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47. Burn the Witches

Source: Town Cryer #20
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Nicodemus Kyme
Description: Set in a huge temple which burns to the ground during the battle. Defender's Heroes must carry three relics from the temple. Attackers must stop them.

A warband is hunting amongst the ruins of a dilapidated temple of Sigmar, attempting to recover some valuable relics, when they are set upon by a rival warband intent on destroying them! Setting the temple aflame the ambushing warband advances. Escape is almost impossible as the warband within the temple is divided but it’s that or burn amongst the ruins!


The battle is fought inside the temple itself and the entire gaming area represents it. Set up within an area 3'x3' and use scenery such as broken columns, interior walls, benches, statues, altars, rubble, etc. Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of scenery.

special rules

Fire!: The temple is on fire and at the start of each player’s turn, after the first, roll on the table opposite to discover what effects the fire is having upon the battle. Roll 2D6 and add the number of turns already played, not including the first.

2D6 + no. turnsFire Effects
4-7No Adverse effects
8-9Seeping smoke — Makes it difficult to see. Ranges for shooting are reduced by half and BS is at -1.
10-12Billowing smoke — Visibility is reduced to 6", which will affect charging and shooting. Roll a D6 for each warband member. On a roll of 1 they are gripped by a coughing fit and cannot move this turn and in combat WS is reduced to 1.
13-15Lashing flames — Each warband member must pass an Initiative test or take a Strength 2 hit from the lashing flames.
16-17Crumbling Masonry — Each warband member must roll a D6. On a roll of 1 they are struck by crumbling masonry and take a Strength 4 hit.
18+Collapse! The temple collapses and all warband members still fighting are taken out of action unless they are within 6" of the table edge.

Inside the Temple: As the warbands are battling in the temple they may not flee from the board. If they reach any board edge other than the exit (see below) they merely cower and count as ‘knocked down’ if attacked.

The Relics: The relics salvaged by the defending warband are carried by three members of the player’s choice. If a warrior carrying a relic is taken out of action the victorious warrior takes the relic. This is the only way that relics can pass from one warband member to another.


The defending player sets up first in the same manner as point 2 in Surprise Attack. The attacker deploys his warband second within 6" of any single table edge. This is the exit to the temple.

starting the game

The attacking player goes first.

ending the game

The game ends when the attacking player wipes out the defenders or when the defenders manage to move three models off the exit board edge with the relics or if the temple collapses. There are no rout tests as the battle is too confined and deadly for any sort of retreat. The attackers are victorious if they wipe out the defenders or prevent three models from escaping with the relics. The defenders are victorious if they escape with all the relics.


  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Relic. Any Hero in possession of a relic at the end of the game gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Escape. Any Hero from the defending warband who manages to escape gains +1 experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.


The three relics are a Holy Tome, Holy Relic and Blessed Water. The defending player may choose which items are recovered from the temple if only some of the items are rescued. The attackers have no use for the relics whom they believe are tainted by the attentions of the defenders but can pilfer the tomb after the battle (even with it burning down!) and find D3+1 wyrdstone shards.

Sister Cellandra: Historically this battle was fought between Sisters of Sigmar and Witch Hunters. If players wish to be wholly historically accurate then the Sisters of Sigmar player may have one of their Sisters represent Cellandra. She is a standard Sister of Sigmar as in a normal Henchman (or Henchwoman) a group. She should be treated however as a henchman that has just rolled The lad’s got Talent (or should that be lass!) and as such is a Hero. Due to her ferocious nature she has +1 WS and the skill Strike to Injure. She costs the same as a normal Sister of Sigmar to hire.