62. The Watchers
Source: Town Cryer #25
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Mark Havener, et al.
Broheim notes: An Empire In Flames scenario. At least 1/2 the terrain is spooky fear-inducing woods. For each warband there is one Thing in the Woods (no details until TC28 but is presumably pretty scary) which will move randomly until within charge range then charge nearest model. Last to rout wins.
Only the most brave or foolhardy of warbands dare to explore the South-eastern Quarter of the city. Few of those that do are ever seen again, for this part of Mordheim is well known as the domain of the reviled Shadowlord. Here, the warbands of the Possessed hold the sway of power and the closer that a warband gets to the still smouldering crater left by the comet the closer they are to invite death or eternal damnation. Still, those whose greed knows no bounds or those who wholeheartedly believe that the map they have bought (or stolen) is a genuine guide to untold riches will risk their souls. One particular area of interest for the discerning warband captain, that is reputed to be overflowing with wealth, is the area under the shadow of the eastern gatehouse once populated by wizards and warlocks. The rumours go that this area is rich especially with magical artifacts although warriors are warned to be wary of the statues...
Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain either a ruined building, tower, or other similar item. The battle is fought in an area roughly 4' x 4'. Players should then place D3+1 statues (we suggest models of wizards painted to look like stone or bronze). These should be placed no closer than 8" of each other or the board edge. For multi-player games we suggest that players add an additional D3 statues per player.
Players’ should roll a D6 and whoever rolls highest chooses which warband goes first. This warband is deployed within 8" of any table edge the player chooses. The opponent (or opponents in the case of multi-player games) then set up within 8" on the opposite side.
special rules
Swag: Once you have placed the terrain, put some Swag counters on the tabletop to represent where the wizards’ riches are. There will be D3+1 counters in total. For multiplayer games we suggest that players add an additional D3 counters per player.
Each player takes it in turn to place a counter. Roll a D6 to see which player goes first. The counters must be placed within 8" of a statue, no further than 10" from the edge of the table and at least 6" away from each other. Note that counters are placed before deciding which edge the warbands will play from, so it is a good idea to put counters towards the middle of the table. Warriors can pick up the counters simply by moving into contact with them. A warrior can carry any amount of Swag without any penalty. Warriors cannot transfer their Swag to another warrior. If the warrior who is carrying a counter is taken out of action, place the counter on the table where he fell.
Statues: Unbeknownst to the warriors, the apparently harmless statues of the wizards are actually still alive, although in eternal torment. Any warrior who attempts to pick up a Swag counter must roll a D6. On the score of a 4+, the wizard has noticed them and unleashed a spell against them — roll another D6: on a 1-2 he casts a Necromantic spell, on a on a 3-4 he casts a Chaos spell, on a 5-6 he casts a Lesser magic spell. Determine the spell to be cast by rolling (yet another!) D6 on the appropriate spell list. If the spell is out of range or is simply inapropriate in the circumstances (ie, Wings of Darkness, Luck of Shemtek etc,) then consider it as miscast. The opponent may roll for the wizard to see if his Casting roll was successful, adding +1 to the attempt (it’s always more fun this way!). The statue will only ever attempt to cast a spell at a warrior once.
starting the game
Roll a D6 to see who has the first turn.
ending the game
The game ends when all the warband have routed, bar one.
- +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
- +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
- +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
- +1 per Swag Counter. If a Hero or Henchman is carrying a Swag counter at the end of the battle he receives +1 Experience.
ill gotten gains
Players may roll once on the following table for each Swag counter that they still have in their possession at the end of the game:
D6 | Item |
1 | Lucky Charm |
2 | Tears of Shallya |
3 | Crimson Shade |
4 | Dark Venom |
5 | Cathayan Silks |
6 | Tome of Magic |