63. The Frenzied Mob
Source: Town Cryer #27
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Anonymous
Broheim notes: An Empire In Flames scenario. Warbands attempt to loot a village consisting of D3+1 buildings. Each building is staunchly defended by D3+1 frenzied villagers.
the year following the comet that flattened the hedonistic city of Mordheim, the Empire became a much darker place. It is in the largely untamed wilderness of the Empire, where hardy rural folk battle the elements and drag a living from the soil, that the most fearsome rumours pervade. The farmsteaders and villagers of the Empire are a curious breed, somewhat backward in comparison to the relatively sophisticated city folk. They are a very superstitious lot, zealously religious they pray to the gods Sigmar, Ulric and Taal for a good harvest, fertility and protection from the horrors of the dark. It is also said that they pray to older gods, forgotten by the folk of the cities over the centuries. The peasantry are gruff, poorly educated but extremely hard working folk who have little time for outsiders, especially those from the big cities whom they view as soft and effete. They often lead short and unfulfilling lives and through back breaking hard work are bent-double by middle age. Despite all of this, the rural folk of the Empire are exceptionally brave, to the point of reckless insanity, and have an incredible sense of community. They are also very Suspicious and wary of any strangers and can treat them sometimes with surprising hostility. Woe betide any who should attempt to raid or steal from these strange folk!
Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain, either a set of hedges, walls, hill, section of river, swamp, forest, or other similar item. There should be D3+1 buildings clustered in the centre of the battlefield to represent the farmstead. The battle is fought in an area roughly 4' x 4'.
Players should roll a D6 and whoever rolls highest chooses which warband goes first. This warband is deployed within 8" of any table edge the player chooses. The opponent (or opponents in the case of multi-player games) then set up within 8" on the opposite side.
special rules
Buildings: The following rules for buildings from TC 24 should be used here — Clutter, Combat through doorways and stairs and such.
Looting a Building: Any Hero that spends an entire turn within a building doing nothing else but stealing things that do not belong to him counts as having looted said building and may gain experience (see below). A Hero cannot loot a building if he is engaged in combat or the building is occupied. Each building may only be looted once.
The Frenzied Mob: As soon as a warrior from any warband approaches within 8" of a building, place D3+1 Frenzied villagers outside of the building, no closer than within 5" of the warrior. The Frenzied Mob(s) move in their own turn, which takes place after all warbands have moved. Count each Frenzied Mob as a separate group of Henchmen. At the start of its turn, the Frenzied Mob will automatically charge any warriors that are within charge range. If there are no warriors within charge range, the Mob will move so that it is always within 5" of the building it came from (ie, If a previous charge had taken it further than 5" from its parent building).
Each member of the Frenzied Mob share the same profile:
Profile | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
4 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Weapons/Armour: Members of the Frenzied Mob are armed with an assortment of farming tools, makeshift weapons and flaming torches. Each model counts as being armed with a club and a Flaming torch. They do not wear armour.
Fanatical: Because they are defending their homes, the villagers are filled with inhuman fury. They automatically pass any Leadershipbased tests they are required to take.
ending the game
The game ends when all the warband have routed, bar one.
- +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
- +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
- +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
- +1 Looting a Building. If a Hero successfully loots a building he receives +1 Experience.