is assumed the chamber is large, spacious and well lit by a clever system of torches and mirrors made by the ancients).
special rules
Traps: Any model moving through a “Trap Zone’ runs the risk of triggering a trap. If a model is stunned or does not move in its turn, it will not risk triggering a trap (Note: Standing up from knocked down does not count as movement). Roll a D6 using the following modifiers and then consult the table:
Warrior moved by | Modifier |
4" | No modifier |
5" +1 modifier | +1 modifier |
6" +2 modifier | +2 modifier |
7"+ +3 modifier | +3 modifier |
Additional modifiers: +1 for large creature -1 Initiative 5+ -1 If Elven (Cannot combine with the I5 deduction) -1 smaller creature (Halfling, Giant Rat, Skink etc.)
If the arbitrator or gaming group feel that there is a particular skill or item that should incur a modifier, feel free to add it. If after modifiers are added, the score is 6 or more, the model has triggered a trap. Roll 2D6 on the table below to identify which trap has been activated:
2D6 score | Trap |
2 | Swinging Spiked Ball |
3-4 | Spiked Pit |
5-6 | Cage |
7 | Arrow Trap! |
8-9 | Terror Trap! |
10-11 | Snare |
12 | Poison |
Work out the effects from where the warrior started its movement. If it did not start in a Trap Zone, then the trap will be triggered at the end of his Movement phase. It the warrior is just passing through a Trap Zone then it will trigger a trap at the first possible moment.
Swinging Spiked Ball: Out of nowhere a large, spiked iron ball attached to a chain, hurls at the startled warrior. The target must pass an Initiative test, or take a Strength 5 hit. The ball then swings back into its former position with no further effects.
Spiked Pit: The ground beneath the warrior gives way to reveal a large pit lined with sharp spikes! The warrior takes a Strength 3 hit as he falls. The pit also forms a circle centred on the model with a 2" radius. Any model whose base is half covered must pass a Strength test or fall in and take damage as above. In any following Movement phase, any trapped models can escape by passing a Strength test. If they succeed, they count as though they have got up from Knocked Down for purposes of movement.
Cage: A cage drops out of the ceiling, trapping the warrior. The warrior may not move whilst in the cage, although they may shoot. They also count as being in cover if shot at, they suffer a -1 to hit penalty if engaged in close combat with an enemy who is outside of the cage, and the attacker gains +1 to hit. A warrior trapped within the cage or any warrior in base contact may attack the cage in close combat. The cage has T4, 1W and a 5+ armour save. If destroyed, the warrior may move as normal next turn. Arrow Trap: A tripwire has been sprung that releases a hail of bolts. The bolts hit on a 5+ with a Strength of 3. They are assumed to be in range.
Terror Trap: Dead bodies and horrific gore falls from the ceiling, dousing the warrior. The warrior and all those within 2" must make an immediate Rout Test (warriors that are immune to psychology may ignore this). Snare: A large net ensnares the unfortunate victim. The warrior is immobilised until a friendly model spends their entire Movement phase freeing him.
Poison: The warrior is struck by a tiny poisoned dart or blade. In its next turn, the warrior loses -1 Initiative and -1 Leadership due to dizziness. This continues each turn until either stat is reduced to 0. Then the warrior is taken out of action.
Traps and shooting: As long as a warrior has not moved, it can fire without risking setting off a trap. If they do move, they only run the risk as they are moving, and as long as they do not spring a trap while moving, they are free to shoot as normal.
Traps and Combat: Combat is highly dangerous in a Trap Zone. Even if they have risked traps in movement, all warriors participating in close combat must test to see if they trigger traps. Do not use the standard modifiers, simply modify by adding the number of attacks the model is going to make to a maximum of +3. Any traps set off automatically affect all combatants.
(Optional) Special Traps: When the Great Treasure is plucked off of its resting place; a trap is automatically sprung. Roll below on a D6:
D6 Score | Effects |
1-2 | Creatures. D3 Zombies are placed within 3" of the warrior. They are exactly as described in their entry in the Undead warband. They will always attack the bearer of the treasure as long as he is in charge range. Otherwise, they will always try to get within charge distance of him. If the treasure switches owners, they will attack it, and if it is dropped, they will stay within 3" of it. |
3-4 | Boulder. A big rock drops out onto the poor unfortunate. He automatically takes a Strength 4 hit that works like a hammer (stuns on a 2-4), It will continue to roll in a random direction. Use the Warhammer Scatter dice if available, or just assign six directions numbers 1-6 and roll a D6. It moves 6" a turn, and any model in its path must pass an Int test or be hit as above. It will not set off traps, and will stop when it hits a wall or passes out of a warband’s deployment zone. |
5-6 | Abyss. A trap door opens and the model must take an I test or fall in and be Out of Action. After the battle the model should roll on the injuries chart as normal. The trap door will close after the model has passed or failed its test. |
They can all deploy simultaneously, as they are all restricted to their 4"x8” deployment zone.
starting the game
Roll a D6 and the highest scoring player takes first turn.
ending the game
Rout tests are disabled, as this prize is too good to run from (plus you would run back into the traps!). To win, a warband must take and hold the treasure for two turns, or get it back to their deployment zone.
- +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
- +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
- +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
- +1 for surviving a trap (or escaping from it). Any Hero earns +1 Experience for surviving a trap (or escaping from it).
the treasure
Many things could serve as the treasure. Any of the Magical Items in the Mordheim book would work, a lot of fancy equipment, a treasure chest, etc. When you decide on the treasure, you should also decide if it should slow movement, increase tendencies to set off a trap, etc.