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85. Night Of The Dead

Source: Specialist Game's Fanatic Online
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Andy Tabor
Broheim notes: Warband members must venture to the centre of the board, grab a Wyrdstone shard and escape from the table. However, from each warband only one randomly-determined Hero and Henchman group may be on the table at any time. Each time a shard is picked up a number of random zombies attack the warriors. Continues until only one warband has any warriors still alive.

This game is for a one time multi-player game (one-off) or can be modified to be used in a campaign. Pitfightertrainer, Greenwood Gaming Group, Kawarda and myself: (BankofMarienburgh) modified this scenario from Troll 23 for a Halloween Game.

Your warband has been in the City of the Damned and has had a difficult time finding Wyrdstone and keeping your warband happy. You have recently heard rumors at local watering hole that there is a pile of Wyrdstone so large that an Ogre could not carry it all! After hearing the story over many drinks there are several warbands contemplating the idea of searching for the pile. Along with the story of Wyrdstone there are consistent stories of Demons, Zombies and Bears. Oops, I mean nefarious things that lurk in this unexplored section of town. It has been rumored that the famed “Town Cryer” of Mordheim walks the streets here.


Take turns placing terrain around the gaming table but be sure to leave an 8 inch circle open in the middle of the table. This 8” area will represent where the Wyrdstone pile is located. In placing terrain leave streets or alley ways open.


All players roll 1D6 and whoever rolls highest sets up first. If more than two warbands, please use Mordheim Annual 2002 page 27 Diagram 1. Starting models will begin 12 inches inside the table and further models to come out for the fight will start at 8 inches.

special rules

Who's In: One hero and one henchmen group will be chosen at random. Roll 1D6 for each Hero, the Hero with the highest dice roll will be the first to venture into the City. In the event of a tie, keep rolling until one Hero is the winner. Do the same for henchmen group. The rest of your war band seems to be lost in the fog for now. (Your gaming group or GM should agree what the D6 roll will represent: Captain, champion, young bloods and etc)

Visibility: In addition, the heavy fog will limit visibility to 4 inches. If you attempt to run more than 4 inches then roll 1D6 on a one (1) or two (2) the warrior must consult the chart below. On a three (3) or better on a 1D6 the warrior has no problems running. If you have a rabbit's foot you may use it to re-roll. If the model has a lucky charm they may use it to avoid a bad effect (2-8).

2Crud, AAHH!: The warrior is Out Of Action.
3Crud, Mommy!: The warrior runs full distance in a random direction.
4Crud, Ouch!: The warrior is Stunned.
5Anybody: Move 4" in a random direction.
6Crud! Ouch!: The warrior is Knocked Down.
7Whooo was that!: Stand still and listen.
8Oh, Light! I think?: Move 4" in any direction you choose.
9-10Yikes!: The warrior is treated as having failed a charge, but no other effect.
11-12Graceful Turn: The warrior dodges a fatal accident. No effect.

Getting the Wyrdstone: Each hero and henchmen must attempt to get their Wyrdstone to their deployment zone. Once a hero or henchmen group returns to their deployment zone another of the same type may leave to go search for the treasure. No hero or henchmen can return to the deployment zone unless they have treasure. If or when each hero or henchmen group returns to their deployment zone they stash their Wyrdstone and roll D6 to see who will venture back into the city. It is possible for the same group to go again but unlikely. You may continue this until all your models are Out Of Action.

We Got Company!: For each warband D3+1 Zombies will be generated around the Wyrdstone pile when a model takes some Wyrdstone. The Zombies will appear 8 inches away and will be randomized by scatter dice. The Zombies will have home court advantage; they know this area like the back of their hand, if they have one. Zombies are in search of fresh meat to eat, thus in this scenario the Zombies can charge a warband model that is 8 inches away on a 4+. Familiarity and hunger (MMM….brains) make their keenness higher. It will be possible for the Zombies to charge through the fog and DO NOT have to roll on the random counter above.

If a player does not wish to move his/her models to the Wyrdstone pile the GM may use any persuasive techniques necessary to encourage such behavior.

starting the game

Roll a D6. The player rolling highest has the first turn and order of play proceeds clockwise around the table (based on where players placed their warbands).

ending the game

When the game is down to one warband left then the winner should be determined by who has the most Wyrdstone recovered and Zombie kills. There are many options to declare the winner. Your gaming group could use these options:

  1. Most Wyrdstone recovered.
  2. Last Man Standing.
  3. Most Heroic Actions (Made up at your discretion)
  4. Most kills added with Wyrdstone recovered.
  5. The Wyrdstone is brought to safety (D6+2 Wyrdstone).
  6. Various combinations of the aforementioned and others.


  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
  • +1 Per Wyrdstone Carried Off the Board: Any Hero or Henchmen group earns +1 Experience for each piece of Wyrdstone they get to carry off the board.
  • +1 Per Zombie Taken Out of Action: Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each Zombie he/she put Out of Action.