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56. Down At The Docks

Source: Town Cryer #25
Setting: Mordheim
Author: Mark Havener, et al. Broheim notes: Either a two player scenario where warbands must attempt to gain cargo crates from smugglers’ ship by carrying them off or by forcing other warband & smugglers to rout; or a a multiplayer scenario where the defending warband, along with assisting smugglers, must see off other warbands who are attempting to steal cargo.

Information is an expensive commodity in the lawless settlements that surround the City of the Damned. Through a combination of good fortune and spying, several warbands have overheard of the impending arrival of a river pirate’s/smuggler’s ship to the now deserted, crumbling quays of Mordheim. Even the toughest river pirates are loath to use the docks of the Cursed City and so they must be carrying some very rare contraband indeed. Obviously, any warband worth their salt is interested in taking the cargo for themselves. The timing of the shipment has been learnt, and as the warbands close they can see the exact location as the ship docks and weighs anchor.


Each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain, either a ruined building, tower, or other similar item. We suggest that the terrain is set up within an area roughly 4' x 4'. On one long table edge, place a long strip of blue cloth or something similar to represent the River Stir and the Mordheim quayside. In the centre of the strip of river, place a suitable model to represent the river boat (a piece of card 3" x 8" will suffice). The riverboat should be touching the landward edge of the river to show that it is docked.

special rules

messin' about on the river...

The rules for boats in Mordheim can be found in Empire in Flames in issue 24 of Town Cryer.

Voluntary Rout of the Ship. In the multiplayer and two-player games, the vessel may not start to leave the dock until the forces guarding it have suffered 25% casualties. If this should occur then the ship takes four rounds to get under way, leaving from the nearest water table edge and moving at 6" per turn.

Cargo. The goods being smuggled are in crates, half of them, already unloaded onto the docks are the other half waiting on the top deck to be unloaded. Each crate can be carried by a single model at normal move rate (no running allowed). Two models may carry a crate, in which case they may run. While carrying a crate, the model may not fire any missile weapons or use any spells. If attacked, the crate will be dropped, ready to be carried by anyone coming into contact with it. Once a model escapes off the board with a crate, it may not return. Each crate in the possession of a warband at the end of the game earns them a roll on the Cargo table below.

Should a warband rout while any of its members have crates, the goods are lost if the model is within charge range of any nonengaged opponents.

The boat has ten crates for multiplayer games and seven for two-player games.

ship's crew

The ship has a crew made up of a Captain and six Smugglers. In a multi-player game the crew are controlled by the Defending warband although they may never stray more than 6" from their ship. In a two-player game the crew have their own turn which takes place after the players. They will fire upon and or charge any warriors that come into range (of either side) but otherwise will not move.


Equipment: The captain is armed with a sword, a brace of pistols and wears light armour.

Skills: The Captain has the following skills: Expert Swordsman, Pistolier and Acrobat.


Equipment: The smugglers are armed with swords, pistols and wear light armour.

The Pirate crew increases the defending warband rating by 45, but they will surrender when they fail a Rout test (taken separately from the Defending warband).

swivel guns

Additionally the ship has two swivel guns (see below). One of these is located at the front of the poop deck, the other on the prow of the ship

Swivel guns follow most of the rules for Blackpowder weapons: Move or Fire, Prepare Shot, but have some exceptions as noted below.

Cumbersome: The user is at -1 Initiative and -1 Movement throughout the battle. Also, Swivel guns may never be fired twice per turn, or fired if the user moved, no matter what Skills the user may have.

Blackpowder Rules: The normally optional rules for Blackpowder weapons on page 164 are always in effect for Swivel guns, due to the unpredictable nature of the local materials used in their construction.

Special Ammunition

Swivel Guns use non-standard ammunition types, which must be bought for each game. Each type only lasts one game, so if it is used in a game it cannot be used again until another supply is bought. Before firing, the Gunner must declare which type is being used, if he has more than one type available in the game.

Ball Shot

Range: 36" Strength: 5 Armour Save: -2

A Swivel Gun firing these heavy lead balls can stop even a charging Ogre dead in his tracks!

Concussion: The impact of the heavy lead projectile is enough to rattle even the hardiest warrior. Treat any resulting Injury rolls of 2-4 as a Stunned result.

Chain Shot

Range: 24" Strength: 4 Armour Save: -1

These lengths of chain and linked metal don’t cause as much damage, but can entangle an enemy model and bring him to his knees.

All Wrapped Up! Enemy hit by Chain Shot which are not wounded are Knocked Down on a roll of 4+, even if they normally can never be Knocked Down.

Grape Shot

Range: 24" Strength: 3 Armour Save:

Very small pellets, rocks, metal scrap, even rock salt are poured into the barrel from prepared canisters, producing a cloud of shrapnel when fired.

**It’s Everywhere! ** lf a hit is scored, D6 other enemy models within 4" of the target and also in Line of Sight will automatically take a single hit. If the original target was in the open, no hits can be applied to models in cover though (only if the original target was in cover can hits go to models in cover as well). The closest enemy model to the target must take the first hit, then the next closest, and so on. Models in Hiding will also count towards being close to the target, and can be hit as well. There is no Armour save modifier from Grape Shot hits. Pirates know to duck out of the way when they hear a Swivel gun going off, and thus are never hit by friendly grape shot!

ending the game

The game ends when all of the warbands have routed except for one, when all of the crates have been removed from the table or if the ship leaves the table. If the defending force routs voluntarily then the ship’s crew will attempt to put under way, but the game continues if two or more attackers remain (they can still make off with crates). At the end of the game, the warband with the most crates is the winner (if two warbands have the same number then the last to rout wins). If a warband remains, it is assumed to pick up all the remaining crates (up to the number of models it has left in play) and make off with them. Those crates dropped by fleeing foes, or by casualties are not collected as they are too far away and in dangerous territory.


  • +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
  • +1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.
  • +1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
  • +1 Per Crate Stolen. If a Hero or Henchman from an attacking warband take a crate from the battlefield he earns +1 Experience.


Any crates that are removed from the battlefield may be prised open after the battle for the goods that they contain. Roll 4D6 and consult the following table:

4Gems worth 100gc. Fence value 40gc, or worn adds +1 to rarity finds. Also enclosed is a pack of Tarot cards.
5Blunderbuss and shot.
6Medicine chest, can be used as D6 doses of Healing Herbs or as a one off to allow a re-roll on the Hero Serious Injury table (unless the result was pit fight, captured, etc)
7Suit of Heavy armour.
8Elven Cloak.
9D3 shields and swords.
10-11Beer, worth 2D6 gcs per crate, on a D6 roll of a 6 there is one dose of Bugman’s Ale.
12-16Food, worth D6gc per crate, including one clove of Garlic for each member of the warband. May also include on a D6 roll of 6:
1-2. Dark Venom (1 dose)
3-4. Black Lotus (1 dose)
5-6. Crimson Shade (1 dose)
17-18Clothing, worth 2D6gc per crate including D3 sets of toughened leathers
19Luxury goods, worth 4D6gc per crate, hidden inside is (1-3) a Wyrdstone pendulum or (4-6) a set of Cathayan Silks.
20Blackpowder, worth 5D6 per crate, contains one pack of Superior Blackpowder.
21D3 Crossbows each with Hunting Bolts (same as Hunting Arrows) for one game.
22D3 Elven bows.
23Hunting Rifle.
24Suit of Gromril armour.

The Defending warband’s reward is 25gc reward per crate remaining on the battlefield.