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33. Lost Temple Of The Slann

Source: Town Cryer #13
Setting: Lustria
Author: Lustria Development Team
Broheim notes: Similar to Wizard's Mansion.

Long ago, when the Old Ones lived and prospered in the steaming jungles of Lustria they erected great white stone pyramidtemples in which to live and contemplate the heavens. Since their demise many of these temples have fallen into ruin with a few of the the domain of the Slann and their Lizardmen followers.

It is the temples of the Lizardmen that draw the greedy and adventurous to them like moths to a candle for they are reputed to be great repositories of arcane knowledge and, of course, gold...

For 2-6 warbands.


Each of the players takes turns placing a piece of terrain. They may place jungle trees, maneating plants, quicksand, ruins or other similar terrain features. The terrain should be set up in an area roughly 4'x6'. You should put a Building (temple) in the centre of the table. The objective is to take control of this building.


One randomly determined player is the defender representing the Warband that reached the building first. This is regardless of who has the highest Warband rating. However, if there is a Lizardmen Warband taking part, they become the defender automatically. The defender is deployed first, inside or within 6" of the objective building. The attacking Warbands are set up as normal. In addition, for each attacking Warband beyond the first, the defender rolls once on the Booty table (below) to determine the additional equipment his Warband gets to start with. Each item may only be found once. If the same number is rolled more than once, re-roll. These items represent the findings of the Warband thus far and are meant to give the Warband a chance against multiple opponents:

D6 RollItem Found
1Temple Stone Guard
21D3 doses of Dark venom
31D3 doses of Crimson shade
4Holy (or unholy) relic
5Lucky Charm
6Heavy Armour

All of the above are described in the Mordheim rules, except for the Temple stone guard. For rules on the Temple stone guard, see new items.

starting the game

Each player rolls a D6; the player rolling the highest has the first turn and order of play proceeds clockwise around the table. The attacker must set up 6" to the nearest table edge.

ending the game

The game ends when all warbands, but one, have failed their rout test. The routers automatically lose. If one or more warbands have allied, they may choose to share the victory and end the game.


  • +1 Survives: all Heroes and henchmen groups who live through the battle gain +1 experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The Leader of the winning warband gains +1 experience.
  • +1 enemy out of action. A Hero earns +1 experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

the old relics

At the end of the game the winning Warband finds all of the items on the table above which were not found before the battle. In addition, roll on the following chart to see which additional items the Warband finds in the temple. Note that you'll roll for each item separately, apart from gold crowns (or their equivalent), which are always found. For example, you will need a 4+ to find a Tome of Magic. Then roll to see if you find the Gromril Sword. Note that you roll on the table once for each Hero that you have who isn’t Out of Action. The maximum number of times you can roll is 6.

D6 RollD6 Roll Needed
D3 gems (worth 10gc each)5+
Tome of Magic4+
Gromril Sword5+
Cloak of Mists5+
Healing Herbs (D3 doses)4+
Dispel Scroll5+

new items

Temple Stone Guard:


The Temple Stone Guard is a statue of a Lizardman Saurus, created to protect the temple. The defending player gets to control the guard for this game. It will not leave the temple for any reason, even after the game. The Stone Guard may not be traded. You can use any Saurus miniature to represent the stone guard. Even one that is not painted!

Dispel Scroll: (as in Best of Town Cryer). This scroll contains a powerful counter spell. It may be read aloud immediately after an opponent has successfully cast a spell (but before results have been determined) to negate it’s effects. When used roll a D6. The enemy spell is cancelled on a roll of a 4 or more. After one use, the scroll will disintegrate and is useless. It may be traded for 25+2D6 gc.

Cloak Of Mists: Only a Hero can have this item. There is an additional -1 penalty to hit for any attacks against the wearer (close combat or missile fire). There is also a -1 penalty to Initiative when trying to spot the wearer if he is Hidden.