43. Bar Room Brawl
Source: Town Cryer #19
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Jason "Teacher Guy" Kahler
Broheim notes: A bar room brawl. Players start with 3 warriors in bar with more arriving during battle. Special rules for using furniture as cover, for using beer bottles as weapons and for taking on the Landlord of the establishment.
When the comet struck the city, most of its buildings and, indeed population, were destroyed. As adventurers and scoundrels began flocking to Mordheim in search of treasure, astute barkeeps realised that all of the fighting and wyrdstone hunting would make people thirsty. Taverns and brothels were the first establishments to begin the rebuilding process. Warbands often meet in these places to discuss plans, exchange information, and search for good times. Inevitably, fights break out.
The Lucky Griffon inn is half rebuilt. Inside its partially destroyed walls are tables, chairs, a bar, ceiling supports, interior walls, and potentially countless other inn type materials. Due to the nature of the game, The Lucky Griffin must be an abnormally large bar. Set-up the bar in a 3' x 3' area. Outside of the bar, players can arrange ruins as normal.
Players roll a D6, setting up in ascending order of the dice rolls. Each player places three members of their warband at one of the tables in the bar. The three members must sit together (they’re talking, scheming, counting loot, etc). Additionally, D6+2 Beer Bottle counters should be placed on tables by the players, like Wyrdstone counters in the scenario 'Wyrdstone Hunt’.
starting the game
Each player rolls a D6 and adds that score to the highest Initiative of one of their models inside the bar at the beginning of the game. Highest score starts the fight and goes first, “Hey, weren’t you the guy who cheated on my sister?”.
special rules
Cramped and Dark. Because of the dimness in the bar, the lack of space in a crowded room, and the swirling combat, all models in the bar suffer -1 to hit with all missile weapons. No one outside of the bar may attempt to shoot in (too dark, may hit one of his or her mates, etc). A model that starts his turn outside of the bar cannot charge a model inside the bar.
Bring in the Reserves. After the first turn, players roll a D6 for each hero or henchman Scenario: Sar Room VBrawf Dome group to see what members of their warband show up. Use the table below for dice rolls. Newcomers are placed on the table no less than 12" from the bar, and no less than 8" from an enemy model.
Turn | 2 | 3 | 5 | |
D6 roll | 5+ | 4+ | 3+ | Automatic |
Rearrange the Furniture. Players may decide to forgo movement in order to turn over a table or chair. Models must be in base-to-base contact with a table or chair before their movement in order to attempt to flip it. Models must roll beneath their strength on a D6 in order to be successful. If successful, the player can turn over and place the furniture anywhere in base-to-base contact with the model, thus giving it some cover.
Beer Bottles Make Good Weapons. If a model is within 1" of a Beer Bottle counter, they can choose to pick it up. A model with a Beer Bottle uses it in the first round of combat they are engaged in. Beer bottles hit automatically, due to the fact that they take an opponent by surprise. Bottles have a Strength the same as the user, and cause a stunned result on a roll of 2-4 (you’re cracking them over the head with glass, after all).
Beer bottles can also be thrown as a missile weapon. Bottles have a range of 6’’. Models roll to hit, with the -1 modifier described earlier, as with any missile weapon. Bottles have strength as user +1.
Bottles can only be used once for each counter.
Sam the Bartender. The Lucky Griffon’s proprietor is no stranger to action. Heck, a comet levelled his bar! He does not appreciate a brawl in his fine establishment, and will defend his property.
After the last player takes his turn at the end of each round, Sam will randomly target one of the six closest models from behind his bar. If a player whines about whom is within the 6", one of his models is the target (Quit your complaining! It’s a game!). Sam is armed with a brace of pistols and does not suffer from the -1 to hit penalty, since he is used to the low light and doesn’t care who he hits. Sam has the following profile:
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
Sam | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 |
Sam can be charged and attacked as normal. If Sam is wounded, he is removed from the game (no crummy bar is worth dying for). However, the model that takes Sam out of action automatically suffers D3+1S3 hits from the other patrons of the bar who crawl out from under the tables to defend their source of libations.
If Sam is out of action, the winning warband gets 3D6 gc from the cash register and a supply of Bugman’s Ale from the bar. This is in addition to anything from normal exploring (in this case, exploring is really picking the pockets of the dead, and going through packages left behind by patrons fleeing the scene).
ending the game
The last warband standing wins. The game is played until all but one warband routs.
- +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
- +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
- +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
- +1 Taking Out Sam. Any Hero earns +3 Experience for if he puts Sam out of action.