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44. Defend the Oasis

Source: Town Cryer #19
Setting: Khemri
Author: Khemri Development Team
Broheim notes: Attackers must get more men within 6" of a well than the defenders. Defenders must cause a rout test.

Your warband has found an oasis to camp at. These finds are essential to the warriors’ survival. As you are taking a break you are set upon by another band that wish to steal your cache of water.


Place terrain in centre of 4'x4' board 12" from the edges. Rocks, trees, small buildings/ruins are great for this. One item represents a well or pool.


The warband with the lowest rating defends the oasis. If you have the same number of warriors the one with the lowest water count defends. If water counts are equal, then roll to see who defends. Interestingly Undead will defend an oasis even though they have no use for the water.


The defender deploys first, within 6" of the well or pool. The attacker deploys within 6" of any table edge.

starting the game

The attacker takes the first turn.

ending the game

If a warband fails a Rout test the game ends. If the attacking warband has more men within 6" of the well than the defender at the end of a turn then the attacker wins.


  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.


The winner may fill his water supply to the maximum. Remember that you cannot carry more water and treasure than your burden limit.

When trading, the winner may remain at the oasis (since they successfully defended or captured it), and rolls for a caravan (3+) as normal. Meanwhile, the defeated warband has to roll on the Exploration chart with a -1 modifier, (as finding another oasis would be considerably difficult).