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30. Island Hopping

Source: Town Cryer #12
Setting: Lustria
Author: Stephanus Cornette Broheim notes: Islands in a fast flowing river connected by bridges. Control as many as possible.

The river Amaxon splits into several small tributaries, creating many small islands surrounded by swirling rapids. These islands sometimes contain important artifacts or treasure, and must be defended.


On a 4'x 4' table, place a river so that it crosses the entire board, and its branches create several islands. There should be at least one more island than the number of players taking part in the scenario. Islands must contain at least 6" square of area. Set up at least as many bridges, as there are players in a sensible manner between the islands.


The players each roll a dice. Whoever rolls highest chooses the island to set up on, and sets up first. The other players then choose in descending order.

starting the game

All players roll a die, and the highest roller goes first. Turn sequence proceeds clockwise around the table after the first player's turn.

special rules

The objective is to control as many islands as possible by the end of the game. To control an island, you must have more standing models on it than any single enemy. The river is impassable terrain, so bridges must be used to cross from island to island. There can be no more than four models on a bridge at any time. If a model takes a wound on a bridge, it must make an Initiative test or fall into the river. If this happens, it takes an additional S3 hit and is washed onto the nearest bank.

ending the game

The game ends after six turns, or if all the warbands but one fail rout checks.


  • +1 Survives: all Heroes and henchmen groups who live through the battle gain +1 experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The Leader of the winning warband gains +1 experience.
  • +1 Per enemy OOA: Heroes gain +1 XP for each enemy they put out of action.
  • +1 Island Takeover: The Leader of a warband that controls another player's starting island at ilie end of the game gains +1 experience.